Chapter 31 - Aster x Jace (Part 2)

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      Four months later...

They were in class. Irumi continuously hit his head on his table. Daniel and Jace were staring at him nervously. Hira was sleeping. And Aster was the only one listening to the lesson. Even though he already knew what the lesson was. It's been 7 months now. Aster always had breakfast with either Jace or Irumi. And in that time, Aster had found a way not to reveal his eyes. So out of everyone, only Hira really knows. Lane stopped the lesson and shut his book. He tossed it on the table. Everyone looked at Lane immediately. Hira woke up and sat up.
"Alright! Everything we've learned today will be put on a test tomorrow!" Lane said strictly, glaring at the class. Hira's eyes widened in shock.
"Seeing as how the class must be boring you all, you'll answer everything on the test correctly." Lane said strictly before he sat down. Irumi slammed his head on the table.
"Oh a second note, you all have five months left till you graduate. You'll all be emitted to the school in the kingdom and you'll start classes as soon as classes fill up. Schedules are being made by my son Mizura since he's tends to be good at organizing shit. Otherwise, within the five months, you have two available breaks. The first break is next week. You all can go home and rest you little asses since it's a holiday and all. And second, in three months, Queen Avery and Queen Megan are holding their ball of the year that they host once a year. And I'm involved so classes will not be held for the whole week. Understood?" Lane explained strictly. Hira grinned.
"A ball you say?" Hira snickered.
"TEST! There's a test Hira!" Jace yelled, tossing a book at her head. Aster watched the book barely miss his head and hit Hira. Hira dozed. Aster turned to Jace. Jace groaned and hit his head over and over again.
"Class dismissed." Lane said as he stood up and left. None of them moved at first. And when they did, they went right up to Aster.
"YOU TOOK NOTES!" Hira cried. Aster flipped his papers down and leaned back in his chair.
"Come on Aster! Share with us!" Irumi pleaded. Aster didn't faze.
"Please Aster! You already know everything. You don't need the notes." Daniel said quickly. Aster crossed his legs.
"I sure am thirsty." Aster said. Daniel, Irumi, and Hira's eyes widened and they quickly left to get Aster his favorite drink that only Ian's cafe had. Jace stood there. Aster looked at Jace. Jace sat down in Hira's seat and turned around. He put his arms down on the table. Aster squinted at Jace.
"No drink?" Aster asked.
"You are about to get three of them." Jace said.
"Maybe I want four." Aster said, crossing his arms.
"And I want the notes before them." Jace said. Aster rose and eyebrow.
"And what shall you give me in return?" Aster asked.
"Nothing because I'm your friend." Jace said. Aster blinked a couple times before he flipped his notes back over. Jace smiled. Aster turned away.
"Don't stop being my friend." Aster said. Jace nodded and he began to copy the notes. He finished and then talked to Aster for a bit. And that's when Daniel, Hira, and Irumi stumbled in with Aster's drinks. They set them down on the table. Aster smiled.
"Thank you." Aster said, grabbing all three drinks. He gave the three the notes and he stood up. Jace did too.
"What one?" Aster asked.
"Sure." Jace said, taking one of the drinks. Aster held his two drinks as he walked off with Jace. Haru and Elijah were waiting for Jace at the entrance. Jace stopped before it.
"Ima go talk to Haru real quick. I'll see you at the room." Jace said. Aster looked at Jace and nodded. He walked by himself now. Jace went to Haru and Elijah. Haru saw Jace. Elijah frowned.
"I'll see you at home." Elijah said, kissing Haru's cheek. Haru nodded and Elijah left. Jace looked at Haru.
"If you are lucky, you might not get sent to some wacky ass prep school in the East." Haru said. Jace smiled.
"If I'm lucky." Jace said.
"If." Royal said. Jace flinched and turned to Royal. He frowned. Haru looked at Royal. Royal crossed his arms and walked up to Jace.
"You lied about something that was crucial." Royal said strictly. Jace gulped and he looked down.
"I... I didn't mean too." Jace mumbled.
"Uhm, yes you did." Royal said strictly. Jace trembled and he looked down.
"I couldn't say the truth." Jace said. Haru froze. Royal grabbed Jace's arm.
"You are going to Avery." Royal said strictly. Jace trembled and Royal pulled him off. He dropped his drink. Haru trembled worriedly. Aster was half way to the room when Royal pulled Jace up the stairs.
"I'm sorry!" Jace yelled. Aster flinched and turned around. He looked at the stairs and watched Royal pull Jace up the stairs. Aster frowned. And then Haru ran up the stairs. Aster stared at the stairs and then he looked down.

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