Chapter 57 - Danger

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Two days later... Rixalyn sat at a table with Elizabeth at the cafe from before. Rixalyn smiled as she took the final drink of her tea. Then she set the cup down.
"Do you want another?" Elizabeth asked.
"I would desire that, yes." Rixalyn answered. Elizabeth smiled and lifted her hand up. A server came to them.
"Another cup of tea please." Elizabeth said. The server nodded and left. Elizabeth stood up. She walked to Rixalyn. She leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"I'll be right back." Elizabeth said. Rixalyn nodded and watched Elizabeth step out for a moment. She was talking to Bella whom was passing by just then. Rixalyn turned forward and saw her tea filled. The server already turned around to leave.
"Thank you." Rixalyn said as she lifted the tea up. She took a drink and sighed. Then she felt a choking feeling. She quickly grabbed her neck and stood up. She dropped her cup and it shattered. That made Elizabeth look inside. She saw the cup and Rixalyn standing. Rixalyn couldn't breathe. She coughed and the server came to Rixalyn as a walk. Then he grabbed Rixalyn's shoulder.
"And now you die. To bad you couldn't be of help to us, Lady Rixa. Also, your family is dead. Skinned their faces off." The server said calmly as he gripped Rixalyn's shoulder. Rixalyn turned to the server and her eyes burst open. She started to cry and she held her neck.
"We are storming the shit out of that castle tomorrow and no one... and I mean no one will know." The server, who is not actually a server, said srltrictly. Then he pushed Rixalyn. Rixalyn fell backwards on the chair and she could breathe. People looked at them and grew worried. Rixalyn coughed up blood and she gasped. She started to cry and she went to stand. She turned to Elizabeth and then fell. She coughed more. Elizabeth saw Rixalyn and her eyes widened. She rushed in and fell to Rixalyn.
"RIX?!" Elizabeth cried. Rixalyn coughed and coughed till she couldn't take it. Elizabeth quickly picked Rixalyn up and carried her all the way to the castle where she set her down in the doctors room. Luckily, it was just in time. The doctor knew how to cure poison that she had but she didn't feel very good afterwards. Caleb walked in and saw Elizabeth speaking to Rixalyn. Rixalyn looked messed up.
"Who was it?" Caleb asked. Rixalyn and Elizabeth looked at Caleb.
"It was... it was a person from the group. He said they were gonna storm the castle tomorrow... and that my family is dead." Rixalyn explained softly and quietly as her throat hurt. Caleb trembled and he turned away. He slowly made his way to the hall and then Melio walked down.
"Love?" Melio questioned. Caleb looked at Melio.
"I think we should leave." Caleb said. Melio frowned.
"Caleb..." Melio mumbled as he walked to Caleb. He took his hand.
"We can't leave." Melio mumbled.
"Why not?" Caleb asked strictly. Melio took Caleb's hand.
"The drawbridge broke suddenly and it won't go down." Melio said. Caleb didn't move. He stayed still.
"Then we go across the moat." Caleb mumbled.
"We can't do that, it's raining season and it's like a rapid in the most. If we try to cross it, we'll drown right away." Cherry said as she walked to them. Caleb started to have a panic attack. He held his chest and he trembled. He immediately fell. Melio and Cherry's eyes widened and they quickly went to catch him. Caleb only fainted but it happened because he was frightened to death.
"CALEB?!" Melio cried.
Soon afterwards, Elizabeth told Melio what Caleb had heard and Melio demanded instant working on getting the drawbridge working once again. Caleb woke up later and he informed everyone of the castle to reach a safe place because when he woke... it was midnight and everyone waited. No one could sleep in fear of a ransack during the night. They all listened out.

