Chapter 26 - Lix x Cyper (Part 1)

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The next three days went by. Niko, Wolfe, and Lix spent all three days together. And then the snow cleared. They had to go to work.
"Up!" Lix complained.
"Noo!" Wolfe squealed. Niko was laughing in the doorway. Lix was trying to pull Wolfe out of bed.
"The snows gone! We need money!" Lix complained. Wolfe groaned and he sat up. Then Lix moved back. Wolfe and Lix gasped. Wolfe fell off the bed and Lix fell backwards. And then Niko started laughing his ass off. Wolfe pouted.
"Niko!" Wolfe complained. Niko fell to the ground laughing. Tears fell down his face.
"We are late!" Lix said. Wolfe muttered and he stood up.
"Fine! I'm going I'm going!" Wolfe complained as he started to fix his hair. He put it up in a high ponytail. Lix crawled away quickly. Niko slowly stood back up.
"Get me my clothes." Wolfe complained. Niko rolled his eyes and walked to the closet.
"What are you wearing today?" Niko asked. Wolfe looked into a mirror as he fixed his eyeliner. He glanced at Niko in the mirror.
"I wouldn't mind wearing you." Wolfe said. Niko sighed and turned around. Wolfe grinned. Niko sighed.
"Oh lord." Niko said. Wolfe scoffed.
"Black tanktop on the far left, grey jeans on the bottom shelf, and the black and white cutoff sweater on the very right." Wolfe said. Niko blinked and looked into the closet.
"You memorized your closet?" Niko asked as he pulled out everything Wolfe said.
"Duh. I love my wardrobe." Wolfe said.
"Even though no one else does?" Niko questioned.
"Everyone else just had bad taste." Wolfe said as he put his black chains and grey choker around his neck. He put his rings on and then walked over to Niko.
"I'll be out in a minute." Wolfe said. Niko nodded and left.
Wolfe came out dressed in what he said he'd be dressed in. He put his hat on and then put his gloves on. Niko and Lix were ready but they put a knife in their boots. Lix put his coat on and started to open the door. Niko grabbed his and Wolfe's coat. Wolfe grabbed a pair of gloves for Niko and then left the house. Then Niko. And then Lix. Lix locked the door as Niko put his coat on and Wolfe put his coat on. Wolfe handed Niko the gloves.
"You work outside today and it's cold." Wolfe said. Niko smiled and took the gloves. He kissed Wolfe's cheek as he put the gloves in. Wolfe smiled and turned to Lix. Niko looked at Lix too. Lix put the keys in his pocket and walked forward. He went between Wolfe and Niko and took their arms.
"Nuh uh." Niko said. Then he walked around. Now Wolfe was in the middle. Wolfe rolled his eyes.
"Now, it's back to work. But, Evelyn promised to let you two join us at noon today during our meet up. They finally agreed to give you two a chance. Free drinks and food." Wolfe said.
"Deal!" Niko said. Wolfe chuckled. They laughed a whole lot to jokes as they made their way towards the kingdom.
"WOLFE!" Cyper screamed. The three of them stopped walking and laughing immediately. Cyper and his hand held a gun at the three of them. They turned around and looked at Cyper. Cyper recognized Lix immediately. He flinched.
"Oh right— forgot about him..." Wolfe said nervously. Niko kicked his foot up and caught his knife. Lix pulled a knife out of his boot and one one of his sleeve. They guarded Wolfe. Cyper grew angered.
"I've been looking for you, for a whole month, Wolfe." Cyper said strictly. Wolfe tilted his head.
"A month?" Wolfe asked. Cyper grew confused.
"Yeah, you said by the time I'd come back, you'd own that bar down in Millersville. I was there the whole time." Cyper said with a grin. Wolfe thought about it.
"Oh, that bar owned by Urle. That guy said I could buy it, let me inside, taped me, tossed me out. Tried to but they bar over there too. They did the same thing." Wolfe explained calmly, explaining himself. Cyper glared at them.
"And so now you are with these two pieces of shits?" Cyper asked, mostly referring to Lix. Lix stuck his tongue out at Cyper. Wolfe looked at Lix and Niko.
"Pieces of shit? This is my family." Wolfe said, putting his hands behind him. Cyper scoffed.
