Chapter 40 - Teddy x Dillon

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The same week... Teddy stood staring at Jordan and Berry. They were waiting for an answer from Teddy.
"You... want me to set up the bachelor party?" Teddy restated confusedly.
"If you want too, of course." Jordan quickly said. Berry nodded.
"Out of all of our friends combined, we ruled you and Ming out of everyone who is the most mature and organized. But Ming didn't want to." Berry explained. Jordan nodded in agreement. Teddy looked down.
"Can someone help?" Teddy asked.
"Yeah, Dillon can help." Jordan answered. Teddy flinched.
"I didn't say who-" Teddy started.
"You didn't have too." Berry snickered. Teddy blushed.
"Thank you Teddy!" Jordan cheered.
"Oh shush! You have a patient this afternoon so don't take it as a break!" Teddy yelled in complaint as Jordan and Berry began to walk out of the doctors office.
"I know! I know!" Jordan called out. Teddy rolled his eyes and sat down. He was in a clinic. It was a small one run by himself and Jordan.

Dillon sat in a booth at Shawna's restaurant watching his sister Natasha flirt with Evelyn who was just flirting back. Dillon muttered in boredom and then popped up excitedly. He stood up and left his sister with her flirt. He rushed to the clinic and walked in.
"Doctor! I hurt myself!" Dillon cried in a tease.
"Haha, very funny." Teddy said as he walked out of a room with a basket of files. Dillon smiled and walked up to Teddy's desk.
"Hey hey, Teddybear." Dillon cheered. Teddy smiled and looked at Dillon. Dillon tilted his head a little which made his hair fall in front of his eyes a bit. Teddy rolled his eyes and set the basket of files down on a table. He walked over to Dillon and gently moved the hair out of Dillon's eyes. Dillon looked at Teddy and blushed.
"How are you, today, my love?" Dillon asked. Teddy touched Dillon's cheek.
"Great, now that you are here." Teddy said before he kissed Dillon. Dillon returned the kiss and pressed against Teddy's back. Teddy pulled away and blushed. Teddy and Dillon are dating and have been together for about a year now. And they were a role model couple because of the year they've been together, they haven't fought with each other, cheated, or broke up and got back together at all. They are perfect. Young though since Teddy is only 17.
"How'd you lose Natasha?" Teddy asked as he walked back to the file basket.
"She was too busy flirting with Evelyn to realize I snuck away." Dillon answered as he sat down with Teddy at the table. Teddy smiled.
"Do you want to help me with a task I was given?" Teddy asked as he looked through the files.
"Depends. Who's it for and what is it?" Dillon asked curiously. Teddy pulled out two files and stood up.
"It's for Jordan and Berry and it's to plan their bachelor party." Teddy answered as he walked over to his desk.
"Ooo! That sounds fun! I'm in!" Dillon laughing. Teddy chuckled as he opened one of the two folders. Dillon looked at Teddy and smiled.
"I've been looking around lately and I've been thinking..." Dillon started. The nervousness in Dillon's voice made Teddy look at him.
"Want us it?" Teddy asked calmly. Dillon blushed and looked down.
"I want us to live together." Dillon said. Teddy heard Dillon. He looked at Dillon.
"Of course. I want that too." Teddy smiled. Dillon smiled.
"Of course, we'd have to wait because I'm only 17. That's no biggy." Teddy said calmly as he looked through the two files he had. Dillon looked at Teddy nervously now.
"Well... I was hoping- sooner then later?" Dillon questioned. Teddy put his finger on where he stopped in the file and he looked at Dillon.
"What's the rush, baby?" Teddy asked. Dillon smiled.
"Just... I'm gonna marry you one day and I don't get paid as much as you." Dillon said. Teddy flinched and he shut the files. He stood up.
"Are you saying you need my money?" Teddy questioned.
"No. No not at all." Dillon panicked. Teddy crossed his arms.
"I just... I want to wake up next to you everyday. I want to— do everything with you. But a lot of that requires us together." Dillon explained himself. Teddy sighed and walked up to Dillon. He touched his cheek.
"Last week, I had an absolutely perfect dream of being your husband and living with you... all of that. And when I woke up, it felt very wrong not waking up beside you and it's been the exact same this whole week. I think I miss you for no reason at all." Dillon explained. Teddy blushed.
"That was adorable." Teddy said. Dillon covered his face.
"We just argued. That's the first time." Dillon said. Teddy caressed Dillon's cheek.
"And it certainly won't be the last time. But we can overcome any fight, baby." Teddy said. Dillon smiled. Teddy leaned forward and kissed Teddy, with tongue. Dillon returned the kiss and lifted Teddy off the ground. He set his bum on the table and he pressed on Teddy's back. Teddy blushed and then pulled away.
"Nu uh, not here." Teddy said as he looked down. Dillon's hand was trying to undo Teddy's belt. Dillon grinned and pecked Teddy's cheek.
"Later then." Dillon said.
"Later." Teddy repeated. Dillon smiled and let go of Teddy.

