Chapter 59 - Silas x Taeko

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Present... Silas sat in silence as he was still surrounded by Micheal's field of magic which was too strong for Silas to break out of. So he stayed calm to collect himself and find more power. He was on the ground with his eyes closed. He was concentrating. The other three men were crying, yelling, or trying to kill themselves with their shoe strings. The door opened and Melio walked down the stairs with Kain and Damon. Micheal and Red followed behind.
"Ok... these two get the death penalty." Melio said as he pointed at the man trying to kill himself and the one yelling. Micheal and Red stayed near the entrance.
"This one will be sent to maximum prison." Melio said, pointing to the man balking his eyes out. Then Melio turned to Silas.
"Micheal, Red. What do you think?" Melio asked. That made Silas open his eyes. He looked at Micheal. His eyes were blood red for a moment then they went back to normal. Micheal's eyes were pierced on Silas's. Then Silas stood up.
"Kill me." Silas said strictly. Micheal immediately noticed that this man was not the Silas he knew.
"I can do that now." Red said as she held her hand up. Silas grinned. Melio frowned.
"He didn't cause anyone harm except for Devin and Miz. And even then, Devin forgive him." Melio said. Silas turned to Melio.
"That boy forgave me?" Silas asked.
"He said you were like him." Melio said.
"Fuck that! Kill me." Silas yelled as he went to reach forward. Instead, the field of magic stopped him. He glared at Micheal. Micheal turned to Silas.
"What do you think, Micheal?" Melio asked. Silas trembled. Micheal glanced at Melio.
"I know what he would dread. His weakness is something he'd never share." Micheal explained. Silas looked confused until Micheal grinned and turned to Silas. Silas's eyes widened and he quickly went to untie his shoes.
"I'll kill myself before I ever return to that dreaded island!" Silas screamed as he tied his shoelaces together to make choking subject. Red snapped her fingers and the laces disappeared.
"NO! MICHEAL, NO!" Silas screamed in pain. He was already suffering. Melio was confused. They were all confused.
"How old is he?" Red asked as she turned to Micheal. Micheal stared at Silas.
"He's just a year younger than me... we grew up together." Micheal said. Silas trembled as he saw Micheal's merciless eyes pear into him. He shook his head no.
"JUST KILL ME!" Silas screamed as he hit the field of magic. He started to cry. Micheal turned to Red.
"Take him to Karmacasoula Island and put a field around it. Once which only Silas is affected by." Micheal said. Silas fell to his butt and he grabbed a knife in his boot. He went to stab himself in the heart but Micheal snapped his fingers and the knife was gone. Silas was freaking out. Red nodded.
They did just that. Red, along with a caravan of wolf guards traveled to the south coast where ports were ready to transport Silas to the island which he hated his whole life. He was no longer in Micheal's field of magic but in Red's field of magic which was extraordinarily different compared to Micheal's and Silas had no clue how to crack in. He was screaming and yelling the whole way. After several traveling days, the boat went to the port. The guards got off the boat and surrounded the area around the port to keep others away. Reminder, the island was no longer able to make those immortal. Red lifted Silas up and carried him on land. The islanders had come close to see whether the boat had shipments of food or not. But instead they got a show of Silas and Red. Red when she was away from the water enough.
"IS IT SO HARD TO KILL ME?! ILL JUST KILL MYSELF HERE!" Silas screamed in anger as he tried to get himself out of the situation he was in. His screaming was loud. Those whom knew Silas before were shocked when they saw him. Red tilted her head.
"But we want you to suffer... hm..." Red muttered as she looked around. Silas screamed more then Red clapped.
"I have it!" Red cheered. An islander with brown white skin, red hair, and green eyes watched Silas scream. He grew excited and ran to his home.
"DAD! There's some guards here and there's a witch whom I've never seen before. Plus, there's some crazy dude screaming for the witch to kill him." The boy laughed. The boys father walked out of the kitchen.
"Yeah?" The man asked. Another man walked out with the father. It was Taeko. Taeko looked the same but he didn't feel like it.
"Sounds dramatic." Taeko said.
"Let's go see then." The father said.
"Yes yes!" The boy cheered. They started for the ports. Red grinned.
"If I just curse you to never die, you wouldn't be able to kill yourself. Nor could someone kill you." Red said strictly.
"Fuck you! What's the point of living if I'm back here?!" Silas screamed. Then Red snapped her fingers.
"To rot?" Red laughed. She had placed the spell on Silas already. He couldn't ever die unless Red were to die. Then Red closed her eyes. She turned towards the boats and clapped her hands. She spread them slowly until Silas's eyes only could see a large dome around the island. That was the barrier to keep Silas inside for the rest of his life or if his punishment is lifted one day. Then Red smiled. Right as she smiled, the small field of magic around Silas disappeared. But it didn't matter because he was now stuck in a different, much bigger field of magic that would be unbreakable because Silas has no clue who Red was or the kind of magic she learned. He trembled and slowly fell to his knees.
