Chapter 29 - Drew x Lincoln

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   Down in the wolves realm... Dawn Camp:
Drew yawned as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up from bed. He heard screaming from Sarah, Miz, and Zion. He groaned and stood up. He got changed and after he stepped out of his room, he felt a breeze brush over. He looked down.
"Shut up!" Drew complained.
"Drew, breakfast is ready." Jade called out. Drew sighed. Vixxy and Xiromi were sitting outside their treeehouse in chairs while they ate. Mathias was with them eating. Drew walked over to them and saw down on the floor against the wall.
"I feel so tired." Drew muttered.
"I don't doubt it. You stayed up so late." Mathias said.
"I wasn't the only one." Drew complained.
"Hey! You have an excuse Drew. It was your 18th birthday after all." Xiromi said nicely. Drew muttered and he closed his eyes.
"Say... did you get any money? I kinda wanna go to the markets." Mathias asked, looking at Drew.
"You just want an excuse to go see Robin." Drew complained. Mathias shrugged.
"Leave him be, Mathias." Vixxy said as she pulled out her purse.
"After breakfast, I got work anyways. You can come with to see him." Vixxy added. Mathias smiled. Drew sighed and got up.
   Later, Jade sent Drew and Xiromi to the village to get some supplies for dinner. They were gonna stop at the bar to see Mathias and Vixxy. Xiromi looked at the list.
"Can you go get all these?" Xiromi asked. Drew stopped and looked at Xiromi.
"Gimme money for myself then." Drew demanded. Xiromi scoffed and handed the list and a couple more Zenos to Drew. Drew smiled.
"Thank you." Drew said before he left. Xiromi rolled her eyes and went into the bar. Drew went into the village and looked around for the items Jade needed. He was halfway done when he heard complaints. His attention spiked to the complaints.
"I just wanted directions." A 17 year old boy complained.
"And I said I would give you them. If you gimme a kiss here." An older man said, touching his lips. The boy scoffed and turned away.
"Disgusting." The boy said.
"Ey!" The man yelled, grabbing the boys arm. The boy looked at the man quickly. Drew sighed and walked over.
"Let me go!" The boy complained. Drew walked up to them and put his arm around the boys shoulders.
"Sir, can you let go of my boyfriend, please?" Drew asked calmly. The boy looked at Drew then to the man quickly. The man let go of the boy quickly.
"Sorry-" The man mumbled. Drew smiled and looked at the boy.
"You ready to go now?" Drew asked. The boy nodded nervously as he stared at the man. Drew and the boy began to walk away until they were out of sight of the man. Then Drew pulled away. The boy bowed his head.
"Thank you so much." The boy said quickly.
"It's fine. Just wanted to help." Drew said with a shrug. The boy smiled and lifted his head.
"I'm Lincoln." The boy said, introducing himself. Drew looked at the boy and then he smiled.
"I'm Drew." Drew said. Lincoln smiled.
"Anyways- I overheard you saying you need directions?" Drew asked. Lincoln nodded.
"Yeah. I live in Estera Village. I was supposed to go to Junjo City but I made a wrong turn. My father said I wasn't allowed to come here because it's a dangerous place." Lincoln explained. Drew's jaw dropped.
"Estera Village is 3 hours from here." Drew said. Lincoln chuckled nervously.
"I'm no navigator, haha..." Lincoln said awkwardly.
"Lincoln- Junjo city is only an hour walk from Estera Village. A logical person would've known they went the wrong way." Drew explained. Lincoln's innocent aura immediately faded.
"Why can't people be dumb..." Lincoln said as he crossed his arms and turned away. Drew scoffed.
"So, what are you actually looking for?" Drew asked. Lincoln looked at Drew.
"I'm looking for my fathers family. They live here. But he's completely cut them off. Per the reason he never let me come here." Lincoln explained. Drew looked at Lincoln curiously.
"So... you ran away... against your fathers will, to find his family he cut off?" Drew questioned.
"Well yeah. My dad is a scholar. He teaches children education but lately parents aren't letting their children go so he's not making money. And my father had a job as a guard in the village duchy. But they let him off and he can't find work. And I don't make any money. So we are going broke and I came here hoping his cut off family can help us." Lincoln explained nicely, helping Drew understand his situation. And it did help. Drew understood.
"Well, if your fathers family does live here, it'll be in the maintenance book. It has family name Ms and addressed on it." Drew explained. Lincoln smiled.
"That's great! Where can I find it?" Lincoln asked. Drew smiled.
"Come on. I'll take you to it." Drew said before he walked off. Lincoln followed. They got to the village mainhall and they walked inside. There was a book on a pedestal.
"Alright, what's the families name?" Drew asked as he flinched through the pages.
"Errr... I don't know the family name. I only have first names." Lincoln said, looking at the book. Drew looked at Lincoln.
"Thats fine, it'll just take a bit longer. What's the first name?" Drew asked. Lincoln smiled.
