Chapter 45 - Nicolas x Koba

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If you remember correctly... we met the new King of the Angel realm and the new king of the demon realm a year ago at Avery and Megan's newly hosted ball. If not remembered, gets a recap.

King Nicolas is now 20 and searching for a way to revoke his royalship back to his parents. He had only become king because his mother was ill and on death row. She grew better but that left Nicolas as a king still. And that stopped him from doing a lot. Including being with Koba. Two years ago was when he was crowned a king but three years ago when he was 17, he was given an arranged marriage with Koba as a peace treaty once Koba would turn 18. A year later, their arrangement was broken because Nicolas had to become king. But in that year, Nicolas and Koba grew to love each other deeply. And now, it was impossible.

King Koba is now 18 and known as the depressed king of light. Why? He had become king because other than Tyler who was shunned from the family, Koba was the last of his bloodline. Only half a year later after the arrangement was cut off, Koba and his older brother Millard watched their whole family get slaughtered out of anger by the upper class people of the Angel realm. They were angered that Koba's parents, the now dead king and queen, agreed to a treaty only 18 years back, that allowed Demons and Angels to live together, marry, cross the boards, anything really. The upper class was so angered that they even decided to leave two of the youngest members alive to live the guilt and misery they were brought upon after being forced to watch their family die in front of them. A little later... Millard was supposed to be crowned king but the night before, he killed himself because he couldn't bare the burden. So Koba was forced to be king. And ever since, Koba has gotten life threats, assassination attempts, and even hoped for death. But he couldn't bring himself to Jill himself because... it would hurt Nicolas. But he always looked dull and unhappy as to why he's called the depressed king of light.

Present; the Demon Realm: Nicolas sat in an office listening to his council argue about the wretched situation of Angel murders killed by unsupportive Demons. It's been like this for however long. It bore Nicolas. Nicolas finally sat up and stretched his arms. He looked at his desk and there was a picture of him and Koba in a frame. When they were engaged of course. Koba's smile. He looked at the time above the office door and then stood up. Everyone went quiet and looked at Nicolas.
"Does anyone have this weeks newspaper? The global one?" Nicolas asked. No one responded. Nicolas blinked.
"No? I'll go get one then. This council is dismissed." Nicolas said on complaint as he walked off. The council quickly dispersed. Nicolas walked out the front and asked a guard to go grab a global newspaper of the week. Only minutes later, he had one. He read the articles as he walked to his office. He flipped the page and it had seven article on the kings and queens of each realm. He read his own first and then on. It spoke mostly of political affairs, marriages, or gossips. The Dragon realm was about Rory and Ashley having a garden outing for a week with anyone interested. Nicolas was so. Nicolas and Rory had become good friends after the royal hall and keep in touch. Then his eyes went to the Angel realm. His smile faded and he stared at the article.

Koba Haven, King of the Angels
   Last seen alive was 2 months ago. No one has seen him sense. Buried away in the castle or were those death threats and assassination attempts executed successfully?

   That frightened Nicolas. He tried to keep in touch for awhile but it all stopped after about a year because Koba stopped opening letters, afraid of what was gonna be said, whether good or bad. He looked up and a guard opened the office door as he watched in. He was just about to sit when his mother and father, Xia and Richard walked in healthily.
"Nicolas." Xia said. Nicolas stopped and looked at his parents. Then he groaned and sat down.
"Ok ok, let's just skip this convo and I'll respond. No, I'm not gonna marry anyone. You know why. I'm not a bachelor. Answered?" Nicolas spoke, predictably seeing the future obviously. Xia sat down in a chair and Richard stood.
"How do you plan to run a kingdom with no one to rule at your side?" Richard asked. Nicolas grinned.
"I don't. I plan to revoke my kingship." Nicolas said.
"For Koba?!" Xia asked in worry.
"He needs me." Nicolas said.
"That boy needs hope, Nic. Not you." Richard said nicely. Nicolas stared at his parents.
"What do you think his hope is?" Nicolas asked. Xia and Richard frowned. They cared about Nicolas and wanted him to be happy.
"We can talk to your little brother. He might be interested in taking the kingship. But it's a long shot." Xia said. Nicolas smiled and nodded.
"In other arrangements though... we are going to travel to the Angel kingdom to do a welfare check on Koba. We are gonna bring some mentors and servants as well to work under him because no servants or guards want to work for him. And no one is mentoring him so the realm is going to shit. But it's not only us. Each realm is bringing servants and guards to his aid. As well as the kings and queens of each realm." Richard said. Nicolas stood up.
"When?" Nicolas asked.
"Next week." Xia said. Nicolas scoffed.
"Then we are going first." Nicolas said before he left the room.
"Called it." Richard said.
"Oh shut up." Xia said.

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