"You fucking bitch." Silas said.
"On the contrary, you tried to kill my queens good friends. And attempted murder on royalty is treason." Red said then she went to the boat. Silas stood up quickly and ran after Red. Red stepped on the other side of the dome and Silas ran right into it. He was merely just stopped. Red turned around and waved goodbye.
"Have a good everlasting life." Red said as she got to the boat. Then the boat released the mass.
"YOU BITCH! GET BACK HERE!" Silas screamed loudly. The boy from earlier ran across the hill and laughed when he saw the ship sailing off.
"ARE YOU TOO AFRAID TO FIGHT ME?!" Silas screamed. Red tilted her head and snapped her fingers. The father and Taeko came over the hill and looked at Silas. Taeko's eyes widened immediately. Then Red came out of nowhere and grabbed Silas. She hit him hardly. Silas fell to the ground in pain.
"FUCKING BITCH!" Silas screamed in pain and anger. Red smiled and snapped her fingers.
"Sayonara, Silas! Rot in hell!" Red cheered.
"I HOPE YOU AND MICHEAL DIE!" Silas screamed as he tried to leave. He wasn't going anywhere. Taeko was so... so very confused. The islanders stared at Silas in shock. Silas grunted.
"Fine then, I'll go find a way to kill myself somehow." Silas complained as he turned around. Then he froze. He saw people he never thought he'd see again.
"Silas?" A woman questioned. Silas blinked.
"Uhm, nah— it's— no. Library? Yes." Silas said awkwardly as he rushed to the village center. The village hadn't changed even a bit. Except the population was a bit different. Taeko watched Silas rush off quickly.
"Who the hell is that?" The father asked. Taeko blinked.
"Hmm, an exiled man?" The boy questioned.
"But he yelled Micheal's name. He knows Micheal Mel?" The father questioned. Taeko was frozen in shock.
Silas rushed to center village and looked for the door to the library. A man walked up to Silas. Gavin actually.
"It's not there anymore. It was relocated." Gavin said. Silas turned to Gavin and squinted at him.
"Oh fuck off. I couldn't give a fuck what you think." Silas said. Gavin grinned and snapped his fingers. Silas was lifted off the ground in a chokehold.
"I heard you wish death on my son." Gavin said strictly. Silas was not struggling. He was actually trying to help Gavin kill him. Gavin saw this and dropped him. Silas looked at himself and groaned.
"Damn it!" Silas muttered.
"Are you cursed?" Gavin asked.
"Yeah. Yeah I am. Because of Micheal! He couldn't just kill me! He had to send me back here!" Silas screamed on anger as he stood up.
"Now where the fuck is the library so I can figure out how to break this damn curse and kill myself.?" Silas asked strictly. Gavin tilted his head and he started to laugh.
"I like my sons thinking. Have a good day, Silas. By the way, did you know Taeko still lives here?" Gavin asked as he walked away. Silas flinched. He slowly frowned and blinked a couple times.
"I... I don't care." Silas mumbled as he started to look for the library. Gavin ended up spreading the word on not telling Silas where the library was relocated. Silas went around the entire island about 20 times by the time night came. He grinned as he felt a breeze of winter. He stayed out all night hoping he'd die of natural causes. He sat outside on the sand waiting. It did freeze over the night but it didn't affect Silas. In the morning, he sat up slowly with a nasty glare on his face. From afar, Red and Micheal watched him.
"You were right." Red said.
"He absolutely hates that place. Plus, his ex fiance is there. That'll make him mourn in embarrassment." Micheal snickered. Red smiled.
"Let's go home them. Your wife probably misses you." Red said. Micheal nodded. They left.
Silas stood up and looked at every tiny spot to find the hidden library holding all the magical books of the people. Silas avoided the village though, incase of seeing someone he knew before... or seeing Taeko. Silas looked under rocks and stumps. After awhile, he started to get angry. He hit his head against a rock at least a hundred times. Nothing. He also decided to jump off cliffs into rocks. Not even a scratch.
"FUCK!" Silas screamed loudly. He just laid there in silence thinking. He looked at the sun and then his stomach growled. He blinked.
"Hmm... how long does it take to starve to death...?" Silas questioned. He quickly climbed back up the cliff and ran to the village. He ran into a store.
"Ey! How long does it take to starve to death?" Silas questioned quickly. The man at the counter was Silas's old boss. They both flinched.
"Silas?" The man questioned. Silas squinted at the man.