"Alright I have a couple. I'm gonna try my grandfather's names first." Lincoln said as he pulled out a piece of paper. Drew smiled and stared at Lincoln. Lincoln looked at the paper.
"My grandfathers names are K'vo and Jules." Lincoln spoke. Drew went to look through the book but he froze. He pulled his hand away and looked at Lincoln. Lincoln looked at Drew.
"Not there? We can try my grandpas brothers? Uhm... Reji or Nate?" Lincoln questioned as he looked at the paper. Drew's eyes widened and he stared at Lincoln. Lincoln looked at Drew and he flinched.
"Drew?" Lincoln mumbled.
"Nox—" Drew said. Lincoln's confused face turned to shock and he backed a couple feet away. Drew quickly grabbed the paper from Lincoln and he looked at the names. His eyes widened to the max.
"K'vo, Jules, Reji, Nate... Neo and Ash- and— Jade." Drew listed off. Lincoln grabbed the paper from Drew quickly.
"Only the first three are related to me— kinda— I mean... they aren't blood related but they are family by friend... do... do you know them? You said my fathers name." Lincoln questioned. Drew's ears dropped.
"Your father is Nox?" Drew asked in shock.
"Yeah—" Lincoln said.
"Holy shit!" Drew yelled in shock before he left the hall. Lincoln blinked and he followed Drew quickly.
"What?" Lincoln questioned. Drew stopped and turned to Lincoln. Lincoln rushed to catch up with Drew.
"Nox?!" Drew yelled in disbelief.
"Yes! God, why don't you believe me? Who's Nox to you?" Lincoln complained. Drew stopped and stared at Lincoln.
"Nuh uh." Drew said.
"Nope! I don't believe you!" Drew added before he walked away.
"Why would I lie?!" Lincoln yelled out. Drew stopped. Why would he lie? Drew looked at Lincoln. Lincoln rose his hands in anger. Drew shook his head no and he walked up to Lincoln.
"Jade is my father, Lincoln. I live with everyone you have on that list, Lincoln. I grew up with your grandparents. And your father has been missing for over 15 years." Drew said quickly. Lincoln's ears popped to its max and his eyes widened.
"Really?" Lincoln questioned in shock.
"And that's why I don't believe you." Drew said. Lincoln trembled and took Drew's arm.
"Can you take me to them?" Lincoln pleaded. Drew frowned. In the end, he gave in. They had to stop at the bar though. Vixxy had gotten off work so her, Xiromi, and Mathias came out. Drew and Lincoln walked over to them.
"Hey Drew, did you get everything on the list?" Xiromi asked.
"No." Drew said. Lincoln looked at the three.
"Who's this?" Vixxy asked. Drew looked at Lincoln and then to Vixxy.
"Vixxy, Xiromi, Mathias. This is Lincoln. Nox's son." Drew said. Vixxy's jaw dropped. Mathias's eyes widened and Xiromi fainted.
"Lincoln, this is Mathias, Neo's son. That's Vixxy, Andrew's daughter. And that is Xiromi, Riley's daughter. They all grew up with Nox." Drew said before they left. Lincoln blinked in shock and he followed Drew. Vixxy got down to help Xiromi and Mathias followed them.
"You lie, Drew!" Mathias complained.
"Do I look like I'm lying?" Drew asked. Mathias blinked and looked at Lincoln.
"You are the son of Nox? My fathers best friend Nox?" Mathias asked. Lincoln nodded. Then they came into the clearing. Lincoln froze when he saw the treehouses and houses, and bridges, and fires. And he saw everyone there. He blinked. Mathias ran ahead quickly.
"K'VO! JULES!" Drew screamed at the top of his lungs. Everyone went silent and looked at Drew. Jade stood up.
"Drew, the hell?" Jade said strictly. Drew tossed the bag to Jade. Jules walked out of his house in confusion. And K'vo stood up from making a fire.
"What is it, Drew?" K'vo questioned.
"Drew grabbed Lincoln's arm.
"This guy is someone you two are definitely gonna want to talk to. Right now." Drew said strictly. Mathias whispered to Neo and Neo's eyes widened. He dropped his cup and his eyes widened. It shattered and he started to cry. Everyone looked at Neo. Tiger took Neo's hand in confusion.
"Nox?" Neo questioned. Everyone went quiet. Jules's eyes widened. Drew looked at Lincoln.
"Well, here you have it Lincoln. You just found your family." Drew said, pulling away from Lincoln. Lincoln looked around at the large family. He trembled.
"What?" Jules questioned, stepping out with no shoes. K'vo went over to Jules quickly.
"Who are you?" Neo asked quickly. Lincoln looked at Neo then to everyone else. 
"I'm Lincoln Moore... the son of Nox and Kaden Moore." Lincoln introduced normally. Jules cried as he held his stomach in disbelief. And then he fainted. K'vo caught Jules quickly and he looked at Lincoln in shock. His ears fell. Neo covered his mouth and he started to cry.

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