"Family my ass! You've only ever had friends!" Cyper complained.
"So we are gonna get literal now? How has no one tried to overthrow you yet?" Wolfe questioned. Cyper glared at Wolfe.
"Alright, we are getting literal. Cyper, this is my great little friend Lix." Wolfe said, patting the top of Lix's head. Lix looked at Wolfe.
"You are literally a year older than me." Lix complained. Wolfe stared at Cyper for a moment and then he grinned. He took Niko's hand.
"And this... Cyper... this is my boyfriend Niko." Wolfe said. Niko squinted at Wolfe.
"You did that's just to make him hate me more then you, didn't you." Niko said strictly.
"I was just telling the truth." Wolfe teased. Niko sighed. Lix looked around for a moment then he quickly grabbed Wolfe's hand. He looked at his watch.
"Oh shit, we are so late." Lix said.
"Yup. And what should we do about that?" Wolfe asked, glancing at Cyper. Cyper was shocked, confused, angry, devastated... and most of all, relieved. He was hesitant to hold his gun up at them anymore. He slowly dropped his arms.
"Shit..." Cyper mumbled. Wolfe smiled and let go of Niko. He walked up to Cyper and picked his nose. Cyper glared at Wolfe.
"I assume you know what today is. Come join us later." Wolfe said nicely as he turned back around. He walked up to Niko and Lix.
"Will it be here?" Cyper asked, pointing at Niko. Niko's jaw dropped. Lix started to laugh.
"Oh yes, very much." Wolfe answered as he kissed Niko's cheek. Niko frowned. Lix held his chest as he laughed.
"Target locked, Niko!" Lix laughed. Cyper glanced over at Lix. He stared at him.
"Wolfe, hes... 17 correct?" Cyper asked, pointing g at Lix.
"Yes?" Wolfe answered.
"He thinks I'm attractive." Cyper exposed. Lix's laugh just disappeared right away and his eyes widened. Wolfe and Niko looked at Lix.
"WHAT?!" Wolfe and Niko yelled. Lix glared at Cyper and then he turned away. He rolled his wrists and his knives disappeared.
"Fuck you all." Lix said before he walked away. Wolfe and Niko looked at each other then to Cyper.
"I don't see it." Wolfe said.
"Me neither." Niko said.
"Oh, go fuck yourselves!" Cyper said strictly before he walked away.
"Gladly, as long as it's with you." Wolfe said, turning to Niko and talking to him. Niko blushed.
"You horny weirdo." Niko said. Wolfe smiled and kissed Niko's cheek.
"I'll see you at noon." Wolfe said. Niko nodded. Then they split ways.
And like that, noon came. Wolfe lead Niko and Lix over to the tables. There were three tables. And they pushed them together this time. Everyone was there. Evelyn, Jordan, Berry, Natasha, Dillon, Haru, Elijah, Pluto, Dominic, Neyou, Damien, Jadah, Peter, Teddy, and Penny. Wolfe walked up to the table.
"Hello." Wolfe said. The tables were at conversation. Evelyn looked at Wolfe and smiled.
"Hi!" Evelyn cheered before she clapped her hands loudly. Everyone went silent.
"Guys!" Evelyn yelled as she stood up. Everyone looked at Evelyn.
"Wolfe brought he friends and we will welcome them to our group!" Evelyn cheered. Everyone turned to Wolfe.
"Ah, so these two are the ones causing trouble around here." Haru said.
"No, that's Cyper. He came back." Evelyn said. Wolfe smiled.
"Yeah! Cyper is back. He'll be here any minute too!" Wolfe cheered.
"WHAT?!" Pluto, Evelyn, Neyou, and Peter yelled.
"He wants to kill you! And some of us, if I may add!" Pluto yelled in anger as he stood up.
"Don't be harsh to me, Pluto." Wolfe complained. Pluto glared at Wolfe. Niko and Lix remember Pluto and Dominic, as well as Evelyn, Jordan, Jadah, and Peter.
"Anyways! Let me introduce you all!" Wolfe cheered.
"Everyone, this is Lix and Niko. Niko, Lix, there are my friends." Wolfe said proudly.
"Now you say your names." Wolfe said to his friends. Evelyn smiled and stood up.
"I am Evelyn." Evelyn said nicely as she pulled up a chair for Lix.