Devin paced the room which Miz lived in. Miz was laying down, staring at the window.
"Maybe its someone on the inside." Devin muttered. Miz looked at Devin.
"Obviously." Miz said. Devin flinched and turned to Miz. Miz sat up slowly and got to his feet. He walked to the window.
"The drawbridge is broken and the moats a death trap. Understand me? Someone must've disabled it only to enable it for the attack. Otherwise how else are these attackers supposed to get here?" Miz explained. Devin walked over to Miz and opened the window. He leaned out and looked down at the moat. To the far right, you could see the drawbridge. Then he flinched.
"It's not broken, probably..." Devin mumbled. Miz grinned. They looked at each other.
"So let's do our best to keep it that way." Miz said. Devin and Miz quickly left. Melio was overlooking the fixing of the drawbridge when Miz and Devin ran over. Miz went to the drawbridge mechanism and Devin explained the solution to Melio. Melio was surprised but it made sense.
"But that only buys us so much time." Devin spoke. Melio nodded.
"Keep the drawbridge broken as long as possible." Melio said. Devin nodded and went to help Miz. Melio grew anxious and turned to the mainland. Then he though of the map which Rixalyn had on her arm. Not only the two mean exits reachable by foot. But the chamber entrance and roof exit were there too. He went to Austin. Austin couldn't sleep and Roger was doing his best to help him. Melio knocked twice and opened the door.
"Austin, I need help." Melio said. Austin looked at Melio. Eventually, Austin had made a fire door at the roof exit and chamber entrance. It did mean Austin was gonna use all his energy and pass out out later but for now it's all they got until they can find a way to send a letter out to other realms for a call of help. Then Melio made his way to his room. Austin was t gonna sleep well that night but Roger did his best to comfort him. Melio walked up to his bedroom and looked at Caleb. Caleb was sitting on the small couch in front of the fireplace. It wasn't cold enough to need a fire but he was still sitting beside it on the couch. Melio shut the door slowly.
"Baby?" Melio spoke. Caleb looked at Melio.
"Did they fix the bridge?" Caleb asked. Melio walked over to Caleb and sat beside him.
"I gave new orders." Melio said. Caleb turned to Melio.
"What? With? Why?" Caleb questioned. Melio looked at Caleb.
"I want to tell you but you do not have a clear mind right now." Melio said. Caleb trembled and turned away. Melio frowned.
"Caleb." Melio said. Caleb didn't budge. Melio stood up and stood in front of Caleb. He leaned down.
"Caleb." Melio spoke. Caleb turned to Melio. He was exhausted. Melio frowned.
"You trust me right?" Melio asked. Caleb sighed.
"Of course I trust you Melio. If I didn't, I wouldn't have married you or raised children with you." Caleb said as he touched Melio's cheek. Melio took Caleb's hand and smiled.
"Then trust me when I say that I would never lead our family to doom." Melio said. Caleb stared at Melio's eyes. Then he nodded. Melio smiled and leaned down. He kissed Caleb's cheek. Caleb blushed.
"Now, it's nearly 2. Let's sleep." Melio said. Caleb nodded and Melio helped Caleb stand. They went to bed and fell asleep. Both were still worried but they trusted each other and Caleb could relax a bit. The next day, nothing happened. Devin watched out windows continuously. Actually all guards did. And it was spoken out that there was a traitor amongst guards because the guards were the ones who controlled the drawbridge. They were waiting for a sign. And until then, anything the royals ate or drank was looked over beforehand to make sure of no poisoning like how they did to Rixalyn. Caleb and Melio had Nathaniel go over whom of the guards had been working at the bridge when the bridge was announced broken. There were several at the time though. So Devin was in charge of going  through the several guards and finding out who did what. Austin was exhausted as well. Caleb and Roger helped Austin through it. Austin sat in a chair located at the office. He was half asleep, half concentrated on the spells he has. Then Micah rushed in with eight envelopes.
"I got them." Micah said as he set them on the desk. Caleb lifted the envelopes. He stared at them then to Austin.
"What are they?" Roger asked.
"They are letters to each royal of them six other realms. Then one is to my brother Ace. And the final one is to Red, the witch of the dragon realm. Her, Winter, and Micheal I'm hoping will come to our aid." Caleb explained.
"This is why we need a castle mage or witch." Micah said. Then Austin held the middle finger at Micah.
"Why am I?" Austin asked. Micah chuckled nervously. Austin sighed.
"Can you get these to whom they belong too?" Caleb asked. Austin turned to the envelopes and nodded slowly. He picked them all up and closed his eyes. Then the envelopes just disappeared. But then Austin lost it. He fainted. Roger quickly touched Austin's cheeks. Caleb frowned.
"Liar." Micah said, directed at Austin.

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