Chapter 25 - Wolfe x Niko (Part 2)

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   A couple months later:
"You are mad at me?" Wolfe asked.
"Yes." Evelyn said. Wolfe was drinking his drink while sitting. He stared at Evelyn and his friends. Jordan and Berry tried to stay out of it. So did Haru and Elijah, Pluto and Dominic, and Neyou and Damien. But Evelyn, Natasha, Dillon, Teddy— they were pissed. So was Jadah and Peter.
"You are mad." Wolfe muttered.
"You are living with Niko and Lix! You've known them for two months? You've know us for over 10 years! You just decided to live with them?!" Evelyn complained. Wolfe sipped his drink and then he stood up.
"At least they notice me." Wolfe said. Evelyn stood up.
"Excuse me?!" Evelyn yelled. Wolfe turned to Evelyn.
"They noticed that I was getting raped. They noticed that I wasn't doing well financially. They noticed that I wasn't being treated human. You?" Wolfe questioned. The table went silent. Pluto looked at Wolfe in shock.
"Rape?" Pluto questioned. Wolfe sighed and he walked away with his drink. He went home. He walked into the house and then shut the door. He flipped his shoes off and walked passed the dining table. Then he walked backwards. He looked at the table. Lix had his head on the table. He looked dead.
"Who killed you?" Wolfe asked.
"Life." Lix said. Wolfe blinked then he turned away for a second.
"Want a drink?" Wolfe asked. Lix looked up quickly with a smile.
"Yummy." Lix pleaded. Wolfe smiled. Lix stood up and walked up to Wolfe. He took a drink of his coffee drink.
"So, what's life done to you this time?" Wolfe asked.
"Given birth to Niko." Lix said. Wolfe wanted to laugh.
"You are still mad at the rug incident?" Wolfe questioned.
"We bought the rug together and then he dropped his coffee on it the next day." Lix complained. Wolfe smiled.
"That was my fault though." Wolfe said.
"How so?" Lix questioned. Wolfe blinked a couple times then he turned away.
"Erm— I was trying to seduce him and it worked. And he ended up dropping his cup." Wolfe said. Lix immediately frowned.
"YOU WHAT?!" Lix questioned. Wolfe chuckled nervously. Lix was confused.
"Why-?" Lix questioned. Wolfe looked at Lix.
"Is Niko home?" Wolfe asked. Lix squinted at Wolfe.
"No?" Lix answered. Wolfe stared at Lix and then he scratched his cheek. He tells to do that when he's nervous or flustered.
"I've grown a little... attracted to him—" Wolfe said awkwardly.
"So that's your approach?" Lix said. Wolfe shrugged.
"Where is he anyways?" Wolfe asked. Lix shrugged.
"We don't have work today." Wolfe said curiously before he left.

Later that day; it was midnight. Wolfe looked at his watch.
"Ugh, it doesn't even feel like midnight." Wolfe said as he stood up from the couch.
"Yeah it does." Lix muttered. Niko sat up.
"Then go to bed." Niko said.
"I'm too lazy." Lix said.
"Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Wolfe said.
"Night." Lix said.
"Goodnight." Niko said. Wolfe walked to his room. Later, Niko carried Lix to his room. He walked passed Wolfe's room. Wolfe was in bed but he wasn't asleep. He was staring at the ceiling. But when he saw Lix and Niko go by, he sat up. Niko put Lix in his bed and then he started towards his own bedroom.
"He finally fell asleep?" Wolfe questioned. Niko stopped and turned to Wolfe. He walked into the doorway.
"Yeah, he fell asleep on the sofa." Niko said.
"You going to bed?" Wolfe asked. Niko nodded.
"If I fall asleep. I'm not really tired." Niko said. Wolfe stared at Niko.
"Alright, night night." Wolfe said before he flopped back down on his bed. Niko walked into the bedroom.
"Not tired?" Niko asked.
"Not at all." Wolfe said. Niko sat down at the foot of the bed and flopped backwards.
"I see." Niko said. Wolfe turned on his side and closed his eyes.
"Niko, do you think I'm a whore?" Wolfe asked. Niko flinched. He sat up and looked at Wolfe.
"What the fuck?" Niko said. Wolfe didn't flinch. He waited for a response.
"Of course not. Why would I think you are a whore?!" Niko questioned. Wolfe opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at Niko.
"Because of the rug incident." Wolfe said. Niko flinched and his cheeks went red.
"Uhm—" Niko mumbled awkwardly. He was flustered. Wolfe tilted his head.
"Did you not like it?" Wolfe asked. Niko blushed.
"You mean when you were teasing me and just decided to lift your shirt to show me your waist? I mean— Uhm... how do I answer this question?" Niko questioned the motives. Wolfe scooted closer to Niko.
"Did you not want to put your hands on my waist? You weren't turned on? Not seduced? You didn't wanna pin me down in anyway?" Wolfe asked. Niko slowly turned to Wolfe.
"Were you trying too?" Niko questioned.
"Yup." Wolfe said. Niko was very red. He slowly turned away and he covered his face.
"You are straight forward like always." Niko muttered. Wolfe smiled.
"Should I do it someway else?" Wolfe asked. Niko sighed and looked at Wolfe.
"I think you might actually be tired." Niko said. Wolfe blinked a couple times then he stood up. He stood in front of Niko. Niko looked at Wolfe. Wolfe leaned over and he touched Niko's shoulder.
"Not at all, anymore." Wolfe said. Niko's eyes widened. Wolfe smiled and he leaned forward. He kissed Niko. Niko was so shocked, he couldn't move. Wolfe pulled away and stared at Niko's reaction.
"I see you liked that." Wolfe said. Niko was as red as a tomato. He was also embarrassed. He stood up and rushed out. Wolfe slowly sat down on his bed and he smiled. He blushed and looked down happily.

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