Chapter 18 - Pluto x Dominic (Part 2)

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The next day came around. And when moon hit, Pluto had arrived at the castle. It was snowing and the next week to come would be calling for the biggest snow storm of the year. He walked into the castle and took his hood and hat off. He made his way to the council room. When he got there, he saw the entire royal council. This meant Avery, Gem, Royal, River, Micheal, Mary, Arlo, Rory, Arthur, Hunter, Max, and Zhenya were at the table. So were Piper, Ryke, Yizen, Ren, and Jackson, representing the shadow council. On the side were listeners such as Clover, Phillip, Neyou, Evelyn, Penny, and Daniel. Pluto walked in slowly.
"Pluto, come join us." Avery said. Pluto gulped and wakes up to the end of the table. He stood there.
"Let's get to this." Avery said. Ryke held a hand up.
"Ryke." Royal said. Ryke stood up and looked at Avery.
"My queen, my friend... my son has admitted to me that he would like to give his new position as part of the council to Berrajiino Vanderalf, a second class shadow guard. He was second runner and lost to Pluto before he went up against Piper." Ryke spoke out. Avery nodded.
"Is this true?" Avery asked. Pluto blinked.
"Yes, my queen. Allow me to explain?" Pluto asked gently. Avery nodded.
"Proceed." Avery said. Pluto walked up to the table.
"To come clean, I've only become a shadow guard so that my biological father might show me the slightest attention and I've been greedy and unfair. I use my skills for something that none of the other shadow guards do. They all fight for you and for to gradually become better in time. I've become an obstacle to my teammates and friends and I wish to no longer do so. This was an obstacle for Berry yesterday. He fought for this position because he knew he could use it for future potential. I don't want this spot. And I no longer want a spot in the line of shadow guards." Pluto explained thoroughly. Avery listened clearly.
"I understand. And I agree that this is the right thing to do. I'm glad that you were able to make the situation clear to yourself and settle it on your own terms. We'll give Berrajiino the council seat. And we'll erase your name from the shadow guard line. Job wise, your skills could come to use as a strategist. You can make money off this." Avery explained, suggesting a plan ahead. Pluto nodded.
"Thank you. And I'll have to decline your offer for the job. Thank you very much." Pluto said, bowing his head at the end. Avery stood up and looked at Pluto.
"And you are sure... this is what you want?" Avery asked. Pluto looked straight into Avery's eyes. He could only think of Dominic.
"Yes, my queen." Pluto answered. Avery smiled and sat down.
"Thank you for your short time as potential shadow guarding. You're dismissed." Avery said. Pluto nodded and turned around. He left with a nice big smile. And afterwards, he rushed home. But before he could get home, he was stopped by a voice.
"Pluto!" Was the voice speaking. Pluto heard the voice and he stopped. He looked over at a cafe and he saw Jamison.
"Hey Pluto!" Jamison said nicely. Pluto's eyes widened.
"Come sit!" Jamison said. Pluto was in shock. He slowly made his way over. Jamison smiled.
"Hey son!" Jamison cheered. Pluto sat down across from Jamison.
"Hi—" Pluto mumbled. Jamison smiled
"I saw you yesterday. You were the best. Now you have one of the highest ranks in the realm. Being a council member for the queen herself." Jamison cheered. Pluto blinked.
"Do you think I was good?"'Pluto asked nervously.
"Incredibly! Now back to what I was saying-" Jamison started.
"That's the first time you've ever noticed me." Pluto said.
"Great... anyways, how much money do you make being a shadow council member?" Jamison went on. Pluto slowly frowned and he saw Jamison's angle. He stood up. He went to test his truths.
"I quit today. I'm not a shadow guard or a council member anymore. I am unemployed, no income, and I'm not upset about it. In fact, I'm glad. So, do you wanna have some father son bonding times sometime this week?" Pluto asked. Jamison's smiled turned to a glare. He didn't even listen to anything else but the "I quit today" part.
"You... quit." Jamison muffled.
"Why does that matter? It just means we can spend time together now since you are finally giving me attention." Pluto said with an insecure smile. Jamison did what he always did now. Didn't even both to look at Pluto. He stood up and walked away. Pluto flinched.
"Hey! We were talking." Pluto called out. Jamison blocked everything out. He was a bad father and he was never goi g to change. He didn't even hear Pluto. Pluto was hoping that Jamison would lash out at him so that he'd be able to get over him and leave him behind. But that didn't do shit. His happy filled head went dark and his arms fell to his side. He looked down with dull eyes and he slowly walked home. He put his hood on and he walked. But he would run into Wolfe.
"Pluto?" Wolfe questioned. Pluto stopped walking and he looked up. He saw Wolfe. Wolfe was sitting on a bench waiting for Peter and Jadah to stop tongue fucking in the alley.
"Oh- Wolfe. Hi." Pluto mumbled walking over to Wolfe.
"I heard what happened." Wolfe said, moving over for Pluto. Pluto sat down and looked at Wolfe.
"How?" Pluto asked.
"Evelyn." Wolfe answered.
"Ah..." Pluto mumbled. Wolfe looked at Pluto.
"But Evelyn said you were happy... whats wrong?" Wolfe asked. Pluto slowly set his head on Wolfe's shoulder.
"He talked to me. Only because he wanted to use me. And right as I told him I quit, he walked away and didn't even bother to look or listen to me after that... I thought I was finally good enough to him." Pluto explained. Wolfe slowly frowned.
"Oh Pluto. I'm sorry." Wolfe said. Pluto shrugged and then he closed his eyes.
"How long have you been here?" Pluto asked. Wolfe rolled his eyes.
"Not long. But I'll be here much longer now. I'm pretty sure Jadah and Peter are having a fuck fest in that alleyway." Wolfe said. Pluto's eyes opened and he started to laugh.
"Oh god!" Pluto laughed. Wolfe laughed too. Pluto sighed.
"Wanna come to my house?" Wolfe asked. Pluto smiled.
"I'd love too but I got someone coming to my house later." Pluto said.
"Who?" Wolfe asked. Pluto snickered.
"His name starts with a D and he's the biggest asshole in the world." Pluto said.
"Dominic?? Woah!" Wolfe laughed.
"Yuup. He's definitely gonna try and fuck me." Pluto said. Wolfe looked at Pluto.
"Great now I'll be the only single one in our friend group." Wolfe complained. Pluto rolled his eyes.
"If you would stop mooning over men who look like badass gangsters, then maybe you wouldn't be single. A lot of the castle guards have interest in you." Pluto said.
"Ew." Wolfe said. Pluto chuckled and stood up.
"I'll see you later. Your birthday is in a week so I'll probably see you then." Pluto said. Wolfe smiled.
"Bye." Wolfe said. Pluto waved and left. He got home and Theo wasn't home. He had gone out to get groceries. So Pluto went up to his room, took his coats and hat off, and laid in bed. He was happy and sad too. He hugged his pillow and closed his eyes. He later woke up to banging on his window. He opened his eyes slowly and blinked a couple times to adjust. Then he saw Dominic in his window. He groaned and stood up slowly. He walked over to the window. Dominic saw him and smiled. Pluto unlocked the window and pushed it open. Dominic looked at Pluto.
"Morning?" Dominic questioned.
"Yes." Pluto muttered, walking over to his bed. He laid back down and hid under his blackest. Dominic slid into the room and shut the window. He looked at Pluto.
"Are you moping?" Dominic asked. Pluto stuck his hand out of the blankets and put a thumbs up. Dominic chuckled as he took his coat off. He pulled his boots off and set his coat on the coat rack. He walked up to the bed and sat down. He pulled the blanket off of Pluto's head. Pluto opened his eyes and looked at Dominic. Dominic smiled.
"You look lonely." Dominic teased.
"Do I?" Pluto asked with a mumble. Dominic frowned.
"I quit today." Pluto said. Dominic flinched. Pluto saw Dominic's reaction and he sat up. He looked at Dominic.
"I know you said you wanted to got hang tonight but I don't feel like leaving." Pluto said.
"That's fine. We can hang out here." Dominic said before he flopped down on the bed. Pluto looked down at Dominic.
"There isn't much to-" Pluto started.
"Nah. Don't start making excuses." Dominic said. Pluto laid down beside Dominic and looked at him. Dominic smiled.
"I have an idea." Dominic said as he moved Pluto's hair out of Pluto's face. Pluto grew curious...

