Chapter 20 - Micah x Gavyn

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That night... Micah sat up from a nightmare and he was breathing heavily. He put his hand to his chest and went to calm down. His breathing didn't work. He decided to get some fresh air. He stood up and walked up to his window which had a seat on the sill. He sat down and opened the window. He set his head back and started to think. He glanced over at a calendar that hung beside his desk. And beside the calendar was a wanted poster of a man that Wayd, Thomas, Roger, and Micah knew very well. He wasn't wanted before three years ago. But he'd become wanted because he killed a man. And now he's out in the wolf realm searching for more men on his kill list. That's right... kill list. It was Gavyn. The man that Micah was very... fond of, is what he must go by. But in reality, he was in love with him and he still loved him. Gavyn loved him too. And Caleb hated the fact that he was making the man Micah loved a wanted man but he had too because he killed a man. And Micah was glad Gavyn killed the man.

   The story was... three years ago... Gavyn was 15 and a man came and killed his entire family when Gavyn was away on a trip with Micah. He pledged to avenge them even though he didn't know what happened. A year later, it had been the first year of Micah and his relationship. But it was basically the last year too because that was the year Gavyn killed the man. That year, Gavyn had been with Wayd, Micah, Roger, and two other friends whom Gavyn lived with. He had kissed Micah goodbye and then left with his two friends. They returned to the house they lived at. The two friends had a family and they took Gavyn in. When they got there, Gavyn's two friends were killed on the spot and Gavyn stared at the entire family dead. There was a man standing in front of the house beside the dead family. He had a grin. He told Gavyn that him and his entire team of a dozen men killed his family because his father accidentally bumped into the man's wife. And they were after Gavyn. But before he could kill Gavyn, Gavyn had hurt him so bad that he was immobile. Gavyn had crushed his legs. The man laid in pain and Gavyn threatened to kill him if he didn't tell him where to find the others in the team. The man was frightened and told Gavyn where to locate the rest of the team in hopes to save his life but instead, Gavyn killed him. The shots were enough to alarm nearby residents to come and investigate. The only thing they found was Gavyn was a bloody knife in his hand. And the man's dead body beside him. They had royal guards arrest him and they dragged him into the castle. Henry and Wayd were in shock as they watched Gavyn get drug into the castle. Henry ran upstairs to get Micah. Micah was in his room. Henry didn't bother to knock. He ran in.
"MICAH!" Henry gasped. Micah flinched and turned to Henry. Henry frowned.
   Caleb looked down at Gavyn from his chair. He was shocked. Melio frowned. Micah ran down the stairs with Henry and rushed into the ballroom. He saw Gavyn and his eyes widened. Gavyn saw Micah and he frowned. He looked down slowly.
"Charges?" Caleb questioned.
"He stabbed a man 33 times." One soldier answered. Micah's hands fell to his sides in shock.
"33...?" Melio muttered.
"Can you explain yourself?" Caleb asked. Gavyn slowly smiled and he looked up at Caleb.
"33 times because that's how many people he had killed whom I cared about." Gavyn said. Caleb frowned immediately. The soldiers looked down.
"He's not lying." One soldier said. Melio frowned.
"The charges on the man?..." Caleb questioned. One soldier pulled out a list in his pocket. He listed off dozens of murders and crimes that the man had committed. Then he spoke...
"He's also the man who killed Gavyn's entire family and his entire foster family." The soldier added at the end. Melio was so shocked that he had to leave. Micah was in incredible pain. He turned to Caleb. Caleb looked at Gavyn.
"How many people?" Caleb asked.
"A dozen." Gavyn answered honestly. Caleb slowly sat down on his thrown.
"I—" Caleb didn't know what to say.
"He deserved every 33 of the stabs and I don't regret it. And even if you lock me up, I'll get out and I'll kill the all the other men who are apart of this. And you can't stop me." Gavyn said directly, slowly lifting his head and staring at Caleb. Every member of the castle was listening now. Caleb blinked.
"Don't. Gavyn, you are a good kid. I know you. You will be tried for murder but you'll have a good chance of getting free soon. If you go and kill more people, it'll only be worse for you. We can send people out to find these men for you." Caleb explained calmly. Gavyn stared at Caleb and then he slowly turned to Micah. Micah stared at Gavyn. He shook his head no. Gavyn slowly turned back to Caleb. Caleb glanced at Micah then to Gavyn.
"I'm bound to avenge my family." Gavyn said. Caleb sighed. The soldiers grabbed Gavyn.
"Take him to a cell." Caleb said.
"Gavyn!" Micah screamed.
"Kain, take my son out." Caleb demanded. Micah went to run to Gavyn but Kain held onto Micah's arms. Micah trembled and he turned to Caleb.
"HE DID A GOOD THING!" Micah cried. Caleb stood to his feet and walked up to Micah.
"Killing someone isn't good." Caleb said.
"He killed a bad man. And it was probably self defense because he was gonna kill him." Micah said strictly. Caleb frowned.
"Then convince him to stay." Caleb said before he walked away. Micah watched Caleb leave. Kain let Micah go.

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