Chapter 5 - Viaan x Tulio

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Two months later; the demon realm: as we all know, Kiyoshi and Darian were made the grand dukes of the demon realm and Angel realm, living in a home on the absolute border of the two neighboring realms. They got married right after the laws were changed and that angels and demons could marry, live together, and so on. And they adopted two children. An angel and a demon baby. The demon is named Viaan and the angel is named Rohz. Viaan is now 19 where Rohz is 17.

"What in your right mind do you think I can successfully do that? I'm not blood, you dimwit." Viaan complained strictly. He was in the kitchen with Rohz. Kiyoshi was making breakfast and Darian was looking at Viaan.
"You don't call your father a dimwit." Kiyoshi said. Viaan looked at Kiyoshi then to Darian.
"Look, I love you both. You two raised me and you are and will always be my fathers because of that. But I CANNOT DO WORK FOR THE REALM?!" Viaan explained, getting strict at the end. Rohz and looked at Viaan.
"It ain't that bad. All you are doing is going to the kingdom and meeting the vampire and elf royals." Rohz said. Viaan looked at Rohz. He stood up quickly and went to attack Rohz but Rohz dodged him calmly. Viaan grew angry.
"WHY ARE ALL THE ANGELS SO CALM! LORD!" Viaan yelled loudly in complaint. Rohz looked at Viaan.
"You are so discriminative." Rohz.
"I will literally beat you to death." Viaan said strictly.
"ALRIGHT BOYS!" Darian screamed. Viaan and Rohz looked at Darian. Darian glared at Viaan first.
"You are being very discriminative. Your father is an angel as well. You be kind." Darian demanded before he turned to Rohz.
"Rohz, you are being provocative. Shut up." Darian said. Kiyoshi looked at Darian's strict face and he blushed.
"Viaan, just practice what I told you to do. And go to work. Rohz, go make some fucking friends. All of you, get out of the house. I wanna fuck your father." Kiyoshi explained calmly but demandingly.
"Andddd, there's the straightforwardness again." Viaan said. Rohz muttered and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed some food and left. Viaan did the same.
"You think Viaan is actually capable of doing this?" Darian asked. Kiysohi wakes up to Darian and he hugged him.
"Once he learns that he's there to find a suitor, he'll hate us but he'll understand." Kiyoshi explained.
"Shh. A suitor or not, I want him to find love not an arrangement." Darian said. Kiyoshi looked at Darian and he smiled.
"He'll be fine then. He's a little troublemaker. Plenty of men and women like troublemakers." Kiyoshi said. Darian smiled.
"Not you?" Darian asked. Kiyoshi shook his head no.
"You are perfect." Kiyoshi said. Darian sighed.

