Chapter 2 - Lucious x Zhenya

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Logan walked up to the castle drawbridge followed by Lucious and Miguel. The guards let them into the castle. The castle remained the same. However, the people inside it changed. Quin and Yimo finally left for good. Arthur and Jay left to retire in their own villa to run themselves out in the north. Tyler and Fox also left but not the kingdom. Just the castle. And Caroo retired. Replacing Caroo in the mentor position was Hunter. Queen Avery was in the office with Hunter, Royal, Gem, and River sitting by her side. At the wall was Skipp, Anjoserio, Clover, Piper, and Yizen. When Logan, Lucious, and Miguel walked into the castle, Jax had went up to the office to tell them. Outside the office was Atlas, Mateo whom were at their posts and Luna and Ren were there to overhear the meeting going on. Jax walked over and looked at Atlas.
"What's going on?" Jax asked curiously. Atlas looked at Jax and he touched his waist. He pulled him closer.
"It's a meeting on the next generation ages of shadow guards because there are over 10 children older than 16 wanting to join. But Pluto and Dominic really wanna start now." Atlas explained.
"Mm- I see. Well, Logan is here to see River and Anjoserio and I hear they are both in here." Jax explained. Atlas kissed Jax's forehead and nodded.
"Goodluck." Atlas said. Jax knocked on the door and stepped in after opening it. He bowed his head to Avery and then he turned to River.
"Prince River, your 8 o'clock meeting." Jax announced. River stood up from his chair, bowed to Avery, and held his hand out for Jose. Jose walked over to River and took his hand. He bowed to Avery as well.
"Check on my wife and how my children are doing." Avery requestioned.
"Alright." River said. Then the two left and Jax went with them.
Logan stood waiting in the ballroom with Lucious and Miguel. Jax walked down the stairs with River and Jose.
"Ah, good morning Logan." Jose said. River stopped walking and glared at Logan. Logan held his hands out.
"The guards took everything." Logan said. River sighed and walked up to Logan with Jose.
"Good morning." Logan said.
"Morning." River said. Logan bowed his head to River. So did Lucious and Miguel.
"You wanted to meet?" River questioned. Logan lifted his head.
"Just some business with Jaqu." Logan said. Miguel flinched and he rose his head. He looked at Logan in shock. Lucious lifted his head and frowned. River glanced over at Miguel. Miguel flinched again and he bowed quickly.
"Alright..." River said, looking back at Logan. Logan turned to Miguel and Lucious.
"Go on. No trouble." Logan said. Jose quickly glared at Lucious.
"You leave my son alone." Jose demanded. Lucious smiled and nodded.
"Mm, before we go... let's head to the training room. I need to check on Princess Rory and a Prince Daniel." River explained.
"Alright." Logan said. Lucious and Miguel tagged along. Mostly because they wanted to see Dominic and Pluto in a fight. When they got to the training room, it was an open training for anyone of the castle to use. Ryke was there with Ramon and Duke. They were both teaching Pluto and Dominic. On the other end, Megan, Henry, and Karon were trying to teach Rory and Daniel self defense. Rory was 14 now and Daniel was 12. River popped his head in and looked at Megan. He nodded and left. Lucious and Miguel stayed and looked in the training room.
"Aww no fighting." Lucious said. Miguel looked at Lucious then sighed.
"You wanted to see Zhenya. Let's go find him." Miguel said before he walked off. Lucious smiled and followed Miguel quickly. They went up the stairs and to the second story where Zhenya's bedroom was located. Zhenya is River and Jose's oldest child whom is 17. Their other child is named Penny and she is 13. Miguel walked up to a door and made Lucious stop before the door. He knocked but there was no response. Lucious frowned and started to look down. And then he flinched. Penny was standing right in front of Lucious. Miguel turned to Lucious then to Penny. He flinched. Penny smiled and crossed her arms. She leaned on the doorway snickering.
"He's not at the castle today. But even if he was, he wouldn't wanna see your assface." Penny said with a laugh at the end, talking about Lucious. Lucious frowned. Miguel squinted at Penny.
"Your father acted as if he were here though." Miguel said. Penny flinched and she looked at Miguel. Lucious smiled.
"Ok, what do you want?" Lucious asked. Penny squinted at Lucious.
"I want to marry Miguel." Penny said.
"Done. Where's Zhenya?" Lucious asked. Penny smiled with a gasp of joy.
