Chapter 4 - Nalina x Iza

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Later that year... Toby and Mateo's oldest child, Nalina whom had just turned 18, worked at Shawna's restaurant. But she also worked as a shadow guard attendant along side Haru. Basically, she takes care of the needs of all the shadow guards and to be shadow guards. At Shawna's restaurant, though... it wasn't owned by Shawna anymore but actually her daughter Kanna. Unfortunately, Shawna died of natural causes... old age. And she was also one of the oldest survivors of the wolves takeover. But no longer was that true. Nalina is a beautiful girl. Pretty fair skin and sky blue eyes. She has dark blue mixed with bright light blue hair which made her looked eye catching. She always wore her hair in a different style everyday. Kanna was in the back cooking as Clover, Evelyn, and Jadah busted tables, took orders, and sat people down. Jadah just finished taking an order and was walking over go the order roll. Evelyn was taking an order. And Clover was cleaning a table. Kanna walked out and set a plate of food in front of a customer. The door rang and a woman stepped in. Kanna walked up to the woman.
"Good morning! Staying or to go?" Kanna asked nicely. The woman looked at Kanna.
"Depends. Is your food good?" The woman answered with a questioned. Kanna smiled and turned around.
"Staying." Kanna called out. The woman rose an eyebrow. Evelyn walked over to the woman and took over for Kanna so Kanna could go back to cooking. Evelyn led the woman over to a booth.
"Anything to start out with?" Evelyn asked as she set a laminated menu down in front of the woman. The woman lifted it up and looked at the menu.
"Just water. I want to take a long look." The woman answered. Evelyn nodded happily. The woman was maybe 19 or 20. She has hair that only goes to his shoulders and it was pitch black. Her skin was a little darker then most and her eyes were dark brown.
"Just call me when you are ready." Evelyn said. The woman nodded. Evelyn got to work. Jadah set food down in front of another person and then walked over to Evelyn.
"When is Nalina coming? I need to go." Jadah said impatiently. Evelyn shrugged.
"I don't know." Evelyn shrugged. Jadah groaned. And then the door opened. Jadah and Evelyn turned to the door. Jadah smiled.
"Finally!" Jadah said as he quickly took his apron off. Nalina walked in.
"You are late." Evelyn said.
"I know, I know." Nalina said. The woman from earlier looked up and saw Nalina. She stared as she walked over to Jadah. Jadah clocked in his time card and just left. Evelyn watched him leave. Nalina got an apron and put it on.
"Why were you late?" Evelyn asked. Nalina put her hair up in a ponytail.
"Jordan is why. The boy hates me, I swear." Nalina said. Evelyn snickered.
"You mean the Jordan who wants to stick his dick in Peter?" Evelyn asked. Nalina snickered.
"Is worrisome the amount my brother moons for Peter." Nalina laughed. Evelyn giggled. Then that woman from earlier rose her hand up. Evelyn saw it and smiled. She walked over to the woman. And then Nalina went over and helped Clover.
"Figure out what you want?" Evelyn asked. The woman nodded.
"I want her name." The woman said, pointing at Nalina. Evelyn looked at Nalina then to the woman again.
"Who's asking?" Evelyn asked. The woman rose an eyebrow.
"Iza May. Now, her name?" The woman, Iza, questioned. Evelyn crossed her arms and turned around.
"Nalina, this costumer wants you to serve them." Evelyn said before she left. Iza watched Evelyn leave and then she saw Nalina. Nalina walked over to Iza and she looked at Iza.
"Hello." Nalina said nicely.
"Your name is Nalina?" Iza questioned. Nalina crossed her arms.
"Why do you want to know?" Nalina questioned, leaning over and closer to Iza. Iza looked at Nalina.
"Because I find you quite attractive and I want to take you on a date." Iza said. Nalina flinched and she stood up straight quickly.
"I-... oh- sorry... what was your name?" Nalina asked. Iza stood up and took Nalina's hand. She kissed her hand gently.
"Iza May. And you?" Iza introduced. Nalina's cheeks grew red but she recognized the name. She squinted at Iza.
"I'm Nalina... like you heard—" Nalina mumbled. Iza smiled.
"It's a rare name. Beautiful." Iza said. Nalina looked at Iza.
"Are you going to order anything...?" Nalina asked nervously. Iza smiled again.
"I was... but now I just want to talk to you." Iza said. Nalina glanced down.
"When does your shift end? I'll wait till then so I don't hold up your work time." Iza questioned generously. Nalina blushed once again.
"I-Uhm... at 3..." Nalina mumbled. Iza nodded and let go of Nalina's hand.
"I'll see you at 3 then." Iza said before she left. Nalina nodded and then Iza left. Nalina watched her leave and then she turned to the counter. Clover was snickering while Evelyn and Kanna had dropped jaws in shock.
"That girl just flirted her way into your heart just like that!" Evelyn questioned. Nalina covered her face in embarrassment but she smiled.

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