"I am Haru, and this is my lover Elijah." Haru spoke out. Peter stood up and pulled a chair out for Niko.
"I'm Peter. Wolfe's brother. And this is my fiancé Jadah." Peter said strictly. Niko gulped. Lix and Niko sat down and Wolfe sat down between them. Wolfe pointed at Natasha and Dillon.
"Those are the twins Natasha and Dillon. And that there is Teddy. Dillon and Teddy have a thing for each other." Wolfe pointed out calmly. Then he pointed at Damien and Neyou.
"The most innocent here, Damien and Neyou." Wolfe said. Niko and Lix looked at Neyou anx they flinched. Neyou did the same tho g.
"You two were trying to steal a room at the hotel!" Neyou called out.
"Yep, they are bad boys." Wolfe chuckled. Neyou frowned.
"Anyways, that is Penny. We don't be mean to her. She's crazy and she is the Princess unfortunately." Wolfe chuckled.
"I am Jordan, and this is my lover Berrajiino." Jordan said.
"Don't piss off Berry. He's in the head council of the shadow guards. He's strong." Wolfe whispered. And then he pointed at Pluto and Dominic.
"And then, you might recognize them. You were gonna try and steal from them. Anyways, that's Pluto, and his fiancé Dominic. Both trained as shadow guards. Only Pluto left the guard." Wolfe explained, turning to Lix. Lix chuckled nervously.
"Sorry-" Lix said. Pluto looked away.
"And I'm Cyper." Cyper blurted as he sat down between Natasha and Dillon. They looked at Cyper. They gasped and moved away quickly. Everyone went silent.
"I thought he was gonna kill me, but he didn't? I don't really know what he's after now." Wolfe laughed. Dillon and Natasha didn't want to sit back down. That left Neyou and Penny being the closest to Cyper. Damien froze when he saw Cyper. So did Jadah. Both trembled in shock. Cyper glanced at Penny. Penny grinned and moved over. She sat next to Cyper.
"You got a gun?" Penny asked. Cyper was now the one who felt uncomfortable.
"You are still weird." Cyper muttered.
"Answer her." Pluto said strictly. Cyper glanced at Pluto.
"You guys act as if I'm a stranger. I used to have lunch with you all on Tuesdays too." Cyper said strictly.
"Until you declared to murder Wolfe." Haru said strictly.
"Is this your way of telling me to leave?" Cyper asked.
"Depends. Answer Penny's question." Dominic said strictly. Cyper sighed and he pulled out his gun. He set it on the table. Then Dominic grabbed the gun. He disabled it and tossed it back to Cyper.
"Why does everyone keep disabling my fucking guns? I'm not gonna kill any of you guys." Cyper complained.
"I didn't disable that to keep us safe. I disabled that to protect you from Pluto." Dominic said strictly. Cyper looked at Pluto. Pluto looked calm.
"Who else disabled your gun?" Teddy asked curiously. Cyper looked at Teddy then to Lix.
"That thing." Cyper said, pointing at Lix. They all looked at Lix quickly.
"You did?!" Evelyn asked excitedly. Lix grinned at the attention.
"I did. You see, Cyper is kind of... an amateur? Haven't you even heard of safety?" Lix asked all smug like as he turned to Cyper. Cyper squeezed his gun.
"You are a child. Stop acting smug." Cyper said strictly.
"Mm... no. He's only a year younger than you, Cyper." Wolfe teased. Cyper flinched. Lix smiled and stood up. He sat next to Cyper and hooked arms with him.
"You are just a lil softly." Lix said. Wolfe squinted at Lix and he turned to Niko. Niko was trying not to laugh. Wolfe rolled his eyes.
An hour, they spent talking. And the whole time, Lix and Penny held onto Cyper's arms. Penny was just holding him there to make sure he wouldn't hurt anyone. But Lix was pickpocketing him the entire time. After the hour way up, they all had work or had to return home. Lix left go of Cyper and stood up. Cyper stood up slowly and glared at Lix.
"It's Lix, correct?" Cyper asked.
"Yeah?" Lix asked.
"How'd you learn to disable a gun at a young age?" Cyper asked. Lix smiled.
"Well, you have t been the first to hold me at gun point. You were just a softie at it." Lix answered, patting Cyper's head. Then he turned around and walked up to Niko and Wolfe. Niko looked at Cyper then took Lix's arm.