"Library!" Penny cheered.
"Yes!" Lucious said, rushing to the library. Miguel blinked a couple times.
"Was I just... bargained off?" Miguel questioned.
"Yup!" Penny cheered as she went to hug Miguel.
"Yup!" Lucious said as he grabbed Miguel's arm and pulled him with.
"GET SCAMMED!" Lucious yelled out. Penny's jaw dropped.
"I HOPE YOU DIE!" Penny screamed.
   When they got close to the library, they started to walk.
"So... have you ever talked to Zhenya before?" Miguel asked. Lucious looked at Miguel.
"A couple times. I said excuse me as I passed him in the hall and he would smile. Or when we were at the dining room, I bumped into him and we said sorry at the same time. Oh! Or when we saw each other in the markets, I said hi and he said hi in return." Lucious listed off things that were absolutely stupid. Miguel stopped and turned to Lucious. Lucious stopped and looked at Miguel.
"What?" Lucious questioned.
"How do you know if you like him if you don't even know him or talk to him?" Miguel questioned. Lucious smiled.
"Well, you don't like Jaqu just because he talks to you, do you? Cause I think that would be fucking annoying. I've just seen him enough to know that I like him." Lucious explained as he looked down happily.
"Elaborate." Miguel said. Lucious looked up at Miguel's face.
"When I was 15, I was in the village with my mom and uncle Logan when we happened to pass Zhenya. Zhenya was sitting next to this homeless man caring for him... he was trying his best to help him. And another time about a year later, I saw Zhenya playing with children half his age so that they would be able to have fun. And there are many other things he's done that just made me... love who he is." Lucious explained. Miguel chuckled.
"You are weird." Miguel said. Lucious smiled. Miguel went on walking and Lucious followed. When they got to the library, they walked in together. Zhenya was reading a book. He was huddled in a corner sitting on a chair reading while his legs were up on the chair next to him.
"Zhenya." Miguel spoke. Zhenya's eyes glanced up at Miguel then to Lucious. He shut the book slowly and set it down. He turned to Miguel and smiled.
"Hey Miguel." Zhenya said. Lucious was extremely nervous and very red from blush.
"Hey! How are you?" Miguel asked as he walked over to the table.
"I'm fine. And you?" Zhenya asked.
"Mm... I'm well. I got back together with Jaqu." Miguel said. Zhenya titled his head a little.
"You have him a chance again... you know he wouldn't kiss someone else without a reason- he's is just really-" Zhenya started to ramble, trying to justify Jaqu's passed actions.
"Dumb. He's very dumb. I know. We all know." Miguel said, glancing back at Lucious and then to Zhenya. Zhenya looked at Lucious then back to Miguel.
"So you forgive him?" Zhenya asked. Miguel nodded. Zhenya smiled.
"Oh thank god." Zhenya said. Miguel smiled and then turned to Lucious. Lucious was very nervous. Miguel turned to Zhenya.
"Anyways, I wanted you to meet my cousin. He's been around the castle a couple of times." Miguel said, pointing over at Lucious. Zhenya stood up and looked at Lucious.
"I believe I've seen him around before." Zhenya said. Miguel nodded.
"That's what he said when he was pining over y-" Miguel started to say but then he shut himself up.
"I mean— he's seen you around as well." Miguel said. Zhenya stared at Miguel now. Lucious blushed in shock as he stared at Miguel.
"Uhm— Anyways. My cousin Lucious. Lucious, meet my friend Prince Zhenya." Miguel said. Lucious stepped forward a little and bowed his head.
"Nice to meet you, Prince Zhenya." Lucious said. Miguel smiled. Zhenya stared Lucious almost with a glare. And Miguel saw this. It worried Miguel that Zhenya might dislike Lucious already.
"Anyways... I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out with us today. My father came to speak to years and I feel as though it'll be awhile so I was wondering if you wanted to join us in the kingdom." Miguel explained. Lucious was eager to know Zhenya's answer. Zhenya's glare was glued to Lucious.
"That's fine. Let me go to my room and retrieve my coat." Zhenya said. Miguel smiled.
"Ah, I'll wait by the exit. Lucious, you should escort Zhenya to his room so he can get to know you." Miguel cheered happily. Lucious smiled. Zhenya picked up his book and walked around the table.
