Chapter 46 - Nathan x Maki (Bailey+Katiya)

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Two months later; the Wolf Kingdom:

Nathan was snuggling his pillow. He was sleeping in when he wasn't supposed too. His tail wrapped around his body and he was under blankets. He heard his door open and his ear twitched.
"Are you still asleep?" Someone spoke. Nathan opened his eyes slowly.
"Ugh, Maki! I'm tired!" Nathan squealed as he pulled the blankets over his head. The person who walked into the room was Nathan's personal servant and has been since they were both 13. Maki is the same age as Nathan. Both 18.
"I thought you weren't supposed to sleep in today?" Maki said as he walked to the window.
"I change my mind." Nathan said with a muffle. Maki rolled his eyes and he turned to Nathan.
"I'm not gonna get fired for not letting you get up, am I?" Maki asked. Nathan groaned and pulled the blanket off his head.
"What time is it?" Nathan complained. Maki chuckled and grabbed the glass of water and plate off the side table.
"It's 8 in the morning. I told you this before. I always come at 8 and leave at 10." Maki said. Nathan watched Maki set the glass of water and plate on a tray next to the door. He stared at him.
Maki is a Feya wolf so he's pretty attractive to most. He has light purple hair, elbow length, that is always put up in a bun from what Nathan has always saw. But Nathan has only even seen Maki at the castle. Never outside of the castle unless he runs errands with himself. He has white skin and light brown eyes. And he wore the servants outfit.
"Maki, isn't it your birthday soon?" Nathan questioned. Maki was folding Nathan's extra blankets.
"No. I just turned 18." Maki said, turning to Nathan. Nathan blinked a couple times.
"Right! Last year!" Nathan said.
"Stop it." Maki said.
"See, I need sleep. I'm too sleepy!" Nathan squealed as he hid under the sheets again. Maki squinted at Nathan and then he turned away. He walked over to the window and looked out at the village.
"It's spring you know. You and Henry like to go around looking at the new imports during this time." Maki said. Nathan lifted his head back up.
"You of all people know that Henry is on his honeymoon." Nathan said. Maki grinned and turned around.
"Ah, there's your memory. Looks like you aren't that tired. Up you go now. I have a limited breakfast time from 8:10 to 8:15 and I still need your bed cleaned and so for your windows and pick out your outfit... and doing your laundry, wiping your tables down, water your plant— you know what, whatever." Maki complained before he went to Nathan's closet.
"What color are you wearing today?" Maki spoke out. Nathan got up and tidied up his bed to help out Maki.
"Yellow or green? Dark. I'm depressed today." Nathan spoke out.
"Liar." Maki said. Nathan rolled his eyes.
"You should show me how to make the bed like you do so I can help you out." Nathan said. Maki walked out with an outfit and handed it to Nathan.
"Well, maybe later. Your breakfast is in 30 minutes. Change so I can fix your hair and face." Maki said as he went to the bed. Nathan took the outfit chosen and he went to put it on. Maki made the bed and then went to the window.
"Can I have braids today?" Nathan asked as he brushed his hair out. Maki was cleaning the windows.
"That's fine. Fix your face first." Maki demanded.
   Maki finished the windows and made his way to Nathan. He grabbed Nathan's wrist and grabbed his watch. He glanced at the watch. 8:21. Maki sighed and put the watch on Nathan's wrist. And then he grabbed a pen and ink.
"Listen up now, you have two meetings today. One with Mr Petler for looking over the fair regulations at 10:30. And the second is with your fathers council meeting at noon. And afterwards, you have one class to attend for an hour with your uncle Carson at 1:00." Maki said as he wrote the times down on Nathan's lower arm beside his watch in small writing.
"Yup, yup, and yup." Nathan said. Maki smiled and pat Nathan's head.
"Good boy." Maki said before he started putting a couple small braids in Nathan's hair. Afterwards, Maki quickly wiped down the tables, desk, and dresser tops and he waters Nathan's plant. All while Nathan grabbed his folders for each meeting he had. Maki looked at the watch on Nathan's wrist and sighed.
"Right on time. Gimme those, and let's get you to the table." Maki said. Nathan looked at Maki as Maki took his folders and opened the door for him. Nathan looked at his watch time and looked at Maki.
"Didn't you say your breakfast was from 8:10 to 8:15?" Nathan asked.
"It's alright. You were lazy today." Maki said. Nathan frowned and walked out of the door. Maki followed and then shut the door. He walked with Nathan all the way to the table. Nathan got to his seat and Maki went to the servants quarters and just then the bell rang. Everyone at the dining table stood up.

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