Chapter 44 - Mathias x Jinx

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We all know that Mathias was head over heals for Robin. Yes. But it didn't work out. In fact, it didn't work out for Robin to be exact. Robin was debt bound now and he had no money to fix it so he was forced to leave for a better economic village. And that messed up Mathias a bit. But when Vixxy explained it his situation to him, he was understanding. He really did like him. But they were pretty different on the age group compared to most so it's fine. But this all happened seven months ago. Everytime they enter the village, Vixxy, Drew, and Lincoln are always pointing out people that Mathias could hit on. Mathias never took it. Loyal till the end?

Mathias heard a thump outside his room and then he heard a loud scream from outside. He stood up from his desk and walked outside. He quickly determined that it wasn't a thump he had heard but lightning crashing across the sky. And it was Taylor who screamed because he was staring out over at a tree a couple hundred yards away. It was on fire. It had been struck by lightning.
You see, this family had perks and passes about the land they live on. It was great for seclusion, outdoorsy shit, hiding, and safe. But passes— lightning storms. Their homes were treehouses and houses connected to trees. See the connection? They very rarely had lightning storms and when they did have them, it wasn't very safe to be out and about. Or in treehouses. Another one cracked across the sky and that made everyone come out of their homes. They looked up at the sky as another tree was hit by lighting about one hundred miles away. Another thing— you NEVER wanna be in the forest or woods during a lightning storm. It's bad. Nikzander held his hand up and felt the breeze.
"Alright, it's coming right at us." Nikzander said.
"And I smell rain." Andrew said.
"How long?" Leo asked.
"The winds only traveling slow. But the rain is coming quicker." K'vo said.
"Alright! PACK SOME CLOTHES. Get to the damn village!" Taylor yelled out. No one hesitated. They rushed in, got some clothes in their bags, and left quickly. They made sure to lock all the houses up and before they left, Jules put a small spell on all the houses making the property safe from robbers and thieves. Then they left. When they got to the village, they daughter shelter in the main villa which was owned by Zokijiro and Jade. They lived there for the time being together while they tried to sell the place. It was passed down to Zoki because he was the oldest. Kelly could have stayed too but she didn't wanna.
They walked to the mansion and were welcomed right away. Mathias shared a room with Vixxy, Xiromi, Drew, and Lincoln. He stared out the window which looked out over the village. He watched lightning continue to boom across the sky and hit trees near where the treehouses were.
"It'll be a lot of money to fix the houses if they are hit." Vixxy said. Drew and Lincoln went to Mathias's side and looked out the window too.
"No, it'll suck is what it will be. If lightning even strikes one of the trees near our site, it'll cast a fire and wipe the rest out too." Lincoln said, sitting down on the window sill.
"Depressing." Drew said as he hugged Lincoln.
"Pretty much." Lincoln said. Mathias rolled his eyes.
"Will you two stop being loveydovey?" Mathias complained as he started to turn to them. But then he stopped. He watched another bolt hit the sky. It was dark because of the clouds but that bolt of lightning lit up the streets. There was a person staring up at the sky... and dancing. Mathias blinked.
"There's someone out there—" Mathias mumbled. Lincoln and Drew quickly looked outside. Vixxy and Xiromi looked outside too. Then a bolt hit. It lit the sky and revealed the person dancing outside.
"They are dancing-" Vixxy muttered.
"Did they get hit by lightning?" Mathias asked.
"Suicidal." Xiromi said.
"No, no— there's a saying that if you brave danger, you aren't a coward. They might be proving themselves is all." Lincoln said.
"Weird." Drew said.
"It's pouring too." Vixxy muttered again.
"Let's just rest. We don't get to very often so take it up." Xiromi said. They agreed. Mathias went to go to his bed but then he saw another bolt. He turned to the village and he saw the person dancing. It was a young man with dark black hair, pale skin, and his eyes were a dark color, to far to see from where he was at. But he was smiling and not scared at all. Mathias smiled a little and went to bed.

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