Chapter 3 - Ezra x Phillip

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Three months later: Ezra was leaning back on the wall next to Zhenya's bedroom door. It was morning. And that's when River and Ryke walked up to the door. Ezra saw Ryke and he froze up. River knocked on the door.
"Zhenya, come out." River spoke out. Ryke turned to Ezra.
"Go to the training room." Ryke said strictly. Ezra's heart dropped and he nodded. He left immediately. Zhenya opened the door and he saw River and Ryke. When he saw Ryke, he quickly turned to Ezra. Ezra was gone.
"You can't keep making excuses to get Ezra out of trouble, Zhen. You know better." River said calmly. Zhenya frowned and turned to Ryke.
"You aren't gonna make him leave, are you?" Zhenya asked worriedly. Ryke glanced down to give Zhenya his answer. Zhenya frowned.
"No! You can't!" Zhenya demanded before he rushed after Ezra. River and Ryke watched Zhenya leave.
"ZHENYA! GET BACK HERE." River yelled. Ezra was getting closer to the training room when Zhenya ran up to him and stopped him.
"Don't go in there. You know what'll happen." Zhenya pleaded. Ezra looked at Zhenya.
"What else am I supposed to do? I was just ordered by the highest in command aside from the queen to go into the room." Ezra explained.
"Exactly. Now continue." Ryke said as he walked passed them. Zhenya looked at Ryke.
"YOU ARE GONNA PUT HIM IN JAIL?!" Zhenya cried out. Ezra looked down. Ryke nodded.
"As much as I love you Ezra, as if you were my own son- you did do something illegal." Ryke explained. Ezra nodded. Zhenya got in front of Ezra.
"And he was repaying his illegal activities by working for the queen herself! Why are you gonna make him leave just to put him in jail?!" Zhenya cried. Ryke looked at Zhenya then to Ezra. He walked up to Ezra and quickly grabbed his arm. Ezra flinched. Ryke searched Ezra's pocket. He pulled out the picture that was shown from before. Of Ezra with another man whom was kissing Ezra's cheek in it. Ryke looked at the picture and then he quickly handed it to Zhenya.
"Do something about it then." Ryke said. Zhenya and Ezra immediately smiled. Zhenya looked at Ezra. Ezra walked forward and went into the training room. Ryke nodded and followed Ezra. Zhenya's smile turned to worry. He looked at the picture and then he rushed to the exit.
Ezra and Ryke walked into the training room. There, every single guard or soldier in the kingdom... were there. This included all the soon to be soldiers, guards, and on training ones too. Ezra flinched. At the end of the room, Avery was standing with Megan to her side. And in front of her, kneeling... were two other men whom wore the soldiers suits as did Ezra.
"Come." Avery demanded. Ezra looked at Ryke. Ryke nodded. Ezra sighed and walked over to Avery. He bowed his head then he got on the ground and knelt beside the two other men. Avery looked at Ryke and Piper whom were standing to the sides of the three kneeling men.
"You three had your chances to redeem yourself through the self-labor of the kingdom. Yet... one of you failed reluctantly and are bringing the other two down with you. You will all remain in a prison cell till you three serve in a court trial in two days. The best outcome you three could receive is going back on duty as you are now." Avery spoke out loud and clear. Ezra was kneeling still but he was shaking as well. He was very afraid.
"Piper, Ryke, Jackson... take them away." Megan demanded.
"Yes, my queen." Ryke, Piper, and Jackson said at the same time while bowing. Jackson and Piper grabbed the other two men roughly and dragged them away. Ryke lifted up Ezra calmly and took him away. As they walked towards the prison cell in the castle, Ryke made them walk slow. He leaned over.
"Ezra, we have to put all three of you in a cell together." Ryke spoke. Ezra stopped walking immediately and he turned to Ryke.
"I'll be killed. They already blame me so they could get rid of the evidence which is ME!" Ezra cried out.
"Shh. Just put up with it at nights. During the day, a guard will stand and watch over you all." Ryke spoke. Ezra shook his head no in worry.
"Please! I'll do anything Ryke. Just don't put me in a small proximity with those two! You know I'm innocent! They did it! Th-They did it!" Ezra cried out, now actually crying. Ryke trembled for Ezra.
"I know." Ryke said. Ezra trembled and turned forward. They were at the prison cell now. And the other two were in there already. They watched Ezra get in and stay away from them. Piper locked the cell and stepped back. She looked at Ryke.
"They'll kill him before morning." Piper whispered. Ryke shook his head no and he looked at Piper.
"Phillip is coming." Ryke whispered. Piper flinched.
"My son-?" Piper whispered. Ryke nodded. Piper frowned and nodded. Then she left. Ryke pointed at Jackson.
"Stay till someone else takes over." Ryke demanded. Jackson nodded. And then Ryke left. Ezra watched Ryke leave and then he slowly turned to the two men across the prison cell. The two men were death glaring him down. And then one of them lifted their hand to their throat to show that Ezra was gonna die. Ezra backed up and hit the cell bars. And then he slid down to the ground in fear.

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