"That would be.. just great." Zhenya said strictly, turning to Lucious. Lucious immediately frowned. Zhenya left and Lucious followed. Miguel squinted at them as they left. When they got out of the library, they walked towards Zhenya's bedroom. Once they rounded the first corner, Zhenya stopped and turned to Lucious.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Zhenya yelled. Lucious quickly grabbed Zhenya's hands.
"Shh..." Lucious shushed. Zhenya pulled his hands away and glared at Lucious.
"What are you doing?!" Zhenya asked in a quiet yell. Lucious smiled.
"I wanted to actually be with you in public ok... I thought you'd like it." Lucious said. Zhenya glared at Lucious still.
"Maybe if you hadn't stuck your dick inside of me several times! What would people think if we just got along so well right out of the blue?! They'd know!" Zhenya said strictly, starting to walk again.
"I want us to be more than a hookup, Zhenya." Lucious said. Zhenya stopped walking. He stood still for a moment and turned to Lucious.
"Huh?" Zhenya questioned. Lucious looked at Zhenya  and took his hands.
"Zhenya, I really like you. And yes, the sex is amazing but I want to do more than that with you. I want to take you out on dates and have fun with you." Lucious explained. Zhenya's face went red and he turned away.
"I—" Zhenya was out of words. He looked at Lucious hesitantly. Lucious stepped closer to Zhenya. Zhenya looked up at Lucious worriedly.
"What do you say?" Lucious asked as he touched Zhenya's cheek. Zhenya trembled and he blushed a lot. He opened his mouth to answer him.
"No." Penny spoke. Zhenya and Lucious turned to the left down the hall. Penny, Jose, and River were standing there all glaring at Lucious. Lucious gasped and quickly hid behind Zhenya.
"Zhenya, leave the rodent behind." River said calmly. Zhenya sighed and started to walk towards his family. But Lucious grabbed his hand. Zhenya stopped walking and turned around to look at Lucious.
"I do really like you, Zhenya. Yes, I can be a douchebag sometimes. And I know your family doesn't like me. But you do, I believe. So please. Let's try... us." Lucious pleaded, asking quickly before his fathers would have the chance to beat his ass. Zhenya stared at Lucious. He started seeing his past family. Zhenya quickly pushed away and turned to his parents. He trembled and he rushed over to them. He quickly bowed his head to River.
"Please d-" Zhenya started to plead.
"Zhenya, we aren't gonna leave you." River said. Zhenya trembled. Lucious frowned and looked down.
"Scram. Logan is waiting downstairs." Jose demanded. Lucious sighed and he turned around. He left. This happened all the time. He chose his family over Lucious. And the reason? Well... when Zhenya was 7, his parents weren't the greatest. They did a lot of unresponsive things around Zhenya and even to Zhenya. But Zhenya loved them because they were his parents. But one day, his parents abandoned him because they didn't like him. So they up and left. And this traumatized Zhenya when he was immediately forced to move to a foster home. And each foster family would leave him in the hands of another each time. He is scared he'll be abandoned all the time now. And he can't help but feel that way, even though River and Jose would never do that. River and Jose don't want to keep Zhenya from loving someone, they just don't want Zhenya to love someone that might leave him, only to worsen the trauma. And Lucious knew this. But he always kept trying. But it just wasn't gonna happen that day.
    A week later: Zhenya and Jose walked through the kingdom markets with Jaqu waddling along with them.
"So... what are we getting again?" Jaqu asked. Zhenya shut the book her was reading in his hands and he turned around. He walked backwards as he hugged his book up against his chest.
"We aren't getting anything. We are helping father get a present for papa and his anniversary." Zhenya explained. Jaqu squinted at Zhenya. Jose chuckled but then something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He stopped in his spot and turned to a market place. Zhenya and Jaqu looked at Jose.
"What is is father?" Jaqu asked. Jose blinked a couple times then he walked over to the market. Zhenya and Jaqu watched Jose walk into a armer. Then they turned to each other.
"Mm... odd." Zhenya said. Jaqu shrugged. Then there was laughing out down the street. Jaqu turned to the laughing and he smiled.
"Haha!" Jaqu laughed before he took off down the street quickly. Zhenya watched Jaqu rush off. But he only frowned when he saw where he went. He went down the street right across from Matthew and Ian's cafe. Lucious and Jordan, Jordan is Tobias and Mateo's son, we're being tackled by Pluto, Jadah, and Shawn. Pluto is Theo and Ryke's son. Jadah is Matthew's little brother Onyx's son. And Shawn is Onyx's twin brother Yin's son. Jordan's older sister Nalina, Royal's oldest son Haru, and Miguel were all standing at the side watching and laughing. Jaqu ran up behind Miguel and hugged him.