"How long does it take to starve to death?" Silas asked. The man frowned.
"3 days? Why are you in need of food?" The man answered. Silas went to the door.
"Nah! I'm actually hoping I'll starve to death!" Silas said with a fake smile as he walked out of the store. He turned forward and he ran into someone. He flinched when he saw the blonde hair. He blinked. Taeko's eyes widened. Silas blinked a couple times and looked at Taeko. His heart dropped. Silas remembered Taeko's beauty. He trembled. Taeko's eyes were on Silas's.
"Silas?" Taeko mumbled. Silas lost it.
"Yeah, no let's not do this." Silas said before he walked around and rushed off to go see if he could die of starvation. Taeko watched Silas run away. No one would see him for three days when he wasn't dead. Silas was staring at the sun as he laid back on a sword.
"Yo sun god, gimme a sign." Silas complained. Then a boy ran up to him. The same boy from before.
"Are you dying?" The boy asked.
"Yes, so fuck off." Silas complained. Then the father ran after the boy. That was when he saw Silas. He flinched.
"Oh god! Are you ok?!" The father asked worriedly.
"No, mentally no. Just leave me alone to die in peace." Silas said.
"Ok... let's go there and practice shooting." The father said. Silas looked up quickly and saw the bow and arrow in the father's hand.
"HEY!" Silas yelled. The father and son stopped.
"I'll pay you to shoot me." Silas said. The father and son's eyes widened and they rushed off. Silas rolled his eyes.
"Fuck you guys too." Silas complained. He stood up, pulled the sword out and went to the village again. He ended up walking up to each person he saw and offered to pay them if they would kill him. Everyone declined. Silas was at a dead end. He rubbed his head as he walked towards the port. He walked down the docks until he couldn't anymore. He looked at the water that seemed deep enough. He was holding a heavy rock he quickly barely hold. When he grabbed the rock, Taeko was sitting at the port docks tossing stones into the water. He was at the very end which Silas couldn't get to. He heard Silas mutter as he lifted the big rock. Taeko turned around and saw Silas. He frowned and got up.
"Silas?" Taeko spoke as he walked towards Silas. Silas looked at Taeko and he groaned.
"Yes?" Silas asked. Taeko looked at the rock.
"What are you doing?" Taeko asked awkwardly. Silas smiled and looked at Taeko.
"I'm trying to kill myself. What are you doing?" Silas asked. Taeko flinched.
"W-what?" Taeko questioned. Silas rolled his eyes and then he stepped off the dock. He immediately fell into the water, being dragged down by the rock. He put the rock on his lap and sat at the bottom of the water. He sat there for a good ten minutes when he gave up. He started back up and once he reached the top, he screamed.
"FUCKING HELL!" Silas screamed as he sat there in the water. Taeko stared at Silas in shock. Silas turned to Taeko and squinted at him.
"Why are you still here? Didn't you assume I was dead?" Silas complained. Taeko was confused for sure.
"I wanted to talk." Taeko mumbled. Silas sighed.
"It's inevitable." Silas said as he swam to the dock. He lifted himself up and sat on the edge. Taeko slowly sat down next to him.
"So?" Silas asked. Taeko turned away.
"How are you?" Taeko asked. Silas scoffed and laid backwards.
"I'm horrible, thank you. And you?" Silas answered. Taeko frowned.
"I thought you said you were never coming back?" Taeko questioned. Silas turned to Taeko.
"You think I chose to come back? No! This was fucking Micheal's doing. Instead of killing me, he said this would be more punishment." Silas scoffed in anger. Taeko smiled.
"I haven't seen Micheal or Mary for nearly 100 years." Taeko said.
"More had I until last week when they wanted to interfere with my life and send me here as punishment for the wrongs I've done." Silas complained. Taeko frowned.
"And I haven't seen you for more than 120 years." Taeko said. Silas frowned.
"Well, are you married now? Got kids? Did you leave the island.?" Silas questioned out. Taeko stared at Silas.
"No to all of those questions." Taeko said. Silas smiled like stuck up little shit.
"Of course you didn't. Why would you? Your mother still here?" Silas asked. Taeko looked at the water.
"No, she killed herself." Taeko said. Silas flinched. He looked at Taeko.
"I'm sorry-" Silas muttered. Taeko nodded.
"How'd she die?" Silas asked. Taeko sighed.
"She buried herself alive." Taeko said. Silas grinned.
"Oh, that's something different. I should try that." Silas said as he stood up. He went to go start a hole.
"Silas." Taeko spoke. Silas stopped and turned to Taeko. Taeko trembled and he stood up.
"I missed you." Taeko said. Silas's face lightened up slowly.
"You shouldn't have." Silas said. Taeko frowned and watched Silas leave.

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