Chapter 19 - Roger x Austin

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   In the wolves realm... It was night. And it was a bad winter. The snow buried the castle up three stories. It was romantic to Melio and Caleb because that's how they got the time to love each other. Roger was practically asleep on Austin's door. He didn't have too but he always insisted. You see Roger has liked Austin for a very long time and he confessed his love towards Austin on Austin's 15th birthday. Austin had reciprocal feelings for Roger and they were kinda together. Just... Caleb didn't want Austin to date till 18. But Melio made it easier for them and convinced Caleb to make it 17. And now, it was Austin's 17th birthday when the next morning would come. But Roger swore to protect Austin for his life because on thing about Austin.... He's one of the last snow wolves not in captivity. At the moment, it was midnight so Austin was finally 17. Roger was waiting for midnight to be exact. He mumbled and then he heard the midnight bell. His eyes opened slowly and listened to the echoes. He smiled but because he could stand straight, the door swung open. Roger's eyes widened and then he fell backwards on the ground inside the bedroom. He blinked and looked at the door. Austin was standing next to the door. He had a grin on his face.
"My my, I've stumbled upon a stalker." Austin teased, shutting the door. Roger blushed in embarrassment.
"Stalker?" Roger questioned as he stood up. Austin walked around Roger and his tail wrapped around his legs. From behind, Austin took off Roger's jacket. Roger's ears dropped and he looked down.
"If not stalker, then you must be my protector." Austin whispered. Roger trembled. Austin put his arms on Roger's waist and he started to undo Roger's belt. Roger's tail fell to the floor.
"P— protector...?" Roger mumbled. Austin gasped.
"Oh right! Not protector!" Austin said. Then he leaned forward.
"My boyfriend..." Austin whispered in Roger's ear. Roger's eyes widened and he covered his bottom half to hide his bulge. Austin smiled and pecked Roger's cheek. Roger's tail began to wag. He turned around and looked at Austin. He took Austin's waist and pulled him close.
"Happy birthday." Roger said. Austin smiled and grabbed Roger's shirt. He pulled him into a kiss. Roger returned the kiss. Then they pulled away. They set their foreheads together.
"From now on, you sleep with me. Every night. And I don't care if you happen to hate my guts. You'll sleep in that bed beside me." Austin declared. Roger chuckled.
"Ok Mr boyfriend." Roger said. Austin smiled. Roger touched Austin's cheek.
"By the way, why are you up? It's midnight and you have a pretty important test to take in the morning." Roger said. Austin immediately glared at Roger. He quickly pushed him away.
"Way to ruin the mood." Austin said. Roger frowned and he took his shoes off.
"How should I fix my dear mistake?" Roger asked as he took his belt and sheath off. Austin sat on his bed and crossed his arms.
"Easy, get the test off my mind." Austin said. Roger grinned and he did just that. He slowly pulled his shirt off and walked up to Austin. Austin looked up and saw his shirtless lover. He gasped and he blushed.
"My weakness..." Austin gasped, touching Roger's abs. Roger smiled and pushed Austin down on the bed. He crawled on top of him and slowly pulled the shirt up. Austin fidgeted and blushed.
"Then I'll just have to give you one of your birthday gifts early." Roger said as he played with Austin's nipples. Austin smiled and leaned back. Roger lifted Austin's shirt off of his body but he kept it around his wrists. And his arms were laid above his head. He felt Roger start kissing his chest. Austen leaned back immediately and he bit his bottom lip. Roger started going down and he slid Austin's pants off along with the underwear. Roger came back up and he kissed Austin. Austin turned the kiss but he broke it when he felt River start to jerk him off. He squeezed his eyes shut.
"Ngh..." Austin squeaked. Roger began to kiss Austin's neck as he jerked Austin off. Austin could feel the pleasure coming in...

    Roger stayed the night there with Austin. In the morning, he woke up early to the 6 hour clock. He sat up and blinked. He turned to Austin. Austin was asleep right next to him. Roger smiled and laid back down. He kissed Austin's cheek and then he got up. He got into his secret stash of clothing that he normally keeps in the room and he got changed. It wasn't his guard suit but now he wouldn't need that anymore. He only became a guard so he had a reason to be close to Austin. But now, he's his boyfriend. He got into his normal clothes and left. He went towards the clock. He went downstairs and then turned the corner. He stood in the dining room staring at the clock. Then he fathers came out with the staff and other guards to switch duties.
"You are staring at that silly thing again?" Kain asked as he nudged Roger. Roger looked at his fathers.
"At midnight, Austin let me in and we are officially together now." Roger said. Damon smiled and hugged Roger.
"We are proud of you, love." Kain said.
"Just don't get on the kings bad side and it'll stay that way." Damon cheered. Roger scoffed. Micah went down the stairs and looked at Roger.
"Did you fuck him?" Micah asked. Roger looked at Micah.
"No." Roger answered. Micah grinned.
"Coward." Micah teased as he walked on. And then Henry and Wayd ran down the stairs.
"Micah!" Henry and Wayd squealed. Thomas walked down the stairs happily and his tail was wagging as he watched Wayd. And then Austin walked down. He saw Roger and smiled. He walked up to Roger.
"Happy birthday, Austin." Kain said.
"17's a big age." Damon teased.
"Just look at you." Austin said to Damon. Damon laughed. Roger smiled and hugged Austin.
"My fathers were just telling me not to get on your dads bad side." Roger said.
"It doesn't matter if you do. As long as you love me." Austin said nicely. Roger smiled and pecked Austin's lips. Austin smiled.

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