Chapter 27 - Lix x Cyper (Part 2)

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For the next week, Cyper has been a large flirt with Lix and Lix's reactions only made Cyper fall for Lix more. Till the point where he'd started to love him. Lix was reluctant but he was to a point where he knew he had the same feelings for Cyper as Cyper does for him.
A night, sometime during the week... Lix was laid down in bed against the wall. Cyper walked into the bedroom and shut the door.
"What did Aster need?" Lix asked mumblingly. Cyper walked over to the closet and changed into his night clothes.
"His glasses broke and he was stuck looking down all day to hide his eyes." Cyper explained as he took his shirt off. Lix looked over at Cyper and flinched when he saw Cyper's muscular body. Cyper turned around as he fiddled with a shirt.
"Why do you ask?" Cyper asked. But then he saw Lix's reaction. Lix was looking at Cyper's body. Then Lix flinched. He looked up at Cyper. Cyper grinned. Lix blushed and turned away. He tucked himself in the blankets.
"Just curious." Lix said. Cyper snickered and tossed his shirt to the side. He put his night pants on and walked up to the bed. He laid down and scooted towards Lix. And he hugged him from behind to snuggle him. Lix blushed.
"Don't touch me." Lix mumbled. Cyper put his body against Lix's body and slid his hand up Lix's shirt. Lix's eyes widened and he blushed.
"What are you d-?!" Lix started to scrambled. Cyper pressed against Lix. Lix went silent and he started to shake. He covered his mouth.
"Cyper." Lix mumbled.
"Mm... you are nice and warm." Cyper whispered. Lix trembled.
"Then put a shirt on..." Lix mumbled. Cyper shook his head no and then he slowly kissed Lix's shoulder. Lix closed his eyes.
"If you wanted to sleep with me, you don't need to do all this." Lix muttered. Cyper blushed and he slid his hands up more. He touched Lix's nipples. Lix fidgeted.
"Then what do I need to do?" Cyper asked softly. Lix closed his eyes and took a breathe in.
"Nothing." Lix answered. Cyper smiled and he sat up. Lix heard Cyper sit up and he turned to look at him. Cyper stretched his arms.
"You've only ever experienced your first kiss, meaning you've never had sex, have you." Cyper put the clues together. Lix scoffed and got up. He walked up to the closet and pulled out his coat.
"I've never had passionate sex, if that's what you are asking." Lix complained as he went to put his coat on.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Cyper asked, walking over to Lix.
"I've been on the streets since I was 6, Cyper. And being so young, how else was I supposed to make a smidge of money?" Lix questioned arrogantly. Cyper frowned.
"Where are you going?" Cyper asked as he took the coat from Lix.
"Away from you, you dickhead." Lix complained, reaching for his jacket. Cyper tossed the coat away. Lix watched the coat then he looked at Cyper.
"Never had passionate sex before? Why have sex with me then?" Cyper asked, walking up to Lix. Lix backed up into the wall. He trembled.
"Because—" Lix didn't know how to answer without confessing.
"Because?" Cyper asked as he walked up to Lix. He was only inches away from Lix now. Lix blushed and he stared at Cyper. It took him a moment to process it.
"Because I have passionate feelings for you." Lix confessed. Cyper moved his head down a little bit he was still looking at Lix. Lix looked away. Cyper smiled mischievously. Lix looked at Cyper and he scoffed.
"I'm sleeping out there." Lix complained as he went towards the door. Cyper grabbed Lix's arm. Lix stopped and he turned to Cyper. They look each other in the eyes.
"No, no you aren't." Cyper said. Lix blinked a couple times. Cyper pulled Lix to his chest. Lix went to pull away.
"Reciprocal." Cyper added. Lix's annoyed and nervous face immediately turned to shock. He went to speak but he didn't know what to say. Cyper smiled.
"Let's check this. I have passionate feelings for you as well..." Cyper started to list as he pulled away. He walked around the room.
"You love your strawberry ice cream and you like to learn." Cyper added. Lix stood there in confusion as he watched Cyper walk around. His heart was pounding and he blushed like crazy.
"You see what we have here? We have the perfect first date. We get strawberry ice cream, we spend the day together, we go wander around some museums in the next three towns over, and by the end of it all, one of us will eventually have the guts to ask the other to be their boyfriend and then we'll go on hundred of more dates." Cyper explained calmly as he walked back over to Lix. Lix was staring at Cyper with a blank face. Cyper took Lix's hands and held them both as he pulled Lix back to his chest.
"What are your thoughts in that empty brain of yours, Lix?" Cyper asked. Lix stared at Cyper continuously until he blinked.
"What does reciprocal mean?" Lix asked. Cyper flinched. He stared at Lix.
"Are you kidding me?" Cyper asked. Lix smiled.
"Yup." Lix snickered.
"You little shit." Cyper laughed before he pulled Lix into a kiss. Lix returned the kiss and put his arms around Cyper's neck. Cyper put his hands on Lix's waist and slid his tongue into the kiss. Lix continued on. And then Cyper lifted Lix up. They went to the bed and one thing led to another...
While that was going: Aster looked up at the ceiling. He sighed and rolled onto his side.
"Why'd you sigh?" Carmen asked softly. Aster looked at Carmen. Carmen and Aster had always slept on the ground and so they shared the couch. They'd switch each night. That night, Carmen got the couch, Aster got the floor. Carmen's eyes were closed and he looked dead asleep.
"Why are you awake?" Aster asked as he looked towards the floor.
"I should ask you the same thing." Carmen said. Aster frowned.
"I feel useless." Aster muttered. Carmen opened his eyes and looked at Aster.
"Why?" Carmen asked. Aster closed his eyes.
"I can't get a job. They won't hire me." Aster said.
"It's only been a week. It might take a bit to get a job. It's ok, Aster." Carmen said. Aster sat up and looked at Carmen. Carmen frowned as he saw Aster's eyes.
"You all got multiple jobs now in a week. We all know why I don't got a job." Aster said strictly. Carmen looked down.
"I didn't mean it like that, Aster." Carmen said. Aster frowned and he looked down. And he laid back down. He covered his head with his blanket.
"I have the eyes of a freak, Carmen. I wasn't cut out for a life of work for my own. I was made to be laughed at, or fear of." Aster muttered. Carmen got up quickly and he grabbed Aster's arm. He pulled him up to the couch and hugged him.
"Aster, you are my little brother. You are beautiful. Just, no one sees it yet. And the right people just... they have t seen you yet. But once they do, they'll love you. Just as me, Cyper, Zaden, and Brayden do. Understood?" Carmen explained. Aster nodded slowly. Carmen smiled and let go of Aster. Aster put his head on Carmen's shoulder.
"Maybe we can ask Wolfe to introduce you to people?" Carmen suggested. Aster nodded.

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