Chapter 58 - Silas Gaton

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125 Years Ago...
    Silas was 15. Micheal is 16. They were best friends whom grew up together on this small sketched island 300 miles off the coast of the demon realm.
   "MICHEAL!" Silas screamed as he ran through the house door. Micheal was sleeping. Well, not anymore. Gavin and Quint, Micheal's fathers were in the living area.
"Where's Micheal?!" Silas cried.
"Shut up!" Gavin complained. Silas looked at Gavin.
"Hey hey hey!! There are ships on the ports! They are giving us food again! Theres demons and pretty dragons!" Silas complained. Gavin sighed and stood up.
"Food day." Gavin said.
"I'll go." Quint said. Gavin nodded.
"Silas, Micheal is sleeping. Go on with Taeko." Gavin said. Silas rolled his eyes.
"Taeko already said no. He's busy with his studies." Silas complained.
"And you're not?" Quint asked. Silas rolled his eyes.
"MICHEAL!" Silas squealed. Gavin then tossed a bottle at Silas and it hit his shoulder. Silas shut up.
"Mr Mel, you hit me!" Silas complained.
"I was aiming for your head." Gavin said. Silas rolled his eyes.
"I'm up. I'm up." Micheal muttered. Silas ran up to Micheal.
"Come on! Come on! The ports are full!" Silas pleaded. Micheal sighed.
"Ok! Lemme get my shoes." Micheal complained. Silas grinned and rushed out to wait. Then Micheal came out a bit later with a coat.
"Come on!" Silas cheered.
"Where's Taeko or Lizidia?" Micheal questioned.
"Busy. You aren't though." Silas laughed. Micheal sighed. They got to the ports but there was t much food. In fact... there was barely enough for one family. And though there were several ships, it was claimed that these were mostly travelers and no food. And that there were other ships which crashed in a storm.
   Silas, like most people from this rundown island, was poor. He lived in the small foster home of three other children but since he was 15, they basically just let him do whatever he desired to do. Including working and living with others. But they didn't work there. There wasn't enough people to work there. He has dark brown hair, grey eyes, and his hair was pretty short for the timeframe of history. And he's short. He's always been short. He only stands 5 foot where Micheal was only a year older, standing at 5'11". The village was home to barely 40 people whom all had magical abilities. Their only problem was that their population was one much greater. But they were a threat to most people. Just like the Gods Children whom now live the sky as their planet. And because they were powerful, curses were placed upon the village island that was for anyone whom stepped foot on that land lived forever. Which was why people loved to travel there. Because then they could live forever. Never age. They usually stop aging at are 20-25 and stay young mentally and physically. But it was exile. The village islanders were not allowed to board boats and they couldn't swim. If they did somehow get to land, it was because they made their own boats or connected to magic on the top notch which was usually dangerous. They never left. And if they did, they never returned. Micheal was the same, pretty much. Taeko and Lizidia are Micheal and Silas's good friends whom are the same ages. Taeko being 16 and Lizidia being 15. They grew up together. Taeko stands at 6 foot, has tan skin, blonde curly hair and pulled back most of the time, and he had brown eyes. He liked Silas for a very long time. Lizidia has fair white skin, blue eyes, and silver colored hair. They all had magical properties.
   Silas and Micheal stared at the villagers screaming at those on the boats for food. The travelers had started to quickly leave in fear of retaliation.
"I hate this place." Silas said. Micheal looked at Silas.
"No you don't." Micheal said.
"Yes I do. I want to leave and never come back. The world out there is special... perfect and pretty. It's much better than living around on an island that'll never give me money or food in return for my hard work." Silas explained. Micheal searched Silas's face expression.
"Well, if you manage to get off this island, tell me how." Micheal said. Silas grinned.
"If I get off this island, you're coming with." Silas said. Micheal smiled. A woman ran down to the docks and Taeko followed behind. No food. The woman looked devastated. Taeko rubbed his head and looked around. He saw Micheal and Silas. He smiled and waved. They waved back. Quint walked up to Silas and Micheal.
"No food... finally trying to kill us off, huh?" Quint chuckled.
"Well, maybe they'll do better next time." Micheal said. They did not. Each month, it was less and less and less. Until they were forced to start making their own food. But it wasn't ideal. Silas sat against the wall of a building listening to the ocean crash on the shore. His eyes were closed. It was too hot but he was supposed to be working. Taeko walked out of the building with a cup of water and looked at Silas.
"Tired?" Taeko asked.
"Bored." Silas said. Taeko slowly sat down beside Silas and turned to the ocean. Then he saw the clouds.
"Ah... another storm. Wanna stay with me and my mom?" Taeko asked.
"No. Have you ever just wanted to leave this place?" Silas asked, answering Taeko's question too. Taeko stared at Silas.
"No... My mom lives here. She made a life here. I'm not just gonna abandon her." Taeko explained. Silas scoffed.
"Of course you don't. You are a stay at home body." Silas said, turning to Taeko. Taeko frowned.
"If I left this place, I would travel the worktops, get involved in politics... eat and drink with kings and queens. Live out of poverty! I can help people... or great mass genocide. Just think of everything we can do! And most of all, I'd never go near the ocean again. I never wanna hear the sounds of a crashing wave again." Silas explained excitedly as he stood up. Taeko stared at Silas. He frowned.
"What about a family... and children?" Taeko asked.
"No way. I want to live!" Silas said happily. Taeko frowned and then he took a drink of the water in the cup. He stood up.
"Well... my windows open when you need a place to stay." Taeko said.
"Yeah yeah." Silas said, uncaringly. Taeko sighed and left. Silas smiled and looked at the sky. Thunder boomed the sky.

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