Chapter 36 - Henry x Luke

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   In the wolf realm... the winter was nearly over so people were thriving in the kingdom. Imports from the small islands part of the realm were coming in around this time so villages were pretty busy. But not only that, it wasn't a great time for royalty or politics because politics in the realm surrounded early spring. So while Caleb and Melio along with everyone of the castle was busy, the princes and princesses all took advantage of so. Catching up with the royals... the youngest was Elizabeth. She was gonna turn 16 in a few weeks. She is the Maroon wolf out of her siblings. She's pretty and fair and is allegedly the heir of the realm against Nathan of course. She takes royal classes with Nathan on a daily basis and is a real lady. She helps keep order around the castle. Next would be Crystal, the Alphian wolf. She is 16 now.. she is also a young princess now. She doesn't go out as much as she's to afraid to do so. But she doesn't need to be as her parents have guards follow her outside of the castle. She's a very beautiful girl. Next would be Nathan whom is almost 17. As said before, he's taking royal classes on a daily basis to be the heir. Other than that, he's single. Next is Bailey. She is 17, almost 18. She had bloomed into a beautiful girl but she was a rascal as she didn't really care about being royalty. So she focused on other things. She was seen as the favorite of all the royals and this was because she actually worked and did everything in her own. She has a girlfriend which she wants to marry soon. Austin and Roger are engaged and are going to get married in the summer. But otherwise, Austin is 18 now. He's practicing on how to use his magical abilities for good and use them for helping hands. At this moment, he doesn't know a lot. Since Henry is next but the main topic of this chapter, he'll be last. Micah and Gavyn got married only two weeks ago so they are gone on their honeymoon. But Micah is now almost 20 and will be moving into a house with Gavyn sooner than later. Now... Henry. Henry is almost 19. There are a couple things up with Henry. You see, all of Henry's siblings are favorited by everyone of the realm now. This is because each and every single sibling was a different species of wolf. Henry was the only common wolf. So most of the time, he wasn't really seen as someone special or important by anyone. But he wasn't really fazed by it. It just meant that no one would bother him or cause a threat to him in public. Also, in the last year, Henry had a lover. His name was Luke. He is the same age as Henry. They were best friends at first and they hit it off at the start because they were born the same exact day. But in the last three months, they broke up because of distance problems and they couldn't settle the problem without arguments. Luke left the kingdom to go take care of his younger brother. His parents were killed so his little brother was left alone so Luke had no choice. Henry was heart broken and he still is because he was prepared to marry Luke. But it is what it is. But nothing was gonna prepare Henry for what would happen next.

The breakfast bell rang. Henry muttered as he walked down the stairs. He was kinda tired. He walked down the stairs and wobbled to his seat not paying attention to anything going on. He sat down at his seat and glanced up. He blinked. Everyone was quiet. He leaned to Nathan.
"What's going on?" Henry asked quietly. Nathan looked at Henry and frowned.
"Dad and papa are meeting up with these awful people who are very interested in how they adopted us all... different breeds of wolf, you know..." Nathan explained quietly.
"Shh!" Bailey said quickly. Nathan and Henry looked up at the stairs. Then they all stood up. Cherry and Leah came down and stood at their seats. And then three people walked down the stairs. All older men. 30+ in age. A servant sat the three men on three seats. And then Caleb and Melio walked down.
"Good morning." Caleb spoke.
"Morning." Everyone at the table said. And then Caleb and Melio sat down in their seats. Everyone else did too.
"How are my children, this morning?" Caleb asked kindly.
"Ah! Papa, have you seen the markets? New stock new stuff!" Bailey said excitedly. Caleb and Melio smiled.
"Ah, how about you all go out today and look around at everything new. Henry, would you watch after Crystal?" Melio suggested.
"Yeah." Henry answered as he picked at his food.
"Oh yes! There better be cool stuff!" Nathan snickered. Caleb smiled and turned to the three men. He frowned.
"So... how long do you three plan to stay?" Caleb asked.
"As long as you think to have us." One man explained. Caleb smiled nervously.
"Since you came to meet my children, let me introduce them to you." Caleb explained calmly.
"Yes, yes." Another man said nicely. Caleb smiled.
"This is my youngest, Elizabeth. Then that is Crystal, Nathan, and Bailey. Then that is my third oldest, Austin. And the man of the castle as my oldest right now, Henry. My oldest son is out on his honeymoon. His name is Micah." Caleb spoke out. The men smiled but they grew... confused when they saw Henry.
"Your oldest isn't a Grey wolf right?" One man asked. Henry flinched. All the siblings looked at the man confusedly. Caleb and Melio looked at the men.
"Uhm... no. My oldest is a Feya wolf. We adopted one of each species of wolf." Caleb explained.
"Even a Grey wolf? We weren't really expecting that... in fact, no one knows that you adopted a Grey wolf. Know one knows him." One man explained. Henry blinked.
"How so? He's in every picture and description we've ever taken in public. He's the prince." Melio explained.
"Yes... we've seen him in pictures... We assumed he was, well a butler or servant." Another man explained. Henry looked at the men normally. He smiled and shrugged it off. But his siblings on the other hand, they were pissed.
"What the hell? How did you get servant instead of prince?!" Nathan yelled in anger.
"Ah, no problems of course. Just, we don't expect any more common wolves in the kingdom. It's not even a matter to discuss because he's not that important." One man explained. All the siblings looked at Henry quickly. They were angered. Caleb saw this. Melio shook his head in disappointment. Henry was eating, not paying attention because he's used to this. Melio looked at Caleb. Caleb stood up.
"Please leave." Caleb said nicely. The three men looked at Caleb.
"Huh?" One man questioned.
"I don't appreciate you calling my son that he is not important. All my children are perfect in their own way and they all have an importance in this world. You just told me and my children that my son isn't even important. I have lost all respect towards you three." Caleb explained strictly. The three men grew shocked. Henry looked at Caleb quickly.
"I thought you were the king of the future? How can you protect someone so common?" One of the men asked. Caleb's eyes widened and he turned away.
"You know what... GUARDS!" Caleb screamed out. The guards came running in.
"Get them out, right now!" Caleb said in anger. The guards did just that. And then Caleb sat down. Melio frowned.
"Baby—" Melio started.
"NO. Henry!" Caleb yelled in anger. Henry's fork dropped and he looked at Caleb nervously.
"Yeah?" Henry asked. Caleb stood up again.
"Does that happen to you often?" Caleb asked strictly. Henry immediately frowned. His siblings did too. Carter and Carson were shocked. They never saw Caleb act like that.
"Brother... maybe you should go calm down." Carson said worriedly.
"Answer." Caleb said to Henry.
"I mean... yes? It's just— I don't mind." Henry mumbled as his answer. Nathan scoffed.
"Yeah, you don't mind because that happens to you so often." Nathan complained. Caleb's ears dropped and he just left the room. Melio's eyes widened. Everyone stood up and watched Caleb leave. Then they all looked at Melio. Melio frowned.
"Just... you all have a good day out there. Stay safe." Meui said calmly before he rushed after Caleb. Carter and Carson did so too. Henry frowned.

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