Chapter 32 - Daniel x Irumi

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   Three months later... the week of the royal ball would be next week. And since that was so, Lane had a test set up. But Irumi was half asleep. Aster and Jace studied together for the test. Daniel was doing it on a whim. And Hira... she is just there. Irumi slowly wrote on the test before he started to doze off into sleep. Irumi started to slip away into sleep but then he head movement. Daniel tapped the table twice. Irumi flinched and he sat up straight, waking up. He looked at Daniel.
"Let's talk after class." Daniel whispered. Irumi blinked and then he blushed. He smiled and nodded. Daniel smiled and turned back to his paper. Irumi found his motivation. He quickly did his test. He finished it soon after everyone else did. Aster finished first like always and then Hira complained. Mizura was waiting outside the room for Daniel. Lane stood up and walked up to each kid. He picked up their tests.
"You are all excused." Lane sad as he picked up Irumi's test. He looked at the test and he smiled, seeing it complete. Irumi stood up and saw Daniel put his books and pencils on the shelf. And he'd normally leave the room then but this time, he turned to Irumi. He walked over to him and smiled.
"Hiya der!" Daniel teased. Irumi blushed and he smiled.
"Hi." Irumi said back. Daniel smiled and he held his hand out. Jace, Aster, and Hira left at that time and Lane was at his desk. Mizura was outside the door waiting for Daniel but he didn't see him or Irumi leave. He stood straight and walked into the room. He saw Daniel and Irumi talking. He squinted his eyes. Daniel asked how Irumi was doing.
"You should really get more sleep. If I did t turn around, you'd probably be asleep now." Daniel said. Irumi chuckled.
"Ah... you know me. Always thinking stuff I need to put down." Irumi said. Daniel smiled.
"So... I wanted to ask about the ball. Its a court ball and since I'm Prince Daniel, I need to court someone to the ball." Daniel explained. Irumi's eyes widened.
"I-oh?" Irumi mumbled.
"Yeah! And I wanted to court y-" Daniel went to say.
"Daniel!" Mizura called out. Irumi's smile immediately faded. Daniel flinched and he turned around.
"Ah— Mizura!" Daniel said nicely. Irumi slowly frowned and he looked down. He picked his books and pencils up and he walked to the bookshelf. Daniel saw Irumi and he went to speak.
"So, I heard you gotta court someone to the ball." Mizura said. Daniel looked at Mizura.
"Uhm... yeah— I wanted to ask Ir-" Daniel started as he stared at Irumi.
"Funny because I was thinking of courting someone myself." Daniel frowned.
"That's funny, yeah." Daniel said as he went to move around Mizura. Irumi set his stuff on the bookshelf and then he started for the door.
"Ah! Iru-!" Daniel started.
"So, I was think of asking you." Mizura said. Daniel froze and he looked at Mizura.
"Excuse me?" Daniel questioned. Irumi froze. He looked at Mizura.
"I want to court you at the ball." Mizura said. Daniel frowned.
"You have to court someone you like, Mizura. You don't like me." Daniel said.
"Of course I do. That's why I'm asking to court you." Mizura said. Daniel smiled nervously.
"Ah... that's very generous of you but I have to decline." Daniel said.
"Ah, to sudden. I'll let you sleep on it. The hall ain't till this Saturday. Until then, let me walk you to your royal classes. Daniel frowned.
"I don't want to be courted by you, Mizura." Daniel said.
"Don't think to hard. Come on." Mizura said, grabbing Daniel's arm. He pulled him out of the room. As they walked passed Irumi, Daniel looked at him worriedly. And Mizura grinned mischievously. Irumi stood there in silence. And Lane saw the whole thing. He sat back slowly. Irumi trembled and he left. Lane rubbed his head in disappointment.

