Chapter 23 - Pluto x Domonic (Part 3)

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One month later:
Pluto groaned and he sat up. He looked around. He was at Wolfe's house. He was asleep in Wolfe's room. But it wasn't only him in there. Wolfe was asleep on the bed, Dillon was asleep on the ground, and Evelyn was asleep on the sofa. Pluto rubbed his head in pain and he looked at his friends. He slowly frowned. Ever since he quit the castle guard, he had been going around the kingdom, getting drunk, partying, or sleeping with Dominic. He put up a facade to others showing he was fine when in reality, he was on the brink of suicide. He blinked slowly and looked to his side. There were bottles of alcohol for days that had been drunken in a couple hours. He stood up slowly and walk. He went out the bedroom window and he slowly started back to his home by foot with a hangover. When he got home, he stupidly climbed the poles and got to the roof. He went to open his window and when he did, he fell into his room. He dropped to the floor and blinked slowly again. He wobbled his way to his bed but before he got on, he had looked at his nightstand. There was a knife. His eyes grew swollen and a couple tears seeped from his eyes. He covered his mouth and he laid down. He slept for a while, got up and changed into more comfortable clothing, went back to his bed, slept for some more... and by that time, Dominic was done with his shift. Sometimes Pluto would wait for Dominic at the bridge. Sometimes Pluto would wait for him at Ian's or Shawna's. But sometimes, he didn't see him at all. But Dominic was in a good mood. He wanted to see Pluto immediately. He ran to the house and climbed up the side. He got to the window and climbed in. He shut the window and rushed up to the bed.
"Pluto! Pluto!" Dominic cheered. Pluto slowly opened his eyes and muttered. He slowly sat up and looked at Dominic.
"Oh.. hey Nic. What's up?" Pluto asked.
"Guess what! Something great happened today!" Dominic cheered excitedly, putting his hands on Pluto's cheeks. Pluto blinked a couple times and he looked at Dominic.
"What happened? You look more excited then when you look when we fuck." Pluto asked. Dominic smiled and leaned forward quickly. He pecked Pluto's lips and his forehead.
"They are having another one of those competitions! The winner gets to be a shadow guard finally and it is the final three who get so! I've gotten so much better and I usually ended up in the top three before!" Dominic cheered happily, excitedly, all the above. Pluto watched Dominic's excitement rage and he slowly smiled.
"That's great, Nic. I'm happy for you." Pluto said with a dull smile now. Dominic's smiled slowly faded.
"What's wrong?" Dominic asked. Pluto blinked again.
"Nothing-" Pluto answered.
"Lies." Dominic said as he pulled away. Pluto's eyes searched Dominic. He looked around.
"Let's go on a date tonight to celebrate." Pluto said. Dominic squinted at Pluto and he stood up.
"When I become a shadow guard, I'm gonna ask you to be my boyfriend, Pluto. And I intend for us to be boyfriends for another month before I ask you to marry me." Dominic explained calmly. Pluto's eyes widened and looked up at Dominic.
"MARRIAGE?!" Pluto asked. Dominic smiled.
"Yeep." Dominic said. Pluto's eyes grew and his cheeks turned red.
"You— y-you.." Pluto didn't know what to say. Dominic smiled and leaned Pluto down on the bed. He climbed over top of Pluto and he touched Pluto's waist. Pluto blushed.
"Marriage sounds nice, doesn't it? We can get our own house together." Dominic said, leaning down.
"Our own home, our own family, our own bedroom." Dominic whispered. Pluto felt Dominic's hand start to climb up underneath his shirt. Dominic leaned down to Pluto's ear.
"We can do whatever we'd like in our bedroom too." Dominic whispered. Pluto trembled and he slanted his legs to hide his bulge. Dominic lifted up a little.
"How does that sound?" Dominic asked. Pluto's mouth opened from the pleasure of Dominic playing with his nipples. He squeezed his eyes shut and he turned away.
"You are teasing me." Pluto muttered. Dominic smiled and he touched Pluto's chin. He pulled his head up so that Pluto would be looking at Dominic.
"Yes and no." Dominic said. Pluto looked at Dominic.
"Can we watch the stars tonight?" Pluto asked. Dominic blushed slowly and he made a warm smile. He leaned down and kissed Pluto. Pluto blushed and he put a hand on Dominic's head. He returned the kiss. And then they pulled away.