"Good morning!" Jaqu cheered. Miguel smiled and turned to Jaqu.
"Good morning." Miguel said. Jaqu smiled and kissed Miguel's neck little before he went and laughed at Lucious and Jordan get beat up.
"What did they do this time?" Jaqu asked.
"Oh no... it was all Jordan and Lucious. They started a fight in front of the cafe." Miguel said.
"Yeah and when Matthew saw it, he sent Pluto, Jadah, and Shawn at them." Haru explained.
"We are just here because we were walking with Jordan. And Miguel was with Lucious. They got into a verbal fight anc it turned to violence." Nalina explained as she laughed a little.
"And now they are getting there asses beat!" Haru squealed. Jaqu laughed.
"Now now. Not to violent. Zhenya is over there watching." Jaqu said. And then everyone stopped. Even the fight. They all looked at Jaqu.
"Zhenya is watching?! If he sees this, he could report it to the castle!" Pluto said worriedly, standing up quickly. He rushed back to the cafe. Jadah and Shawn stood up.
"We could get in trouble!" Jadah said nervously. The two left quickly. Jordan and Lucious looked at Jaqu.
"Zhenya...?" Lucious questioned.
"Yupp!" Jaqu said happily. Lucious stood up quickly and looked around until his eyes locked onto Zhenya. And Zhenya the same. Lucious looked at Miguel and Jaqu. Jaqu nodded his head but Miguel shook his head no. Lucious turned back to Zhenya. Zhenya was still looking at him. He finally just looked down at the ground. Lucious trembled and he rushed to him. Jaqu, Miguel, Haru, Nalina, and Jordan watched him run off. Lucious slowed down as he got closer to Zhenya. Finally, he stopped right next to Zhenya.
"Zhenya." Lucious said.
"Go, Lucious." Zhenya said. Lucious looked at Zhenya and then he saw Jose in the background. He frowned and looked at Zhenya.
"Zhenya." Lucious said.
"I said go, Lucious." Zhenya pleaded, looking up at Lucious. But then he froze. And his cheeks went red. Lucious touched Zhenya's cheek.
"Zhenya, do you-" Lucious started to speak.
"I don't want to hook up tonight, Lucious." Zhenya said. Lucious immediately went silent. He slowly pulled his hand away and he looked at Zhenya.
"I don't want to hook up, Zhenya. I want to go on a date with you." Lucious said. Zhenya trembled and looked at Lucious.
"I can't. If I do that, my fathers might abandon me." Zhenya said. Lucious shook his head no.
"They wouldn't do that. They love you Zhenya. Just as I do. Please go on a date with me." Lucious pleaded. Zhenya stared at Lucious for a moment.
"I— no. Please stop asking. Goodbye." Zhenya said as he turned his head away. Lucious's hands fell to his side and he stared at Zhenya in shock. He began to tremble and his eyes started to fill with tears. He stepped back a couple steps. Zhenya heard this and turned back to Lucious. His eyes widened and he froze when he saw the tears. Lucious trembled a bunch now and he turned away. And he left quickly, rushing over to his friend group and hugged Jordan. Jordan flinched and looked at Lucious.
"Ew, get off me you piece of shitty l-" Jordan started to insult Lucious but then he went silent when he saw the tears. He immediately frowned.
"Lucious-" Jordan said worriedly. Miguel frowned and walked up to Lucious.
"Lucious? What happened?" Miguel asked. Lucious didn't answer. Zhenya slowly looked down. And from afar, Jose watched the entire thing happen. And he heard it all as well. He frowned and walked over to Zhenya.
"Shall we head home now?" Jose said as an act. Zhenya blinked a couple times and he looked at Jose.
"Yeah... uhm— Jaqu went to see Miguel so... yeah." Zhenya said awkwardly. Jose nodded as an alright.
"Let's head off then." Jose said. Zhenya looked at Jose.
"What did you find for father?" Zhenya asked, looking at the bag in Jose's hand. Jose smiled.
"Mm... something he'll like." Jose said nicely. Zhenya looked up at Jose then down at the ground as he walked. He was thinking about Lucious's face again. And his tears he cried. He closed his eyes in regret for making the decision he had just made.

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