Chapter 15 - Vixxy x Xiromi

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In the wolf realm, not the kingdom... Caleb's family is located in several places... in the Wolf Kingdom, in the Dragon Kingdom, some located in different places in the dragon and wolf kingdom. One of the families being one of Caleb's older brothers Ace and his connecting family. Ace lives with his husband Taylor with a big ass family on a 200 acre land with a small family village to themselves. Included in Ace and Taylor's family are now Jade, Zokijiro, and Drew, Reji and Nikzander, Andrew, Miles, and Vixxy, Riley, Libby, and Xiromi, Neo, Tiger, Mathias, and Sarah, Xavier, Zane, and Miz, K'vo and Jules, Leo, Nate, Gwen, Bayz, Lynn, and Zion, Vari, and Kelly. They all lived on the 200 acre's but they only used 2 acre's to live on. The rest was for hunting and food and water.
   There were 10 treehouses all bunched together and connected by rope bridges. They formed a circle and in the middle were four fire pits for the large family. Each tree house had two rooms inside and then on the ground right below would be one room. This meant that in total, there were 30 rooms. And only 19 were occupied. Ace and Taylor had one room on the ground. So did Nikzander and Reji, K'vo and Jules, Leo and Nate, and Andrew and Miles. There was also one room on the bottom of a treehouse that was saved for whenever Royal and Reo would come to visit. Sarah and Vari shared a room by choice up top, sharing a treehouse with Jade and Zokijiro. They were above Nate and Leo's room. Above Nikzander and Reji's room was the triplets and Zion's rooms. Zion and Bayz stayed in one room and Lynn and Gwen stayed in the other room. Above K'vo and Jules' bedroom was where Neo and Tiger stayed in. Their son Mathias stayed in the room across from them. Above the bedroom that Royal and Reo would stay in was where Vixxy and Xiromi stayed in. They had separate rooms. Above Taylor and Ace's bedroom was Xavier and Zane's room. In the same treehouse stayed their son Miz and Jade's son Drew. Above an empty room stayed Riley and Libby. In the same treehouse stayed Kelly. Meet the great large family of 30 people, not including Reo and Royal.