"Yeah, we can." Dominic answered. Pluto stared into Dominic's eyes.
"So, soon to be shadow guard... who will you be fighting?" Pluto asked as he caressed Dominic's cheek. Dominic had a small scratch scar on his cheek. Pluto could feel it. Dominic smiled and lead to the side of Pluto. He rested his head on his arm.
"The current shadow guards." Dominic answered. Pluto stared at Dominic and he smiled.
"Well, I'm sure you'll do great. Since Berry isn't gonna be one of the ones you are fighting. Maybe you'll even make it to 1st place." Pluto said nicely.
"If I get 1st place, we should just skip the boyfriends part and just get married." Dominic said nicely. Pluto scoffed.
"Sure then. But only if you get 1st place." Pluto said. Dominic smiled. Pluto stared at Dominic and then he slowly frowned. He closed his eyes and held his chest. Dominic saw this and he too frowned.
"What is it?" Dominic asked. Pluto turned on his side.
"Nothing." Pluto answered. Dominic stared at Pluto. He stayed over for awhile. He wanted to be with Pluto. But he did eventually have to go home and shower. But he would be back for Pluto. He left around noon. And Pluto just went back to sleep. But he woke up at 2 to go see Evelyn. He sat up from bed. His eyes were dull. He blinked a couple times and slowly stood up. He turned to his nightstand and saw the knife. He slowly picked it up and stared at it. He'd imagine what it would feel like to slice his neck open. But when he imagined that, his eyes widened and he tossed the knife away. He quickly held his neck in shock. He backed up quickly and he tripped. He fell to the ground and by accident, his hands fell to his side right onto an open knife. It cut his hand up. But the bad thing... he didn't feel it until he realized he couldn't feel it. That's when it began to hurt. He stood up quickly and his head began to hurt. He started to have a panic attack. He quickly ran downstairs and to the kitchen. Theo was getting dinner ready when he saw Pluto run passed. Pluto turned the faucet on and ran his hand under it. Theo looked at Pluto and then his eyes widened when he saw Pluto's hand.
"Pluto! What happened?!" Theo asked worriedly, taking Pluto's hands.
"I fell on a knife is all." Pluto said nervously. Theo frowned and went to grab bandage wrap. He came back and wrapped Pluto's cut up hand in it.
"Be more careful, Pluto." Theo pleaded. Pluto's eyes went dull once again. He glanced down at his hand.
"Ima go for a walk... probably go see u-uhm Dominic or Evelyn." Pluto said before he rushed back upstairs. Theo trembled in fear. Pluto changed into a fresh set of clothes and then he went out his window. He rushed to the cafe where Evelyn was. She was with Jordan, Dillon, Wolfe, Jadah, Peter, and Jace. Peter walked up to the tables and sat down.
"Heya der, Pluto!" Evelyn cheered.
"Hi..." Pluto said.
"I saw Dominic looking pretty chipper today." Jace said. Pluto looked at Jace. Jace flinched when he saw Pluto's eyes. No one else seemed to notice it and but Jace did.
"He's excited." Pluto answered. Jace frowned.
"What happened to your hand?" Jordan asked. Pluto glanced at his hand. Then he looked up.
"Fell on a knife in my room." Pluto said.
The group talked awhile longer and then they all split up. It was nearly 5 when they all left. Evelyn, Wolfe, and Jadah went to the bar. Pluto wanted to go with him but he didn't because he loves Dominic.
Dominic left his house and he was gonna keep going.
"Dominic." Pluto said. Dominic stopped and turned around. Pluto was sitting on the property fence. Dominic smiled and walked up to Pluto.
"Hey there." Dominic said. Pluto smiled. Dominic went to take Pluto's hands but then he saw Pluto's hand. He glanced up at Pluto.
"Come on. I have a good place we can go." Dominic asked, holding his hand out. Pluto took Dominic's hand and hopped off the fence. Dominic and Pluto went into the woods and they walked for a bit. Then he got to a freshly cut field of white flowers. There was a blanket and food set up in the middle. Pluto smiled and ran up to it.
"Who'd you get to set this up?" Pluto asked.
"I set it up. I went back home for this." Dominic answered, holding out a spotted flower. He set it in Pluto's hair. Pluto smiled and turned to Dominic. Dominic smiled.

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