Chapter 48 - Lynn x Sakura

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Six months later: Lynn was standing next to the bar, making a laugh for someone who just gave her a joke after she set a coffee down in front of them.
"Hunny, who's the owner?" A woman asked to Lynn.
"Ah, the owner is my brother Gwen. He's right over there." Lynn said as she pointed out where Gwen was.
"Aww, your older brother gave you a job?" Another woman asked.
"Nah, I work for free. Why would I take money from my brother? And we are the same age." Lynn said. One woman whom was sitting next to the window in the corner was drinking a coffee while looking out at the snow covered trees. She looked cozy. She didn't need the table. She had squeezed up to the booth corner and lifted her knees to her chest. As if she was trying to be small. But she was also very beautiful. Her hair was thick, you could tell, and it was a light yellow color. She had bangs on the sides of her head which looked forced. And she has light pink eyes and white skin. Clear too. Her hair was pulled into a messy look braid which sat on her shoulder. Why so much detail, because for the last ten minutes, Lynn had been staring at her. Bayz walked up to Lynn.
"Do you have any rose coffee?" Bayz asked as he set a tray down.
"Yeah." Lynn said as she set a cup down on the tray without taking her eyes off of the woman. Bayz looked at Lynn then he turned around. He looked at the woman and he smiled. He turned back to the woman and he smiled. He lifted the tray.
"Y'know... I think it's your break time." Bayz said. Lynn blinked and glanced to Bayz. She grinned. Bayz snickered. Lynn walked over to Gwen.
"Can I buy a singular heirloom rose?" Gwen asked as she held out some coins. Gwen looked at his sister.
"You don't need to buy it, Lynn. You know that." Gwen said.
"Well I am." Lynn said as she forced to coins into Gwen's hand. Then she picked up one singular heirloom rose. The heirloom rose was a pink and yellow rose. She walked over to the woman and sat down across from her. The woman looked at Lynn. And then Lynn held out the rose.
"For you." Lynn said. The woman looked at the rose and she smiled. She took the rose.
"Thank you very much." The woman said. That woman's smile made Lynn blush.
"Uhm... I'm Lynn. I work here— well sorta. I volunteer since it's my brothers place." Lynn said awkwardly. The woman smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Lynn. I'm Sakura." The woman introduced.
"Ah....! That's a lovely name, Ms Sakura." Lynn said. Sakura smiled.
"And what do I have the pleasure of your company for?" Sakura asked with a nice warm smile.
"I needed a reason to strike up a conversation. You come here often." Lynn said. Sakura turned to the table and set her drink down.
"You wanted to have a conversation with me?" Sakura asked. Lynn scoffed.
"When you see a beautiful woman walk in now and then, anyone would wanna have a conversation with her." Lynn said nicely. Sakura blushed.
"You are too sweet." Sakura said. Lynn crossed her arms and sat back.
"How old are you?" Lynn asked. Sakura sat back as well.
"I am 19." Sakura said.
"Mm... that's perfect, I can take you on a date." Lynn said. Sakura tilted her head.
"You are asking me on a date?" Sakura asked.
"If you accept." Lynn said. Sakura chuckled.
"You don't know anything about me." Sakura said.
"That's what the date is for." Lynn said. Sakura smiled.
"You are a funny girl." Sakura said.
"Funny girls with beautiful ladies. That's a match for reality." Lynn said. Sakura leaned towards Lynn.
"Is that so?" Sakura said.
"One way to find out." Lynn said. Sakura but the bottom of her lip for a moment.
"Ok, what would we be doing on this said date?" Sakura asked.
"Depends, what's your favorite thing to do?" Lynn asked. Sakura thought about the questioned.
"Sightseeing." Sakura said.
"Then that's what we'll do. Of course, it'll end up with me taking you home, and you planting a kiss on my left right cheek. Only for us to hug and see each other the next day all googly eyed." Lynn explained fully. Sakura immediately started to laugh.
"Now I'm interested. What time?" Sakura asked. Lynn smiled and she pulled out a pen. She grabbed the napkin next to Sakura's cup, and she wrote on it.
"1 P.M. this Friday." Lynn said as she slid the napkin to Sakura. Sakura smiled and grabbed the napkin. She folded it and then stuck it into her pockets.
"Alright then, we'll meet here?" Sakura asked.
"Mhm." Lynn said. Sakura smiled.
"Lynn." Bayz squealed as she was bombarded by woman interested in him. Lynn and Sakura looked over at Bayz.
"Ah, duty calls. See you soon, Sakura." Lynn said as she stood up.
"As will I to you." Sakura said. Lynn nodded and walked over to Bayz.