   It was an early morning... so that meant most of the family was awake. It was Vixxy's 18th birthday. She woke up to knocking, loud knocking. She sat up quickly and yawned.
"The hell is with the extreme knocking?" Xiromi said. Vixxy flinched and he looked to her left. Xiromi was laying there holding a pillow over her head to shut the noise out. It failed. Vixxy gasped and she looked down. She wasn't wearing anything except underwear.
"Shit-" Vixxy said before she hit Xiromi's arm.
"Ow!" Xiromi complained, sitting up. Xiromi only had her underwear and bra on.
"Someone is at the door!" Vixxy yell-whispered. Xiromi flinched and she stood up. She grabbed her clothes quickly.
"Vixxy! Open up!" Lynn yelled out from on the other side of the door.
"We got a surprise for you!" Sarah cheered from beside Lynn.
"Girl! Open this door!" Gwen squealed. Vixxy grabbed her bra.
"GO AWAY! IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" Vixxy lord as she clicked her bra on. She looked over at Xiromi. Xiromi got all her clothes on and she looked at Vixxy. Vixxy shrugged in confusion before she put her shirt and pants on. Then she walked over to the door. Xiromi quickly made it look like she had a sleep over in Vixxy's room. She laid on the floor under a couple blankets and pretended to be asleep. Vixxy opened the door in irritation.
"What??" Vixxy yelled.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Gwen, Lynn, and Sarah screamed, quickly jumping on Vixxy. Vixxy squealed as she dropped to the floor from the weight.
"You are 18 now!" Gwen yelled.
"Just like Xiromi!" Sarah cheered.
"Yeah!! You all shut up now! She slept over in here for my birthday and you all are going to wake her up!" Vixxy acted up.
"To late." Xiromi said, acting as if she just woke up. She sat up off the ground in complaint.
"Oops, sorry Xiro." Lynn said. Vixxy squirmed out and just flopped in the ground.
"Let me guess, dad is making me breakfast, papa has presents, and so does everyone else which are all waiting down there." Vixxy spoke. Lynn, Gwen, and Sarah stared at Vixxy.
"Party pooper." Sarah said.
"Buzzkill." Gwen said.
"No spirit." Lynn said before they went away. Vixxy groaned and closed her eyes. Xiromi stood up and walked over to Vixxy. Vixxy slowly stood up.
"Great. This is gonna be just great." Vixxy said. Xiromi snickered.
"Of course! You are finally of age. Presents for this time are important." Xiromi said as she stood at Vixxy's side. Vixxy looked at a Xirom.
"What's my gift from you?" Vixxy asked as she watched Xiromi walk towards her room. Xiromi turned around and groped her own boobs.
"You already know." Xiromi said, licking her lips. Then she went into her room. Vixxy smiled and shut her door. She changed into clothing. She wore a tight black shirt with a black choker. And she wore a black and silver skirt that went with her silver shoes. And she had a black sleeved shirt over her tight black shirt. She fixed her hair so that half was pulled back into a messy bun while the rest of her long black hair stayed on her shoulders. She walked over to Xiromi's door and waited. Then the door opened. Xiromi stepped out and shut the door. She looked at Vixxy.
"Happy birthday." Xiromi said. Vixxy smiled. Xiromi had half her shoulder length hair buzz-cutted. And her hair was a mixed color of dark purple and brown. And the hair was curled a little. And she was wearing black/grey ripped jeans, grey crop top with a couple necklaces, and a leather black jacket over the crop top.  She also had a lot of ear piercings and bracelets.
"Ready for a fiasco?" Xiromi asked.
"Oh god." Vixxy teased. Xiromi chuckled. Vixxy started to walk. She climbed down and Xiromi followers. They got to the ground.
"There's the birthday girl!!!" Drew laughed. Mathias kicked Drew.
"Happy birthday, darling!" Miles said as he wakes up to her. Vixxy smiled.
"Thanks dad." Vixxy said. Andrew walked up to Vixxy with a small gift.
"Sorry, it's not much but we hope you like it. We don't have a lot of spare change around right now." Andrew said nicely. Vixxy smiled and took the present.
"Thank you papa." Vixxy said before she opened the gift. Inside was two rings. Engagement rings. Vixxy's eyes widened and she looked up at her fathers quickly. Miles smiled. Andrew held up two fingers then crossed them. Vixxy laughed and she looked at Xiromi. Xiromi rose an eyebrow out of curiosity. During breakfast...
"So, what did they give you?" Xiromi asked as she sat next to Vixxy. Vixxy smiled and she looked at Xiromi.
"They got me engagement rings." Vixxy said. Xiromi blushed and she stared at Vixxy.
"Really?" Xiromi asked.
"Really." Vixxy said.
"Well, lemme see one! I know ones for me." Xiromi complained, holding her hand out. Vixxy chuckled and pulled out the box. She opened it and pulled out one of the rings. She took Xiromi's hand and she put the ring on Xiromi's ring finger. Vixxy smiled.
"Beautiful." Vixxy said.
"Yes, it really is." Xiromi said before she took Vixxy's hand and put the other ring on her ring finger. Vixxy smiled. They put their hands together and looked at the rings on both their fingers.
"Let's go on a date tomorrow." Xiromi said.
"Sure, if you don't suck me dry." Vixxy said , pointing down. Xiromi grabbed Vixxy's hand and pulled her closer.
"That's what you like me to do. Think you can resist to that long?" Xiromi questioned. Vixxy blushed and she shook her head no.
"Not at all." Vixxy teased. Xiromi snickered. Drew and Mathias sat down beside Vixxy. They both handed her a gift.
"Happy birthday Vixxy." Drew said.
"Finally one of the oldest here." Mathias said. Vixxy smiled and took the gifts.
"Where'd you get the money to get these?" Vixxy asked as she unwrapped Drew's first.
"Saved up." Drew said.
"I had zenos laying around." Matthias said. Vixxy smiled and turned to Drew when she saw the necklace in the box.
"Silver? How much did you save?" Vixxy asked.
"The price hurt. Don't remind me." Drew sobbed. Vixxy laughed and then pulled Drew into a hug.
"I love it. I'll wear it everyday." Vixxy said. Drew smiled. Vixxy handed the necklace to Drew and moved her hair.
"Put it on me while I open Mathias' gift." Vixxy said. Drew nodded. Vixxy opened up Mathias' gift. She saw what was inside and her eyes glimmered in shock. She looked at Mathias.
"Mathias..." Vixxy mumbled. Mathias smiled.
"It's not silver or expensive like Drew's but I thought you'd like it." Mathias said. Vixxy looked at the box in her hand. There was a glass tree. But that wasn't the matter, it was the fact that it was the same glass tree that her biological mother had. She looked at Mathias.
"Where'd you find this?" Vixxy asked. Mathias smiled.
"Well, I remember the one time I was in your room and there was a painting of you and your biological mothers. But in the background of the painting was a glass tree and a plate set. So when I was walking around the village markets, something had caught my eye. It was a glass tree. I was gonna get it because it resembled the one in the painting but when I got closer, there were two initials on it." Mathias explained. Vixxy looked down at the glass tree and she saw the initials.
"LS." Vixxy said.
"The same initials as your biological mother Lindsey Stefry." Mathias said. Vixxy smiled.
"Wow, you made her emotional. Never thought I'd see the day." Miz said, sitting on the log beside Xiromi.
"Oh shut up." Drew and Mathias said. Vixxy laughed.
"Thank you so much Mathias. This means a lot." Vixxy said as she moved her hair down. She looked down at the necklace around her neck and smiled.
"My turn." Miz said.
"No mine!" Gwen yelled.
"Nu uh! I was here first!" Lynn said.
"No I was." Zion said.
"ME! DO MINE NEXT!" Bayz yelled.
"No me!!!" Sarah squealed. Vixxy blinked a couple times.
"Save me." Vixxy pleaded. Mathias, Drew, and Xiromi laughed.

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