Chapter 39 - Shawn x Mingiyora

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Shawn woke up from his bed to Damien shaking him awake. Shawn sat up and yawned.
"Damien?" Shawn yawned quietly.
"Heyo, Shawn. Come on." Damien spoke. Shawn blinked then he flinched.
"Ah! You are here?!" Shawn squealed as he stood up quickly. Damien smiled.
"Me, Jadah, and Teddy are going to meet Jordan and Berry for a suit fitting. And since Berry and Jordan decided you should be the ring bearer, you have to get a suit too. And since you are broke, spoiled, and don't have a job, I have to pay for you. So get dressed and let's go." Damien explained. Shawn nodded.
"Will do!" Shawn said. Damien smiled and left the room. Shawn changed.
Shawn is 18. The only son of Mio and Yin. He's normally talkative with those he knows, otherwise he keeps to himself. But because of that, he isn't very good at jobs. He finds it troubling to talk to people he doesn't know. He's a rock dragon, common. He has light reddish pink eyes and it's the same as his hair. But he always wore a hood or hat to cover his hair. He has shoulder length hair. That day, he put his half his hair back and let the rest stay down. And he put on a silver boater hat. That was his most expensive possession, his boater hat. And below, he had on a black turtleneck, a silver jacket overtop, and dark grey jeans. And his also has a dark grey mineral necklace on. He rushed out of his room. Mio left for work already. Yin was laying down in the couch talking to Onyx who was about to leave.
"Bye dad! I'm off to see Jordan and Berry." Shawn spoke as he grabbed a satchel at the door. Yin flinched and sat up quickly.
"Shawn, can we talk real quick?"" Yin asked as he stood up. Shawn looked at Yin.
"Yeah?-" Shawn questioned. Yin looked at Shawn and sighed.
"I want you to try and look for a job today." Yin said. Shawn looked at Yin nervously.
"Ok..." Shawn mumbled. Yin smiled.
"I know you don't care to talk to people you don't know— but you are 18. Jobless— no lover, no home of your own, and you never really go out." Yin explained. Shawn smiled calmly.
"I get it. I'm getting to old to be babied." Shawn said. Yin scoffed.
"Get outa here." Yin laughed. Shawn rolled his eyes and left. He met up with Jadah and Damien and they left together.
"I had no clue but Berry was raised in the farm lands in the middle of the realm. He has a bunch of friends there that he's inviting." Jadah explained.
"Really? He has actual friends? That's shocking." Damien laughed.
"Yeah, apparently, of his friends will be his best man and his groomsmen." Jadah explained. Shawn looked at Jadah as they walked into the kingdom.
"If they are Berry's friends, do you think they'll be as scary as him too?" Shawn asked.
"Yes." Jadah said.
"No." Berry said. Jadah, Damien, and Shawn froze and turned around quickly. Berry was walking behind them.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!" Damien squealed.
"Just now? I forgot something at my house. Just happened to get behind you three." Berry shrugged. Damien, Jadah, and Shawn looked at Berry nervously.
"Anyways, no. They aren't scary like me. They are just stupid enough to befriend me." Berry explained as he walked forward. Jadah, Damien, and Shawn followed Berry.
"Is it true that everyone in the middle of the realm have weird names? I mean... you have a weird name." Shawn questioned. Jadah and Damien looked at Shawn quickly.
"Yes." Berry answered. Shawn smiled.
"Cool!" Shawn said. Jadah looked at Berry.
"Who are your groomsmen and best man?" Jadah asked. Berry put his hands behind his back and walked slower to walk with the three of them.
"My groomsmen are all my friends from my old work. I used to work in a vegetable farm. Their names are Reyxin, Cwenshin, and Milleryte. And my best man is my best friend. We grew up together and stayed in the same house for so long until I decided to come here to become a shadow guard. His name is Mingiyora." Berry explained. Jadah blinked.
"Holy shit, those are some weird ass names." Damien said.
"Yeah. We call each other shorter names. Kinda like how I'm called Berry even though it's not my actual name." Berry explained.
"Hm... so— they are all your age?" Shawn asked.
"Kinda. Reyxin is 23, Cwenshin is 21 like me, Milleryte is 24, and Mingiyora is 20." Berry explained. Damien thought about it.
"Are any of them single?" Damien asked. Berry looked at Damien.
"Why are you asking?" Jadah asked suspiciously. Damien smiled.
"Cause Shawn is a single piece of shit." Damien said. Shawn glared at Damien.
"Asshole." Shawn muttered. Berry scoffed.
"Only Mingiyora is single. The other ones are married. Reyxin has a wife, Cwenshin has a husband, and Milleryte has a wife and husband— however that works." Berry said.
"Hm..." Damien muttered.
"Stop." Shawn said. Damien rolled his eyes.
   They got to the suit fitting where they were fixed up first. Well... once Berry and Jordan decide which suits they should wear.
"Yeah— Shawn and Teddy look good in the suits.. but Damien looks horrible. And don't get me started on Jadah." Berry complained. Jordan chuckled and walked up behind Berry.
"Hey... it's whatever you choose." Jordan said. Berry glared at Jordan.
"If it were to be whatever I choose, then I would have chose to make our marriage take place in a small church to marry us and we'd be done in 20 minutes." Berry complained as he crossed his arms. Jordan tilted his head forward a bit.
"I wanted a big wedding because the day we get married is gonna be very special and i want to remember it well." Jordan explained. Berry glanced down.
"Such a damn romantic." Berry complained. Jordan smiled and hugged Berry from behind. He kissed his neck.
"You love it." Jordan teased.
"Not the suit on Jadah." Berry said. Jordan set his head on Berry's shoulder and looked at Jadah.
"It's because I'm a feminine man, Berry. Thank you very much." Jadah said. Berry smiled.
"What if we had it altered?" Jordan suggested.
"Good idea. We should definitely do that." Berry said. Jordan smiled.
"By the way, when is your side of the wedding getting here, Berry? They also need suit fittings and itinerary shit." Toby questioned as he walked into the room with the next four suits. Berry looked at Toby.
"Uhh... we'll todays the 20th— they wrote to me saying they'd come today sometime. So probably later. We can do the suit fitting for them tomorrow." Berry explained.
"Maybe that's why you don't like us in these suits— because you haven't seen everyone in the suits yet, together." Toby explained. Berry blinked.
"Maybe..." Berry mumbled. Jordan smiled.
"We can always postpone. We should go check on the hotel rooms that your friends will be staying in." Jordan explained. Berry blinked.
"Alright... let's do this tomorrow. Same time." Berry explained.

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