The next day: Dillon and Teddy were at Dillon's home. They were at the dining table with Natasha looking over different things. Lynx and Roy love their kids but they want them to start getting their own places. Lynx looked over at the three.
"Natty, do you have work today?" Lynx asked.
"I do, at noon." Natasha answered before she pointed at one paper. Teddy picked up the paper and looked through it.
"Dillon, do you have work today?" Lynx asked.
"I don't. I took the day off to go on a date with Teddy later." Dillon explained as he picked up a different paper to look at it. Lynx smiled.
"Before your date, can you go to Royal's and pick up a few things?" Lynx asked. Dillon looked at Lynx.
"Sure." Dillon said. Teddy set the paper in Dillon's hand.
"This one." Teddy said.
"Yes!" Natasha cheered. Dillon looked through the paper.
"Damnit." Dillon muttered. Natasha snickered. Teddy nodded.
"I call picking!" Natasha squealed. Teddy rolled his eyes.
"What are you guys working on?" Roy asked as he walked into the house, taking his coat off.
"The new layout for the clinic." Natasha cheered.
"Oo... lemme see." Roy said as he sat down beside Natasha. Teddy slid the paper to Roy. Roy looked at it.
"Shouldn't you be going over these with Jordan?" Lynx asked as he kissed Roy's cheek as a welcome home.
"I should be, yeah. But lover boy is too swooned over Berry even though he's gonna marry him in two weeks now." Teddy scoffed. Roy and Lynx chuckled.
"And, when are you two getting married?" Roy asked, pointing at Teddy and Dillon. Teddy was reading another paper. He pointed at Dillon.
"When he proposes." Teddy said. Dillon pointed at Teddy.
"When he turns 18." Dillon said. Roy and Lynx chuckled.
"The real question is— when is Natty gonna confess to Evelyn?" Dillon said.
"Evelyn? Isn't she too old for you?" Lynx asked.
"She's 21! She's only three years older then me." Natasha quickly squealed. Teddy and Dillon looked at Natasha.

Later... Teddy and Dillon were on their date. It was still kind of light out. They were supposed to be stargazing while eating and snuggling in a lone field a couple miles away from civilization. There were a lot of blankets and pillows so they could sleep there too. But since there were no stars to gaze upon yet, they just decided to fuck. They were both naked but their bottom half's were under the blankets. Dillon was sitting upright and Teddy was on his lap with Dillon's dick in him. His arms were wrapped around Dillon's neck and his head was on Dillon's shoulder. Dillon leaned his head on the side of Teddy's. He thrusted.
"Nhh—" Teddy mumbled. Dillon blushed and thrusted some more. Teddy's mouth opened from pleasure.
"Ngh— a-Ah~" Teddy mumbled. Dillon smiled and started to thrust faster. Teddy's eyes widened and he moaned some more. This only made Dillon thrust more.
"D— Dillon..." Teddy moaned. Dillon smiled.
"Are you almost there?" Dillon asked. Teddy nodded.

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