    They were sitting up on the top of the roof looking at the stars. They were laying on a blanket and under three other blankets. Pluto stared at the stars.
"Do you like stars?" Pluto asked. Dominic looked at Pluto.
"I do. Do you?" Dominic asked. Pluto nodded and he set his head down. He turned towards Dominic and closed his eyes.
"What kind of date did you have in mind?" Pluto asked. Dominic flinched and he turned to Pluto.
"Is that you agreeing?" Dominic asked. Pluto opened his eyes and looked at Dominic.
"Yes." Pluto said. Dominic smiled slowly and he blushed.
"Well, I was thinking some dinner, walking, Uhm... and if you like this— stargazing... and- yeah." Dominic said nervously. Pluto smiled and sat up a little.
"Dinner, walking, stargazing. The expected kiss at the end of course. And then you walk me home and I'll give you the expected kiss before I walk in. Did I get that right?" Pluto explained, suggesting the ending. Dominic blushed and he looked away.
"Maybe..." Dominic mumbled. Pluto scoffed and he leaned forward. He touched Dominic's chin. Dominic looked at Pluto.
"How long have you-" Pluto went to asked.
"Ever since I saw you win your first fight." Dominic answered. Pluto blinked and he began to pull his hand away. Dominic took his hand and held it tightly. Pluto blushed.
"Pluto-" Dominic went to speak but Pluto covered his mouth with his hand.
"And do you really jerk off to me?" Pluto asked softly. Dominic went red. Pluto pulled his hand away and waited. Dominic trembled and looked away quickly.
"I— Uhm..." Dominic didn't know how to answer without lying. Pluto smiled.
"Naughty." Pluto teased. Dominic blushed in embarrassment. Pluto laid back down.
"I get it. Who wouldn't wanna do that to me?" Pluto teased. Dominic was done with the teasing.
"Yeah, who wouldn't." Dominic said. Pluto flinched and he sat up quickly. He looked right at Dominic. Dominic leaned forward and touched Pluto's cheeks. Pluto's eyes widened and he blushed. Dominic leaned forward and was close enough to kiss Pluto. Pluto looked into Dominic's eyes. He trembled.
"Pluto, may I?" Dominic asked softly. Pluto tried to speak but nothing came out. He blushed and slowly nodded. Dominic smiled and leaned forward, kissing Pluto. Pluto returned the kiss. Dominic slowly pulled away. Pluto looked at Dominic. Dominic smiled and quickly leaned forward again. They kissed again. Dominic leaned Pluto back down on his back and he took Pluto's hips. Pluto blushed and he continued to return the kiss. Then they pulled away. Dominic smiled. Pluto covered his face in embarrassment. Dominic kissed Pluto's cheek and laid down beside him.
"You should let me do that all the time." Dominic said softly. Pluto cuddled up in his blanket.
"M— maybe after our date." Pluto mumbled. Dominic chuckled and nodded.

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