Chapter 33 - The Royal Ball

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The day of the ball came and it was a rush. The ball was being set up in the time of 10 hours with the help of over 200 staff members including chefs, servants, and maids/butlers. They all helped but other helped as well. Those of the castle. But those of the castle mostly helped with the escorting and room placement of those from other kingdoms or realms, or from far away. This included the old Queen and King of the Deon realm and the new king of the Demon realm... a descendant of King Arthur's parents. Also included Caleb and his big family and as guests, Taylor and Ace came. The rest of the family was invited but they didn't come. Also invited was the new King of the Angel realm... a relative of Tyler without either of them knowing. The Hunan royals were invited but they couldn't make it. As for these were getting ready for their new Queen to take the thrown with her husband. The elf realm and vampire realm was a push but in the end, it was very successful. Zaylon and Ray... the kings of the elf realm came. And now the kings of the realm... Parker and Cameron came with Joseph, Akiro, and Antony. But now... it's introduction time.

Avery and Megan let Rory, Ashley, Daniel, and Zhenya do the greeting for everyone. And when their hands were full, Penny, Haru, Gem, or Royal would do so. There were a bunch of people. The first of the spotlighted people to arrive was Caleb and his family. When Rory saw the three carriages and a caravan of guards come up, she, Ashley, and Royal went over. A servant standing at the door of the stairs was there to open carriage doors. And so they did. Royal, Rory, and Ashley went down the stairs and stopped. Caleb walked out and then Melio. Caleb smiled when he saw Royal.
"Ah... Royal!" Caleb cheered. Royal smiled.
"Hey there." Royal said. In the time Caleb has been king... he hasn't gone back to the dragon realm. It was very different. And Royal never met Melio or his children. Royal bowed to them. Then did Rory and Ashley.
"It's been too long... something like 17 years?" Royal asked.
"Sounds about right." Caleb said. Royal smiled. Caleb held his hand out.
"Royal, this is my husband Melio. I married him shortly after I became king." Caleb said. Royal looked at Royal.
"Nice to meet you, King Melio." Royal said.
"Melio... this is Royal. Uhm... Ah- you know my brother Ace? His husbands brother is married to Royal here. So relayed through marriage." Caleb explained.
"Ah, nice to meet you." Melio said. The next carriage pulled up.
"And now my children." Caleb chuckled. First to come out was Gavyn. He helped Micah out of the carriage. Then Henry walked out with Austin and Roger. The final carriage rolled up and Nathan, Bailey, Elizabeth, and Crystal came out.
"These are my children and these two are Gavyn and Roger." Caleb introduced. The 9 kids didn't respond. Caleb sighed and turned to his children.
"My children, that is Princess Rory of the dragon realm." Caleb said. And then they all bowed to Rory.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Rory said. Royal pulled his hands out and clapped twice. And then five servants came out.
"Alright, since the abundance of people joining us..." Royal started but he stopped. He remembered something.
"Kids 18 and under will be sharing rooms. So we assigned each room by age groups." Royal finished as he lifted his head.
"The ball begins at 5. It is 3 now. I'll give each of you your rooms now." Royal said as he looked at a paper.
"King Caleb and King Melio, you two will have a room together, room number 5R. The royal suite." Royal said, handing a key to one servant.
"Right this way, my kings." The servant said kindly as they bowed their heads. Melio turned to his children.
"Behave!" Melio said strictly before he left with Caleb and the servant.
"Prince Micah, you will have a room for yourself, room number 107." Royal said.
"With my lover." Micah said, taking Gavyn's hand.
"That's fine." Royal said as he handed a key to the next servant.
"Right this way, my prince. The servant said. Micah and Gavyn followed the servant.
"Now... Elizabeth, Bailey, and Crystal... you three ladies will be sharing a room with Lidia and Hira. In room 201." Royal said, handing a room key to a servant. The servant bowed to the princesses.
"Follow me now, princesses." The servant said gently. The three girls followed the servant.
"And finally, Austin, Nathan, and Henry. And I assume otherwise with Roger. You four will be sharing a room with Jace, Dillon, and Natasha. Room 234." Royal finished as he handed a key to a servant.
"Please allow me to guide you all to your room, my princes." The servant said. And they followed. The carriages were brought to a book storage unit for carriages and wagons while the caravan of guards were seen to the barracks. When the next group came up, Royal was the only one there. But it was fine because it was Taylor and Ace. Caleb has sent a carriage down for them so that they could look presentable. The servant opened the door and Taylor came out. He helped Ace out. Royal smiled and he started down the stairs. Taylor and Ace looked up and saw Royal. They smiled.
"Hello Royal." Ace said softly. Royal got to the bottom and he bowed his head. Taylor crossed his arms.
"Where is Reo?" Taylor asked.
"Ah, he's helping around inside. He's excited to see you both. So is Ash. He's inside helping too." Royal said. Ace hugged Royal.
"It's been awhile. You missed the last two visits." Ace said. Royal returned the hug.
"Ah yeah, we've been busy at the castle. Reo was gonna go by himself but he didn't want to go without me." Royal said. Ace pulled away.
"Typical Reo." Taylor said. Royal smiled and he clapped his hands. One servant came up.
"You both will be in room 60. The ball is at 5 so you have about two hours to prepare." Royal said as he handed a key to the servant. The servant bowed his head.
"Please follow me." The servant requested before he left. Ace and Taylor both followed.

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