Chapter 51 - Zion x Isaiah

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   Six Months Later...
Zion was sleeping in. He always slept in. He was a lazy guy and he hated doing anything involving work. But sometimes, the inevitable would happen and he'd have to do work of course. He used to work at different jobs around the village but it would only stick for a couple months till he quit or was fired. And he didn't like to do a lot of outside stuff, like hanging with friends or going on dates or outings. Except for one person of course. Which was his off and on hookup/friend whom he met when he turned 16. He's now nearing 19 in age.
   Zion was the oddball out of his family. Since he's not blood related to any of his siblings and the rest are blood related. But his siblings consist of the triplets, Bayz, Lynn, and Gwen, his older sister Kelly, and his not legally older brother Zokijiro. His fathers being Leo and Nate. He didn't really have any closeness towards his siblings as in similarities. But they all cared for one another and treated each other as their sibling. Pretty healthy for the most part. He lived in a treehouse which consisted of three bedrooms. It was identical to the triplets home. There were four doors inside the treehouse. Three bedroom doors and a bathroom door. And in the middle was a big living area.

  Zion, still sleeping in, was in bed. In was nearing 8 am which was sleeping in for that family. Miz and Sarah lived in the house with Zion. Miz was up though. And Sarah was too but she was hiding away in her room. Miz made his way to Zion's room and knocked twice before walking in.
"Zion, why aren't you awake?" Miz asked.
"I don't wanna wake up." Zion spoke, now half awake because of the knocking. Miz grinned and rushed to the window. He opened it and the sun hit Zion's face. Zion grew angered.
"MIZ!" Zion screamed. Miz snickered and rushed away quickly. Zion groaned and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and slowly got up. He got dressed and fixed himself up a bit before he left his room. Once he left his room, it was 9 am. He went to the firepit after climbing down the ladder. He made his way to the food.
"You slept in later." Nate spoke.
"I stayed up late." Zion yawned. Nate handed Zion a plate of breakfast.
"Are you busy today? Could you go buy dinner from the markets later?" Nate asked. Zion looked at Nate as he took the plate.
"What day is it?" Zion asked.
"It's the third day of the 1st week of the month." Nate said calmly. Zion rubbed his head as he sat down.
"Well, I have a date with Isaiah today. I could pick it up afterwards." Zion answered. Nate flinched.
"Ah, no no. I don't want to disturb your date." Nate said. Zion rubbed his head.
"Err-" Zion started.
"When are you two gonna finally live together?" Kelly asked as she sat beside him.
"Yeah, you two have been dating for... three years now?" Miz questioned as he sat on the other side of Zion. Zion pushed Miz to the ground.
"I mean, most of us only date for a month at most and then we are together." Drew explained from the treehouse.
"Mathias for example? He didn't even date Jinx before he got together with him. They just got together." Neo said. Zion groaned and set the plate of food down. He stood up.
"I'll just leave early." Zion said before he went back up to his room. He grabbed a bag and collected some clothes so that he could stay the night at Isaiah's apartment. He went down.
"I'm not returning till tomorrow evening." Zion yelled before he left.
"Tell the triplets!" Leo yelled.
"Don't fuck him to hard!" Miz yelled. That time, Zane and Miles kicked Miz off the log.

