Chapter 13 - Jordan x Berry

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   In the dragon realm: two months later...
Toby and Mateo were awake and making breakfast together. Nalina had left for work already. Jordan was asleep. Toby looked at Mateo while Mateo made his lunch.
"Are you gonna take Jordan today?" Toby asked.
"Hell no." Mateo chuckled. Toby rose an eyebrow.
"Why not?" Toby asked. Mateo looked at Toby.
"Because today is the current shadow guards training day. You know how Jordan gets when he sees Berry." Mateo said.
"If you don't take him, he'll just come on his own later." Toby said.
"If no one tells him that the shadow guards are training today." Mateo said, as he leaned closer to Toby. Toby smiled and he blushed. He leaned forward and pecked Mateo's lips. Mateo blushed and then he put his arms around Toby's waist. He leaned forward and kissed Toby. Toby returned the kiss.
"Ew." Jordan said. Toby and Mateo turned to Jordan quickly. Jordan just woke up and he was a mess. He was glaring at Toby and Mateo.
"Anyways, I heard Berry's name." Jordan lightened up.
"Fuck." Mateo said. Jordan smiled.
"Gimme ten minutes!" Jordan cheered, rushing to his room to change. Mateo quickly grabbed all his things, kissed Toby goodbye, and left quickly.

    By the time Mateo got to the castle, he was just glared by me cause in some way, Jordan got there before him. He looked as if he were awake the entire time.
"I said 10." Jordan said.
"Fuck." Mateo said. Jordan smiled.
"Lets go!" Jordan said nicely. Mateo walked into the castle in defeat and Jordan followed. They went to the training room where everyone was at except Berry. Ezra, Timothy, Jonas, and Olivia were all in line waiting for Mateo and Piper. They all turned to Mateo and Jordan when they walked in. Ezra and Olivia frowned.
"Damnit, we lost the bet." Ezra complained.
"What bet?" Mateo asked as he set his bag down on the bench.
"The bet that we all made. Olivia and Ezra bet that Jordan wouldn't come today. Me and Timothy bet that Berry wouldn't hit Jordan in the head with a pan." Jonas explained. Jordan flinched and he looked at Jonas. Mateo lifted his head up and then he turned to Jordan quickly. Then there was a large bang sound and Jordan dropped to the floor unconscious. Everyone watched Jordan fall to the floor. Berry was grinning, glaring down at Jordan with a pan in his hand. They all looked up at Berry. Berry flinched and he looked up at Mateo. He smiled and tossed the pan behind him to get rid of the evidence.
"Berrajiino." Piper said strictly. Berry turned around. Piper had caught the pan. Berry smiled and turned back around.
"Not sorry." Berry said as he walked over to the line with his other teammates. Piper shook her head in disgust then looked at Mateo. Mateo was staring at Jordan. And then Ezra, Jonas, Olivia, and Timothy gave Berry his winning money from the bet.
"Alright." Piper said. Everyone turned to Piper. Mateo sighed and walked over to Piper.
"You know the drill, 10,000 pushups." Piper demanded, clapping twice. Everyone got down and started. They had a full training session until they were excused. They didn't have another training session until next week. Mateo watched Berry leave. He had walked up to Jordan and stepped on him as he walked away. Piper sighed.
"What does Jordan see in him? He's not exactly lovey towards him..." Piper said awkwardly. Mateo shrugged. And Berry went home.
"Berry is a young shadow guard still. He is 19 in a couple months. So once he matures, he might change." Mateo said questionably.
"Yeah right. Berry is downright evil." Piper said.
"God... this 3 year crush has got to stop." Mateo muttered as he walked over to the bench. He grabbed his bag and shook Jordan awake. Jordan opened his eyes and then he felt his head hurt. He touched his head and sat up.
"Ow— what happened?" Jordan questioned.
"Easy answer. Berry hit you on the head with a pan for money. Still crushing on him?" Piper asked.
"Berry made time to use on me?! Where'd he go?" Jordan asked quickly. Piper and Mateo's jaws dropped. And then Phillip walked in.
"Uhm, Berry just punched Jax in the face." Phillip said. And then Jordan left quickly. Jax's had pinned Berry to the wall when Jordan walked out. He looked at Berry. And Jax saw him. He grinned.
"Ah, now that's a great way to punish you." Jax said before he pushed Berry into Jordan's arms. Berry lifted his head up and he saw Jordan.
"SHI-" Berry started to leave then Jordan stopped him.
"Oi! You hit me in the head!" Jordan said.
"Your welcome." Berry said before he pushed Jordan away from him. He glared at Jordan. Jordan put his hands in his pockets. Berry turned away.
"I'm going home." Berry said.
"Can-" Jordan started.
"No!" Berry yelled, glaring back at Jordan.
"Everytime I bring you to my home, you always end up getting me in bed and fucking me! Not today!" Berry said strictly before he started walking away. Jordan just stood there and watched Berry leave. He looked away and then he smiled. He glanced back over and he saw Berry stop. Jordan snickered and walked over to Berry. He took his hand as he walked passed him. Berry was in defeat and he let Jordan drag him off to his house. They stopped at the house door. Berry took out his keys and he went to unlock the door. Jordan took Berry's hand and stopped him. Berry flinched as he felt Jordan's other arm wrap around him. He blushed.
"We don't have too. I'm perfectly fine with just talking or spending time with you." Jordan whispered. Berry's heart began to pound. He unlocked the door and he walked in. Jordan walked in and shut the door. He looked at Berry. Berry had walked into the kitchen and he rubbed his eyes. He leaned back in the main counter and his heart couldn't stop pounding. Jordan walked up to Berry.
"You seem tired today." Jordan said.
"Shut up." Berry said strictly as he looked up at Jordan. And that's when it cracked. The resistance. Berry stared at Jordan's lips. Jordan walked up to Berry slowly and he put his hands on Berry's waist. And then Berry blushed. He put his arms around Jordan's neck and he kissed him. Jordan returned the kiss automatically and he lifted Berry up on the counter. He leaned forward and made no gap between his and Berry's body. And then he lifted Berry off the counter and carried him to the bedroom while kissing him. He set Berry on the bed and he took his coat off. Berry pushed his shoes off and then Jordan leaned over Berry, kissing him. Berry returned the kiss as he undid Jordan's belt. Jordan had bee undoing Berry's shirt will kissing him. Jordan sucked on Berry's tongue and then lifted him up a little to slid his pants off. Berry took Jordan's belt off and pulled his pants off. Jordan pushed Berry back and then he lifted one of his legs up over his shoulder. And then Jordan began...

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