   About an hour later... Sakura was still sitting and enjoying the view of the snowy trees when a man ran into the shop. He rushed up to the counter.
"Hey!" The man yelled. Everyone turned to the man. When Sakura did, her black tree wolf ears dropped. Gwen, Bayz, and Lynn were behind the counter. They looked at the man.
"Are you sleeping with my girl?! Or you?!" The man screamed as he pointed to Gwen then to Bayz.
"Why didn't you ask me?" Lynn complained.
"No, we didn't. We don't even know who your girl is." Gwen explained. Sakura stood up quietly after putting money down under her cup. She slowly walked towards the door.
"Uh huh! Sure you piece of shut! Fight me like a real man! Own up to your fucking actions!" The man screamed in anger. He hands looked strained and he was definitely mad.
"Who's your girlfriend, sir?" Gwen asked.
"Fucking Sakura Evans! I got her across the face and now she's avoiding me. And I here she comes here often where young men are at her aid?! She's a slut!" The man screamed in anger. Lynn squinted at the man then she looked over at the table Sakura was sitting at. No one was there. She crossed her arms and turned to the man.
"I've never heard of her sir." Gwen said as he forced the man out afterwards. Lynn didn't believe the man. She was confused for sure, but she didn't believe him...

Friday: the shop was closed. Lynn walked to the shop and sat on a bench in front. She waited for a bit. And then Sakura walked over. She had heals on, her hair was up, and she had a sweet little dress on which a cute matching trench coat to go with it. Lynn saw Sakura and she blushed. She stood up. Sakura looked nervous.
"You look beautiful." Lynn said. Sakura smiled and blushed.
"Thank you." Sakura said.
"You ready for our date?" Lynn asked. Sakura nodded. And then they both left. Lynn took her up a small mountain that had a clear path. After a bit, she gave Sakura her shoes and she walked barefoot while holding Sakura's heals. When they reached the top, there was a wooden platform that overlooked hundreds of thousands of new blooming cherry blossom trees and at the time of day, the sun was in the perfect spot. There was also chairs, a table, and a basket on top with food and drinks inside. Also, there was a couple blankets beside the basket.
"Welcome to our date." Lynn said. Sakura was in awe. She slowly walked to the edge and looked out at all the beautiful trees.
"Oh my..." Sakura mumbled.
"You like it?" Lynn asked as she pulled a chair out for Sakura.
"Like it?! Oh Lynn dearest! I love it! It's so beautiful!" Sakura cried out in awe. She turned around quickly and her dress spun. She had a bright smile and she looked at Lynn. Lynn smiled and blushed.
   They ate, had some drinks, and then they sat together under the blankets since it was freezing. But they had each other and the blankets to keep them warm. Sakura stared as the sun slowly began to set.
"I bet you bring all the pretty girls up here." Sakura said.
"You're the first. And most likely the last. When I real women in, I don't stop." Lynn said as she touched Sakura's chin. Sakura looked at Lynn and blushed. Then her ears tilted.
"Uhm... about that man the other day..." Sakura mumbled.
"The liar?" Lynn questioned. Sakura's ears lifted and she looked at Lynn.
"How'd-" Sakura started.
"My fathers taught me how to decipher between a lie and a truth." Lynn said. Sakura sighed.
"Well, for one, he's not my boyfriend. Never has been. He asks me out a whole lot, he has jealousy issues, and he he's under the false reality that we are dating. And when I reject him, he ends of hitting me out of anger. Or even wringing my neck." Sakura explained.
"That's horrible. Why haven't you told the sheriff or the village security?" Lynn asked worriedly, pulling down Sakura's scarf a bit to see the bruises.
"That's the thing— he is the village security. We met when I reported a crime and we were friends at first." Sakura explained. Lynn looked at Sakura in shock.
"Oh shit..." Lynn said. Sakura shrugged.
"The pain of being beautiful?" Sakura said as she admitted her beauty was the problem. Lynn shook her head no.
"A blessing. No one respects blessings anymore." Lynn said. Sakura blushed. They looked each other in the eyes and stared.
   They got together in the end and because so, Sakura had protection from Lynn's entire family.

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