   Zion went to Saturn. Isaiah was always a late morning coffee drinker and Isaiah absolutely loved it at Saturn. Zion walked in and tossed his bag beside Zachary. Zachary looked at Zion's bag and chuckled. Zion walked down the isles of booths till he saw Isaiah in the booth he always sat at. Zion sat across from him for a moment and then laid down on the booth. Isaiah was drinking his coffee when Zion sat and laid. He tilted his head.
   Isaiah is 18. He's only a couple months younger than Zion. He's a black wolf of the night clan. And they've both lived in the village their whole lives or for at least what they could remember. There was nothing out of the ordinary about Isaiah that led Zion to choose him. He was normal. Isaiah has a his own small shop in the markets, he has a normal routine which he follows to the T that Zion has memorized, and he lives in an apartment like any other person whom has a steady job. He has black hair with some light brown mixed in here and there. And he has light brown eyes. He's average. Attractive to some. What drew Zion to Isaiah is that Isaiah is a pickpocket. He pickpockets from others, put them for sale at his small shop, and sells them. That's how they met previously, when they were 16... Isaiah tried to pickpocket Zion and failed when Zion stopped him in the act. They hit it off afterwards. And that was what they had the most in common. Both are super good at pickpocketing.
   Isaiah set his cup of coffee down and looked at Zion.
"Good morning. You are up early." Isaiah said.
"Thanks to Miz." Zion muttered. Isaiah smiled and pushed his cup to Zion's side of the table.
"This'll wake you up." Isaiah said. Zion sat up slowly and sat correctly at the booth. He lifted the cup and smelled it.
"Mm... your favorite." Zion said.
"Your favorite." Isaiah added. Zion smiled and took a drink of the coffee. Then he set it down in front of Isaiah. They also like a lot of the same stuff. Isaiah wrapped his hands around his cup to lift it up but Zion put his hands over Isaiah's. Isaiah's eyes looked down at Zion's hands.
"Can I stay over tonight?" Zion asked. Isaiah looked up at Zion.
"I have work." Isaiah said. Zion made a pouty face.
"Aww, we both know it's not a real job. You can't break a day to be with me?" Zion pouted. Isaiah smiled.
"No, I don't want to break a day for your to just be inside of me during sex when I could be making money." Isaiah said nicely. Zion started to pout more and he set his head on the table to look more vulnerable.
"Not gonna work on me." Isaiah said as he turned away. Zion lifted his head and he stared at Isaiah. Then he stood up. He quickly moved to the seat directly next to Isaiah. He then took Isaiah's hand and leaned closer to him.
"Are you saying, you don't want me to fuck you tonight? We had a date today." Zion questioned quietly in Isaiah's ears. Isaiah didn't even react. He turned to Zion.
"No, I don't. I've had a reality check recently. Being a hookup was fun and all." Isaiah said as he lifted his foot up. Zion pulled away a little and then Isaiah quickly kicked Zion off the booth. Zion's eyes widened. And the triplets saw this. Isaiah picked his coffee up and took the last drink left.
"But I'm done. I want something permanent and you don't want that. So consider our date canceled." Isaiah said calmly before he set his cup down and walked to the register where Gwen was staring at Zion. Isaiah handed some money to Gwen.
"For the coffee." Isaiah said. Gwen slowly turned to Isaiah. Zion stood up slowly and turned to Isaiah. He rubbed his head. You see, when they started to fool around, Zion had made it obvious at the time that he didn't want anything permanent. That's why they were off and on hookups. But it was odd because when they were doing so, they didn't hookup with anyone else. So when Isaiah said he wanted something permanent, Zion understood. But, it still hurt because Zion really likes Isaiah. Gwen took the money from Isaiah.
"Did you just-" Gwen started.
"No, I didn't break up with him. I can't so so, if we were never together in the first place." Isaiah said before he turned and left.
Bayz was closest and he heard everything. When Isaiah left, Zion was frozen in place. Bayz went to Zion and tapped his arm.
"Zion? Are you ok?" Bayz asked. Zion made a facade and turned to Bayz with a half smile.
"Y-" Zion started but he stuttered immediately and a tear fell down his cheek.
"Shit." Zion spoke shakily before he sat down at the booth and covered his face. Bayz frowned.
"Do you want your favorite coffee, Zion? Maybe that'll make you feel bett-" Bayz spoke kindly.
"No. Leave it." Zion spoke before he stood up, grabbed his bag, and left. Bayz's ears dropped and he watched Zion leave, towards their home.
"What happened?" Anthony asked as he spoke to Gwen silently. Gwen looked at Anthony.
"I believe Zion just got rejected by Isaiah." Gwen said.

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