   That night... It was Thursday night. Lane laid in bed angrily. He was co fused. Ash was snuggling. But it wasn't working well as Lane was still upset. Ash opened his eyes and looked at Lane.
"What's wrong baby?" Ash asked. Lane looked at Ash.
"Did you know our sons are fighting?" Lane asked. Ash flinched.
"Eh? Which?" Ash asked confusedly.
"Irumi and Mizura. Daniel was gonna ask Irumi to court him to the ball on Saturday and then Mizura butted in and asked to court Daniel. He didn't even give Irumi the right." Lane explained. Ash frowned.
"Teenagers fighting over the same guy? Sounds like a jealousy war. I had that with my brothers." Ash said. Lane frowned.
"I know it's a small tho g to worry about... but Mizura and Irumi never really got a long together. Even when they were children or when we adopted them." Lane explained. Ash frowned.
"Just talk to Daniel then. It sounds like Irumi needs to understand that Daniel likes him and that Mizura needs to know his place." Ash said.
"We'll have to talk to them together, Friday night when all of them are home." Lane said. Ash nodded.
   And now it was Friday. Daniel sat up and then he looked over at Irumi's bed. No Irumi. He looked at Irumi's desk. Irumi was awake but not really. His eyes were opened and all but he was more asleep then awake. Daniel gasped and he sat up.
"Irumi!" Daniel called out, touching Irumi's hand. Irumi blinked and he sat up straight. He looked at Daniel. Daniel saw Irumi and he frowned. He touched his forehead.
"Irumi... you are gonna get a fever. Get to bed. We still have three hours till we need to get to class." Daniel said, pulling his hand away from the hot forehead of a Irumi. Irumi closed his eyes and nodded. He stood up and fell to his bed. Daniel helped him and then tucked him into the blankets.
"Sleep now. I'll wake you up before class so you can get changed."  Daniel said softly. Irumi closed his eyes slowly.
"You're getting courted by Mizura... he only likes you because I do." Irumi mumbled. Daniel looked at Irumi and he blushed.
"I want to court you, Irumi. I like you, not Mizura." Daniel said but Irumi fell asleep. Daniel trembled and he sat down at the foot of Irumi's bed.
"Damnit." Daniel mumbled. He looked at Irumi. He leaned over and touched his cheek. Irumi moved his face more to his cheek. Daniel smiled and he pulled his hand away. He glanced over at Aster and Jace's beds. Jace wasn't in his bed because he shared the bed with Aster. So Jace was sleeping with Aster. He looked up at Hira. Hira was asleep. He sighed and walked up to his bed. He laid back down and read his book till the first knocks hit the door. Daniel sat up and shut his book. He looked at the time on the clock wall. It was 8:30. He smiled and stood up. Irumi slept for two hours. Jace sat up slowly and yawned.
"What time is it?" Jace mumbled. Daniel got up and changed his clothes.
"It's 8:30." Daniel said as he changed. Jace groaned and laid back down. Hira sat up.
"Ah... FOOD!" Hira screamed. The scream was loud enough to wake Aster and Irumi. Irumi sat up quickly. Aster opened his eyes.
"God, Hira." Aster muttered. He was turned towards the wall so only Jace saw his eyes. Jace smiled and kissed Aster. Aster returned the kiss. Irumi rubbed his eyes and he stood up. Daniel saw Irumi and he smiled. He quickly came up to Irumi.
"Irumi,  you wanna go get breakfast with me at Shawna's before class?" Daniel asked. Irumi blushed.
"Yeah." Irumi smiled. Daniel smiled and quickly fixed his hair. Irumi changed up. Hira already changed and she bolted out the room. She ran into Mizura and Elias but she didn't stop.
"The hell." Mizura said. Elias just kept walking.
"Why are you so quiet?" Mizura asked.
"Because I have to go home today. I was perfectly fine at my room at the academy." Elias said strictly. Mizura scoffed.
"Don't wanna see your family?" Mizura asked.
"No, I just do y want to see you or Irumi." Elias said as he walked farther away from Mizura. Mizura rubbed his head.
"So annoying." Mizura muttered. They walked up to the bedroom and that's when Daniel and Irumi left the room. They both stopped when they saw Mizura AND Elias. It made Irumi flinch.
"Ah— Elias?" Irumi questioned. Elias tossed his arms and stopped. Mizura smiled at Daniel. Daniel saw where this was going.
"Right, papa said he wants all three of us home for Friday and Saturday. They sent me to tell you two because you two wouldn't believe each other." Elias said. Irumi glanced at Mizura. Mizura had a grin on his face.
"Right..." Irumi mumbled.
"So be home right after your classes. Got that?" Elias demanded. Irumi nodded.
"Mm... alright, let's go!" Daniel said happily. Irumi smiled.
"Ah, where are you two going?" Mizura asked quickly. Daniel flinched. He looked at Mizura in silence. Irumi looked at Daniel. Elias looked at his brothers then to Daniel.
"Ew." Elias said before he left. Irumi and Mizura watched Elias leave then they turned to Daniel. Daniel  smiled slowly.
"Uhm... I wanted to go have breakfast with Irumi." Daniel said. Mizura smiled and looked at Daniel.
"Can I join? I'll pay." Mizura asked with a bribe. Daniel slowly frowned. Irumi looked at Mizura.
"Ok. But you better not do what you did yesterday." Daniel said strictly, pointing at Mizura. Mizura grinned and poked Daniel's finger.
"And that was?" Mizura questioned.
"I was having a conversation with Irumi and you just butted in and I never got to tell Irumi what I wanted to tell him. Do it again and I'm not talking to you again." Daniel said strictly before he started walking.
"Yes sir." Mizura said nervously. Irumi and Mizura started walking side by side behind Daniel.

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