Chapter 54 - Crystal x Bella

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Wolf Realm; Crystal stared at her book, not exactly understanding her predicament in this test. She glanced up. Nathan, Elizabeth, and Bailey were moving right along. Crystal looked down at her book once again. Then she rose her hand. Carson led that class. He looked at Crystal.
"What's wrong, Crys?" Carson asked.
"What do I do if I don't understand a question?" Crystal asked. Carson frowned. Bailey and Nathan looked to Crystal and frowned. Elizabeth covered her face in disappointment.
"Just... skip it for now. Maybe you'll understand later." Carson said. Crystal looked at Carson and then she looked down at the book. Bailey and Nathan looked at Carson.

Several hours later, Crystal was the only person left in the classroom which had to finish the test really. Elizabeth had finished about an hour ago but she didn't wanna go until Crystal did. Bailey and Nathan sat at their desks in silence waiting. Finally Crystal stood up with her paper. Elizabeth looked up at Crystal and smiled. She quickly stood up right after and handed her paper in after Crystal did. Carson nodded.
"You all can be excused now." Carson said. Then they all left.
"How'd you do?" Elizabeth asked. Crystal looked at Elizabeth and smiled.
"I don't know really. But i think did somewhat good. I only really need to get a 70 to pass." Crystal answered. Elizabeth smiled.
"Cool then!" Elizabeth cheered.

The next day... Crystal walked down the hall with Miz. Miz lived at the castle forcefully under his boyfriend. We all know who that would be. Devin was usually at the kings command at this time so Miz wondered with Crystal as they spoke.
"Did you get your test results yet?" Miz asked.
"I did. I passed at 76!" Crystal cheered happily. Miz smiled.
"Thats good." Miz said. Crystal nodded.
"Princess Crystal!" A servant spoke out. Miz and Crystal stopped walking and turned around to see the servant.
"Yes?" Crystal asked.
"Your fathers requested you and Elizabeth to the office for a brief meeting with a couple visitors." The servant explained. Crystal smiled.
"I see. Will you accompany me, Miz?" Crystal asked. Miz looked at Crystal and nodded.
They started for the office. They got to the door and Devin was there. Crystal looked at Devin. Devin opened the door and Crystal walked in. And Devin shut the door and looked at Miz. Miz knew Devin wouldn't move from that post so he stuck his tongue out and left. Devin glared at Miz.
Crystal walked into the office where Elizabeth had a foul glare on her face. Melio and Caleb had a frown on their faces. Crystal looked at Elizabeth then turned to two people standing at the side. An older woman and a younger woman. Elizabeth turned to Crystal and she quickly turned to her fathers.
"No." Elizabeth said. Caleb nodded and turned to the two women.
"You heard her answer." Caleb said.
"My king, that is unfair. We wanted to speak to Princess Elizabeth and Princess Crystal." the older woman spoke in complaint. The younger woman looked at Crystal and she looked at the kings right afterwards.
"Then ask her. You'll understand that you are wrong to want to interview us about that." Elizabeth complained. The older woman smiled and turned to Crystal.

"My young Princess, my name is Laurel Fieca and this is my assistant Marian Donna. I want to interview you and Princess Elizabeth about living side by sides in the same walls despite your ancestors being killed by Princess Elizabeth's ancestors." the old woman, Laurel, explained. Crystal was content on listening at first but now she is disgusted. She frowned and turned to her fathers. She walked up to the desk and smiled kindly.
"Kindly make sure I never see Ms Laurel Fieca ever again. Thank you." Crystal said kindly.
"Same." Elizabeth explained. Caleb nodded.
"Devin." Caleb called out. Devin opened the door and bowed his head.
"Please escort Ms Fieca and Ms Donna out of the castle. And do not allow them back here again." Caleb demanded. And Devin did just that. Crystal and Elizabeth stood at the door as they watched Devin escort the two women out. Then Crystal took Elizabeth's arm.
"There is nothing wrong with our living in the same walls." Crystal said.
"Of course. And we don't want that kind of idea between you two." Melio said nicely. Crystal looked at Melio then to Caleb.
"May we be excused now?" Crystal asked. Caleb nodded and Crystal and Elizabeth left with each other.

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