Chapter 50 - Gwen x Anthony

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    One month later:
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone cheered. Gwen smiled. He had a glass of champagne in his hand. So did everyone else in the shop. Bayz was sitting on the counter as Zachary kissed him happy birthday. Lynn was on the side of the counter and Sakura kissed her happy birthday. And then everyone took a drink. Gwen slowly took a sip and then closed his eyes. Luckily, his head was completely fine now. But he did still have some bruises on his body elsewhere that are still throbbing. Which is why he took a small sip. Then he moved his head to the door. More customers came in with gifts and smiling faces. Gwen smiled.
    Later, it was cleanup time. Bayz flipped the closed sign on and got to cleaning. Gwen was sweeping but at the same time, falling asleep. He slowly faced down  with his eyes closed and he began to fall backwards. Luckily Zachary caught him. And Gwen's eyes shot open.
"Alright, I think you've done enough." Zachary said. Gwen muttered under his breathe as Zachary handed Gwen to Bayz. Bayz took Gwen's arms.
"Come sit and rest." Bayz said. Gwen pulled away.
"I got chores to do, but thank you, Bayz." Gwen said, touching Bayz's cheek.
"Zachary is gonna do them for you, Gwen." Lynn said. Zachary nodded. Bayz smiled. Gwen frowned and he sat down. He sat down and was gonna stay awake to show that he would've been capable to do so... but right as he sat down, he fell asleep. When everyone else finished cleaning and closed up, Bayz tapped Gwen's forehead. Gwen mumbled and he slowly opened his eyes. Bayz slowly frowned and looked up. There was snow covering the glass roof again. That was the reason why Gwen was so tired. The pain of his bruises for one, and that he had woken up earlier than usual to get the snow swept off the roof. Bayz felt bad. He slowly turned to Zachary. Zachary didn't like when Bayz was sad. He walked up to Bayz and kissed his cheek.
"I'll carry him back." Zachary said. Bayz looked down and nodded. Lynn and Sakura frowned. Zachary lifted Gwen up and carried him all the way back to the camp with Bayz, Lynn, and Sakura. When they got to the camp, Zion rushed to Zachary when he saw Gwen.
"Is he ok?!" Zion asked worriedly.
"He's just overworked. He still insists on working which in return makes his body refuse to start his healing process physically and mentally." Lynn explained as she hugged Nate and Leo. Sakura went to get dinner. Leo looked at Gwen.
"Here. I'll take him. Get dinner." Leo said. Zachary nodded and carefully handed Gwen to Leo.
"Can't believe I still have to carry you like a fucking baby." Leo said strictly as he began up the ladder to the triplets treehouse. The layout was now different. Because of the need for privacy, the triplets no longer shared a room. The treehouse they lived in consisted of three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a living area in the middle to lounge. Before, the triplets shared one bedroom so keep the other two open in case of emergencies but that's as no longer necessary. Now Bayz and Zachary had their own room. And Lynn and Sakura had their own room. And that left Gwen alone. Leo carried Gwen to his room and slowly set him in bed. He pulled the blankets over him after taking his shoes and coat off. He touched Gwen's forehead. He had a fever. Leo frowned. Then he looked around the room. It was empty. Gwen never kept anything personally really. So all that was in the room was a bed and a nightstand. Literally nothing else besides the closet. Nate walked into the room.
"He's got a fever." Leo said. Nate frowned.
"I'm scared for him." Nate said. Leo looked to Nate.
"I think he's getting lonely. He suddenly doesn't share a room with his siblings anymore... he doesn't need to protect them anymore. His cope is working, Leo." Nate said. Leo frowned and turned to Nate.
"Do you think we need to do something to help him." Leo asked. Nate walked up to Leo and took his hand.
"We can't really do anything, baby. It's gotta work itself out." Nate said.
"Or he just needs a lover." Leo muttered. Nate chuckled.
"Alright, let's let him rest now." Nate said before they left, leaving the room silent except for Gwen's faint breathes as he slept. Later, Bayz brought Gwen dinner and Lynn brought cold water and a rag.
  The next few morning went passed. Bayz and Lynn payed attention to Gwen, kinda monitoring him while he worked. So did Sakura and Zachary. The shop was thriving a bit. The last few weeks, wolves from other parts of the realm came to the shop. The shop was definitely a hit.
  At the Hyun Bar... Vixxy was wiping down a counter. One of her friends, named Anthony was handing a drink to a man whom order it previously. The man looked at Anthony and took the drink. And then he randomly threw the drink all over Anthony. Anthony had been minding his own business. Loud gasps went on. Vixxy looked up and saw Anthony.
"What the hell is going on?!" Vixxy yelled. Anthony was covered in alcohol. Vixxy rushed to Anthony.
"Hey, why are whites working here?" The man laughed. But no laugh was returned. The man grew quiet.
"What did I say? I quit." Anthony said, as he turned to Vixxy. Vixxy frowned. And then Anthony turned to the corner.
"Is that what you wanted?! Well, you've got it." Anthony yelled. The man in the corner, whom he was yelling at, quickly stood up and left with a grin. Vixxy frowned.
"Anthony..." Vixxy mumbled. Anthony dropped the tray on the table in front of the man whom threw the drink at him. Vixxy quickly grabbed Anthony's arm.
"Your debt." Vixxy mumbled.
"I can't do shit if Void keeps fucking with me or making sure I don't get money to pay off my debt." Anthony said, pointing towards the door. This meant that the man who was sitting at the corner is named Void... and is a debt collector. Vixxy frowned.
"I wanna talk to you after my shift. Go clean up and come back." Vixxy pleaded. Anthony nodded slowly and made his way to the exit. Vixxy then grabbed the man's chair and pushed him over.
"OUT!" Vixxy screamed.

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