Chapter 55 - The Problem

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"There are seven royal children of the kings. The twin princes have a total of three children. That leaves 10 children of the royal family to your picking. I'd prefer you to pick of the seven royal children of the kings though. It'll be easier for you to steal the throne and kill the kings." A man spoke to a young woman who sat in her seat tied to the chair.
"Let me tell you a bit about them... starting with the oldest. Micah. He is presently 22 years old and he is a Feya Wolf. He is well mannered and very responsible. And he gets things done. Henry. He is presently 21 years old and he is a Grey Wolf. He is very humorous and he always trying to make another smile, in some way, shape, or form. Austin. He is presently 21 years old as well and he is a Snow Wolf. He is quiet around those he doesn't know and he's pretty nervous for the most part." The man explained calmly as he counted out how many people he's said so far with his fingers
"Then Bailey. She is presently 20 years old and she is a Black Wolf. She's confident, she only relies on the people, and she hardly has anything to do with the castle. Nathan is also 20 years old and he is a Tree Wolf. He gets along with basically everyone he has ever met, seen, or heard of and he's very nice and protective too. Crystal. She is 19 years old and an Alphian wolf. She's quiet, shy, responsible, but not very smart. And she loves to be around her cousin Miz." The man continued on as he walked in circles around the young woman tied to the chair. Then that man stopped.
"Avoid Elizabeth, the youngest of the family. She's smart and rascally, but because of that, she's a great pretender and she could sniff you out of a crowd of a million. She's almost 19 and she's a Maroon Wolf. Watch your back with her." The man spoke out strictly. Then he took the woman's chin strictly. The woman flinched and looked at the man.
"Do you understand your mission, darling?" He man asked strictly.
"Have me kill the kings after winning a royals heart... you are horrible." The young woman mumbled in anger.
"Remember what's at stake though... if you don't do this, you lose your parents. Now... get a move on... Lady Rix." The man said strictly before he cut the binds which held her to the chair.