   Viaan and Rohz walked together towards the ghostly village. Rohz walked with posture and Viaan walked like how normal people walk. They got to the village and they turned to each other.
"Stay away from me." Rohz said.
"I'm not discriminative." Viaan said. Rohz rolled his eyes and turned to walk but then he stopped and his hands fell to his sides. Viaan saw this in the corner of his eyes and he turned to Rohz.
"What?" Viaan asked. Rohz backed up and took Viaan's arm.
"Nevermind... I'll stay with you." Rohz said with a sort of worry to his voice. Viaan looked at Rohz and then he looked up at what he was looking at. It was a bunch of people in the middle of the village ranting and yelling about how angels are pity and don't deserve to step foot on the Demon realms soil. They all carried quite visible weapons. And they were looking for the family of Darian. Because Darian and Kiyoshi are the only reason for why angels and demons can coheres. Viaan frowned and he took Rohz's arm.
"Come on, this way." Viaan said, walking the opposite direction. It only scared Rohz more when there wasn't at all another angel on the street. And every person who saw him stared at him. Some people knew who he was throughly Darian. But Darian was a good man and helped all the people of the village. So every habitant of the village wanted to protect Darian and his family. Viaan saw everyone staring at Rohz. He grew uneasy. He pulled Rohz to the villa where their grandparents are. They went in. Carlos saw the two enter and he smiled.
"Hey Viaan! Hi Rohz." Carlos cheered, walking over to the two boys. Viaan immediately took his hood off which he was wearing. Rohz pointed at the front window. Carlos saw Rohz's face and he frowned. He walked over to the window and looked out at the streets. Viaan looked at Rohz.
"Hide your wings." Viaan said. Rohz hid his wings immediately. Viaan gave Rohz the hoodie.
"Put it on and lift the hood up. Your hair shows what you are." Viaan said. Rohz looked at Viaan and took the hoodie.
"I'm gonna look like I'm in a dress." Rohz said as he put the hoodie on.
"Fuck it." Viaan said. Rohz sighed and pulled the hood over his hair. Viaan looked at Rohz and he nodded.
"Alright, I oughta go to work." Viaan said.
"No. You oughta not." Carlos said. Rohz and Viaan looked at Carlos.
"Why?" Viaan questioned.
"Those people are out to kill your fathers and everyone in his family. So, you two are liabilities." Carlos explained, snapping his fingers right after. Every window in the villa shut and locked. So did all the doors. Rohz grew scared. Viaan shrugged.
"They should just get over this shit. It's been over 10 years. Plus, I need money." Viaan said, turning to the door. Rohz quickly grabbed Viaan's arm.
"Maybe you shouldn't... if you got hurt, it— Uhm... you would hurt dad and father." Rohz said nervously.
"Oh stop worrying over me. Viaan demanded before he left. Rohz trembled and he slowly sat down at the counter chairs. Carlos frowned.
Viaan walked down the street towards his work. He worked at a market place part time so that he could make money for his other brother. But his other brother is dead. He's making money to pay off his brothers debt. His brothers name was Mig. Viaan walked passed the angered group of people after his family. He got to the market place and he walked into the building. He stopped walking as the door shut behind him. There were a couple angels and some demons holding angels there next to the door. They all were hiding. Viaan frowned and walked to the counter. Viaan's boss was there.
"Viaan, is your brother fine? He's an angel correct?" The owner asked.
"Yeah, he's fine." Viaan said as he grabbed an apron. The owner stood up and took the apron from Viaan. Viaan stopped doing anything and he looked at the owner.
"What?" Viaan questioned. The owner stared at Viaan.
"Look at them. They are scared, Viaan." The owner said. Viaan looked over at the angels.
"And it's because of your fathers being located here." The owner said. Viaan glanced over at the owner.
"Excuse me?" Viaan questioned. The owner looked down.
"Darian did good things, very good things. And I'll never give them up. Nor you or Rohz. But I can't risk these peoples safety. And you working here does just that." The owner explained. Viaan stared at the owner.
"You know I need to pay of Mig's debt." Viaan mumbled.
"I know, and I'm sorry. Please understand." The owner said. Viaan nodded.
"I understand." Viaan said before he turned around. He bowed his head to the group of angels.
"Let me close the market so no one knows it's open." Viaan said. The owner smiled and tossed the keys to Viaan. Viaan left the market building and shut the door. He turned around, locked the door, and put the keys into the mail slot of the door. Then he turned back around. He watched everyone of the village close their shops right as they saw Viaan. Viaan frowned and put his hands in his pockets. Then he walked down the street towards the villa. At the Villa, that's where the mob moved too. Viaan walked through the crowd of people until he reached the back door where no one was around. He quickly unlocked it with a spare key of his and he went in. He shut the door. Rohz was worried. Kid was trying to calm him. Carlos looked over and saw Viaan.
"Rohz, let's go." Viaan said strictly. Rohz looked over at Viaan and he went white. Carlos snapped his fingers.
"Alright, they can't see you. Only those who love you can see you." Carlos said. Rohz looked at Carlos then to Viaan. Viaan stared at Rohz.
"You coming or what?" Viaan asked. Rohz nodded and walked over to Viaan. Viaan took Rohz's hand and pulled him into the woods. They were gonna take the long way around to the house. When they got to their house, they walked in.
"Dad! Father!" Viaan screamed. Kiysohi walked into the main room and looked at Viaan.
"Viaan? You should be at w-" Kiyoshi started to speak but then he saw Rohz. Rohz was pulling the hood off his head and his wings were still hidden.
"What's wrong?" Kiyoshi asked, walking towards her sons.
"Where's father?" Viaan asked. Kiyoshi looked at Viaan.
"He's getting dressed." Kiyoshi said. Rohz took the hoodie off and threw it at Viaan.
"There is a mob at the village wanting to kill us all. And they want to kill grandpa and grandpapa too." Rohz said in a worry. Viaan looked at Rohz as he started to put his hood on. Darian stood in the other room silently listening. He trembled in confusion as he hesitated to move forward. Kiyoshi looked at Rohz's worried face. Viaan looked down and then he walked forward to the kitchen. Rohz looked at Viaan and he trembled.
"First you complain about me being so calm! Now you are calm in this situation?!" Rohz screamed. Viaan sat down at the kitchen counter bar stool and he looked at his fingers which have been twiddling the entire time. Kiyoshi looked at Rohz, almost crying of fear. He turned to Viaan. Viaan looked at Rohz slowly. He had a concerned look on his face.
"I can't work anymore. The markets are hiding places for angels in the realm. So... I threaten their survival." Viaan said. Kiyoshi's eyes finally widened and he turned to Viaan fully. Rohz's hands fell to his sides and he looked at Viaan in shock.
"But— but Mig..." Rohz said.
"I doesn't matter now because I'm a threat-" Viaan muttered.
"No one's a threat." Darian spoke. Kiyoshi looked over at their bedroom door. Rohz and Viaan heard Darian's voice but didn't see him until he stepped out of the bedroom door. He was angry. And that made him uncontrollable towards his powers. So right as he stepped into the next room, all the furniture lifted off the ground. So did the seat Viaan was in so when it started to rise, Viaan hopped off quickly. Kiyoshi rushed to Darian and touched his arm.
"Darian, calm." Kiysohi said softly. Darian looked at Kiyoshi and his emotions came to check. Everything fell to the ground. Viaan and Rohz looked at Kiyoshi and Darian. Kiyoshi quickly hugged Darian and Darian returned it. Rohz trembled and he rushed up to them. He hugged them both. Kiyoshi and Darian looked at Rohz and they smiled. They looked at Viaan.
"Come on." Kiyoshi said. Viaan sighed and he walked over to his family. He joined the big family hug.
"I won't let any of you get hurt. I promise." Darian said.
"None of us. Even you." Rohz pleaded. Darian nodded with a smile.
"But for now, we should stay cautious. Try to leave this house less often." Kiyoshi said, kissing Rohz's forehead.
"If any of us leave, we must keep our identities secret and our whereabouts unknown." Darian added, messing up Viaan's hair.
"Alright." Viaan said. Rohz nodded.
"We'll get through this together." Kiyoshi said.

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