"What did you get?" Niko whispered. Lix pulled out a watch from his picket, as well as a sack of coins.
"The only valuables he had." Lix said. Niko looked at the items.
"Maybe he'll freeze tonight, sleeping on the streets." Niko whispered. Lix nodded and stuck the two items back in his pocket. He took his scarf and wrapped it around his neck and ears. Cyper walked up to Wolfe. Wolfe looked at Cyper. Wolfe was still sitting and drinking his drink.
"Oh hey. So, what are you here for anyways? Are you going to kill me?" Wolfe asked. Niko and Lix turned around quickly. Cyper went to sit beside Wolfe but then Niko took the seat. Lix sat on the other side of Wolfe. Cyper squinted at them then sat down next to Niko.
"I came to find you. But because I needed your attention. In the year, I've grown to see that I'm being a child. And I was just mad that you rejected me. This was something different. I needed an excuse to stay here and leave the gang." Cyper explained. Niko and Lix stared at Cyper. Wolfe pulled the drink away from his mouth.
"You want a drink, Niko?" Wolfe asked. Niko turned to Wolfe. He went to speak.
"No me." Lix said, grabbing the drink. Wolfe smiled and leaned on the table.
"Finally threatening to kill you? Lose all your money or have you really grown soft?" Wolfe asked curiously. Cyper trembled and he looked down.
"They... want me to kill people. I don't want to do that. They are ruthless but they aren't cold hearted. They believe in love. So I thought I'd I could get an excuse.. such as us being lovers or something, then maybe they'll make a new gang leader and let me go." Cyper explained.
"No." Niko said. Wolfe smiled.
"You heard the man. Nope. Find someone else." Wolfe said, taking Niko's arm. Cyper frowned and looked down.
"We did lose money. We all split up to find different places to stay. And I don't have enough money. I'm scared of dying and if I am sleeping outside, I'll definitely be jumped or freeze to death." Cyper explained.
"How much money you got?" Wolfe asked. Cyper nodded and went to grab the change bag he had. Lix's eyes widened.
"I gotta go to work now!" Lix said nervously. Cyper looked down. He didn't feel his coin pouch. When he looked down, he lifted his wrist. No watch. He blinked.
"I was robbed-" Cyper mumbled. Wolfe started to laugh. Then he grabbed Lix's arm before he could walk away.
"You are still a pickpocketer?" Wolfe laughed. Lix sat back down slowly. Niko groaned and sat his head back in defeat. Cyper's eyes widened and pointed at Lix.
"You are a thief too?!" Cyper questioned. Lix muttered as he pulled out the watch and coin pouch. Wolfe grabbed the watch and tossed it to Cyper. Cyper caught it and then looked at his wrist.
"How the fuck did you do that without me noticing? I had that tight on my wrist." Cyper questioned in shock. Lix crossed his arms. Wolfe went to take the coin pouch but Lix pulled it away.
"Lix." Wolfe said. Lix looked at Wolfe.
"We need it..." Lix mumbled. Wolfe took the pouch.
"We are working on it." Wolfe said as he tossed the coin pouch to Cyper. Lix groaned and he stood up.
"I'm goi g to work, then." Lix said strictly.
"HEY! Don't lock us out tonight." Niko said strictly, also standing up.
"I'll just see you at the bar tonight then." Lix said as he left. Niko sighed and kissed Wolfe's cheek.
"I'll see you at the bar." Niko said before he left. Wolfe looked at Cyper.
"So?" Wolfe asked.
"I only got 2 Zenos worth of coins on me." Cyper said. Wolfe sat back and grabbed his drink.
"Well, what can you do... can you tell them your mother is ill and that you need to go take care of her?" Wolfe asked.
"They know my mother hates me." Cyper said. Wolfe squinted at Cyper. And then he got an idea.
"Then let's use that lover thing again. Except, use Lix." Wolfe said. Cyper frowned.
"Would he let me?" Cyper asked.
"Not at all. But, he likes strawberry ice cream. Get him some tonight and maybe he'll allow it." Wolfe said nicely before he stood up.
"Now, I got work. See you tonight." Wolfe said.
"Bye-" Cyper said. And then Wolfe left.

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