    Three weeks later; at the castle: Elizabeth sat in her class listening to Carson for her lesson. She found herself bored out of her mind. She looked at Crystal. Her eyes were glued to Carson as she listened. Right as the glass ends, she would be gone, out to go see Bella. Their six month anniversary was in a week and she was excited. Nathan and Bailey no longer took that class so it was just Elizabeth and Crystal. Elizabeth looked up at the clock on Carson's table and she smiled. Elizabeth knew where she was going next. Carson set his paper down.
"Alright, class excused." Carson said. Elizabeth and Crystal quickly grabbed their stuff and left. Elizabeth watched her sister and her newly assigned guard leave the castle. And Elizabeth went towards the training area. It was empty. Except for Bailey and Katiya. Katiya went to hit Bailey and stopped because Bailey stopped her, spun her and pulled her to her chest. Katiya laughed and kissed Bailey. Elizabeth leaned on the wall and watched her sister and sister in law have fun together. Bailey took Katiya's hand and then she saw Elizabeth.
"Hey there." Bailey said. Katiya looked at Elizabeth and smiled. She waved. Elizabeth walked over to the two of them.
"My tilurn." Elizabeth said. Katiya smiled and looked at Bailey.
"Are you gonna lose?" Katiya asked. Bailey looked at Katiya.
"Nah." Bailey said.
"Yeah... yeah she is." Elizabeth said as she walked up to the long stakes. She grabbed tow and tossed one to Bailey.
"A brag." Bailey whispered to Katiya. Katiya smiled and walked over to the side where she'd be out of the way. Bailey spun the king stake in his hands as she watched Elizabeth walk near her. Elizabeth held the stake behind her and then she spun it over to her left hand. She spun it with her left.
"See, what did I say?" Bailey laughed. Katiya watched closely. Elizabeth and Bailey were pretty good at this. And they don't go easy on each other just because they are sisters. They practice like this because they want to protect their siblings. Though, most of their siblings have protection, it's not much. Micah and Austin would probably be fine because they have Gavyn and Roger. But Henry and Nathan have commons for lovers. Not much. And Crystal too. Bailey and Katiya are both pretty good with a sword to protect each other. And Elizabeth has only her siblings to protect. But in the end, it was a draw because Devin came into the training area with a demand from the kings, requesting all his children to come to the dining room. So they left and Bailey made sure Kayiya stayed by her side. They entered the dining room where Micah was protesting to have Gavyn stay by his side. The same for Henry, trying to keep Luke at hand held distance. But the guards and servants were ordered to have just the children in the dining area. Maki left Nathan's side and walked up to Henry.
"He will just be upstairs on the next level." Maki said kindly, as he directed Luke to the stairs. Henry frowned and crossed his arms. And then Cherry directed Gavyn to leave so Gavyn had no choice but to leave. This left Micah pissed. Bailey noticed this and watched even Roger being ushered out. She took Katiya's hand and guided her to the area which the guards were gonna lead her if she had retaliated. Crystal was forced into the dining area right afterwards and her ears were down. Elizabeth looked at her sister and walked to her.
"Crystal?" Elizabeth questioned. Crystal looked at Elizabeth.
"They want to put us on lockdown." Crystal spoke.
"What?!" Austin, Henry, and Micah yelled. They were officially the only ones in the entire dining room. Just the seven children of the kings.
"Wait hold up... I'm confused. Dad went to the southern villages to check on those recent destructive mountain slides just a week ago. Why would father put us under a lockdown?" Nathan spoke in confusion.
"Well, its not just you guys." Devin spoke as he walked down the stairs with several other servants leaving behind him. The children grew frightened. And then Maki rushed down the stairs in confusion.
"I know Maki, but it is what it is. Sorry Katiya." Cherry spoke softly as she led other servants and visitors out.
"Woah, woah... wheres Maki headed?" Nathan asked quickly as he pulled Maki to his side.
"Nate, King Caleb-" Maki started.
"Don't." Carter demanded as he walked down the stairs quickly. Xian and Carol were forced down too afterwards. And soon afterwards, Carson, Joshua, and Jacob and Charlie were forced into the room right afterwards. And then Wayd and Thomas were pulled into the rooms from outside of the castle. Nathaniel walked down the stairs slowly with Leah and Kara. And that's when they let Gavyn, Roger, and Luke back in. They all looked worried.
"Why can they stay but Maki and Katiya cant?" Bailey asked in anger almost.
"They are not direct family through blood, marriage, or childfated." Nathaniel spoke softly.
"Then why isn't Miz here?" Crystal asked as she looked around.
"He's taking Devin to his direct family to keep him safe from accusations." Roger spoke.
"God fucking riddles! What happened?! What going on? Where is father?" Micah asked strictly as Gavyn quickly took his hand to calm him down. They all went silent. Nathaniel frowned and turned to Leah. Leah looked at the family then to Carter and Carson. The twins frowned.
"Your father, King Caleb's caravan was raided in a setup strike and he was severely injured. We called your grandfathers by mail but who knows if that was intercepted. And it is the same for Prince Jason. We hope that Prince Ace will hear from Miz and Devin and will come to us. Otherwise, Micah has to take the role as king." Leah finally blurted out. And this was so much that the children had no reaction.
"Where's father?" Elizabeth finally spit out. Leah looked up the stairs.
"When he received the news of King Caleb being held in a common central village nursery, he broke down. Your father refuses to leave the office until he knows King Caleb is here safe and sound." Cherry explained. Crystal finally started to cry and Elizabeth took her arm to comfort her.
"Why does that leave us under lockdown, then?" Nathan asked strictly, still fighting for Maki to stay.
"Because this wasn't the first one. Early this morning, the castle of the Human Realm and Vampire Realm had the same thing. Queen Brooklyn was headed back to her main castle after she went on village welfare checks. She was raided similarly to Caleb and her castle was raided right afterwards. The same happened to King Parker in the Vampire Realm. The vampire castle was more fortunate as the guards were on standby for Parker's return. So if this pattern continues, the castle is next." Carter explained strictly. He was frustrated.
"Then who the hell is getting our dad back to the castle?" Bailey asked strictly.
"We sent out a caravan to get him." Carson said softly.
"Why weren't we notified about this earlier? And is our dad even ok?!" Henry asked worriedly. The twins looked down and they frowned. The seven went silent.
"Is being held up in the castle the best thing for them though? Maybe we should send them Ace wand Taylor's camp. It's safe... ish." Cherry asked confusedly. The seven looked at each other then they looked at Micah. Micah turned to Leah.
"We wanna see father." Micah demanded. Leah frowned and she had no say. She moved out of the way. Micah walked and the other six followed. Nathan and Bailey ordered Maki and Katiya to stay and legally, that meant they couldn't leave. So they didn't. Micah walked up to the office door and just barged in. He pushed the door open to see Melio pacing back and forth mumbling to himself. His ears were down and his tail was lifted up just a little bit. He obviously had tears in his eyes, occasionally looking at the window.
"Father?" Micah spoke. Melio stopped pacing and looked at the door. He saw Micah.
"Micah—" Melio started but Micah moved to the side to show all his children there. Melio's tail fell to the ground and tears dropped down his cheeks.
"I don't know what to do." Melio mumbled before he went to collapse in tears. Henry and Micah quickly caught him. The other 5 looked terrified.
"You are the king. Just do what you think is right." Crystal said. Melio trembled and covered his face.
"I'm no king without your dad. I'm a commoner!" Melio cried as he began to freak out.
"Nathaniel sent out posts to Uncle Ace and our grandfathers." Elizabeth said nicely. Melio looked at Elizabeth and he trembled. He covered his face again and then the pressure finally caught up to him. He fainted.
"Father!" Crystal and Austin cried. Micah, Henry, and Nathan quickly caught up to him before he could fall to the ground. The scream alarmed everyone downstairs.

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