Chapter 30 - Rory x Ashley

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   Back in the dragon realm... Rory was in her classes with Daniel, Penny, and Zhenya. It was after Daniel's teacher class and now he was in his royal class. Rory sat at her chair reading a book at correct posture. So were Daniel and Zhenya. But not Penny. Penny was always rebellious. This was Onyx's job. He taught royal classes since he was the best of any of the royals in the castle, besides for Arthur. But even then, Arthur sometimes taught the class as well. Rory grew to be very pretty, just like her mothers. She has light brown hair with skin white as snow. Her hair was long and she normally sat on it when it was pulled up. So more often, she wore it up. She wasn't related to Daniel by blood but she was still his sister. Rory was wearing a royal dress. It was red and white and it matched her red eyes. Onyx looked up at the clock and smiled.
"Alright, you are all free to go. 3 hours till dinner. Read the rest of this chapter and I'll quiz you about the chapter tomorrow." Onyx said nicely. They all stood up, bowed their heads, and left. Daniel held his books and left the room with Rory. Mizura saw Daniel leave and he caught up with him. He took his arm.
"There Daniel! Princess Rory! How was your guys class?" Mizura asked politely. When Zhenya left with Penny, Lucious was waiting with Mizura. Lucious went with Zhenya and Penny. Daniel looked at Mizura then he looked around.
"It was fine. More work." Daniel said. Mizura took Daniel's hand.
"Princess Rory, you mothers wanted to see you in their office." Mizura said. Rory stopped walking and looked at Mizura.
"Alright, thank you for letting me know." Rory said. Daniel pulled his hand away and held them out.
"I'll take your books to your room." Daniel said. Rory smiled.
"Thank you." Rory said as she handed Daniel her books. Daniel took his books and looked at Mizura.
"Will you take me to my room?" Daniel asked. Mizura smiled.
"Sure. Later, you wanna go to the Shawna's with me?" Mizura asked. Daniel smiled.
"Sure!" Daniel said. Mizura grinned. Zhenya and Penny walked with Lucious passed Mizura and Daniel.
"I thought Irumi was gonna ask Daniel on a date after class?" Zhenya asked, looking at Lucious.
"Well, he was here waiting with me but then Mizura joined us cause he also wanted to ask Daniel out. And then Irumi just left." Lucious said.
"Ugh, brothers fighting over the same person? So annoying." Penny said before she left. Rory walked up the stairs until she reached the office. Ryke and Piper bowed their heads to her and then Ryke knocked twice. Royal opened the door. Rory walked in. Avery and Megan stood up immediately. That's when Rory knew they were about to propose something she wouldn't like. On the side of the room were three people. A young man and woman, and an older woman. They were dressed well, like first class. River stood up and so did Gem. Royal shut the door and then stood at the door. Rory stood gracefully to the three guests.
"Hello, Rory." Avery said nicely. Rory bowed her head.
"I was told to come see you." Rory said. Avery nodded and turned to the older woman.
"I would like to introduce you to Lady Tema. Lady Tema, this is my daughter Princess Rory." Avery said nicely. Rory and Tema bowed their heads to each other.
"Why might I have the honors to be in the presence of a lady of the realm?" Rory asked politely. Avery sighed nervously.
"Lady Tema wanted to introduce you to her grandchildren. She was hoping to make her grandson a suitor for you." Avery said, letting Tema take over the conversation. Rory was shocked but she didn't show it. She put up a smile. Tema smiled.
"I'm getting to old to make money for them so they needed to put in the work, my Princess. This is my grandson Mitchell Conners. He's been preparing for his suitorship and I believe he's finally ready." Tema explained. Mitchell stepped forward and bowed his head to Rory. He took her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, my Princess." Mitchell said, gently kissing Rory's hand. Then he let her go. Rory bowed to Mitchell.
"The pleasure is all mine." Rory said.
"And this is my daughter Ashley Conners. She's always been fond of you so she wanted to meet you in person." Tema said nicely. They all knew that because once Rory stepped foot inside the room, Ashley hadn't taken her eyes off of Rory at all. Ashley stepped forward nervously and she bowed her head.
"It's nice to meet you in person, my Princess." Ashley said. Rory stared at Ashley for a moment and then she bowed hesitantly.
"I as well." Rory responded. Ashley gulped and looked down as she walked back to where she was originally. Tema smiled. Rory studied the two siblings. They looked nothing like Tema so it lead her to question. But it was obvious that Mitchell and Ashey were siblings. They look the same besides the gender. Mitchell had dirt brown hair, short off his neck, and it was slicked back like a gentleman. He was tall for a young man and he wore a nice clean suit. Ashley had a little darker brown hair and it was chest length. It was curled and half of it was pulled back. She was a bit shorter then Mitchell but still taller then Rory. She wore what most women of class wear. A dress but it was not as grande or fluffed up, or delicate as royalty. And it just laid flat down. It was obvious that she didn't wear dresses often because she looked uncomfortable. And in her hand, she had a sun hat. Both siblings had bright blue eyes with darker blue circles on the edge which brought out the brightness of the blue.
   Megan crossed her arms awkwardly. She didn't like the situation Rory was in now.
"The queens told me that they don't believe in the suitorship as they are both not victims of the system but they are still gonna allow you to meet my grandson. He may look plain but I assure you he's quite nice." Tema said kindly. Rory nodded in agreement.
"I understand. Maybe you would like to escort me through the royal garden, Sir Mitchell?" Rory asked calmly. Mitchell smiled nervously now. That's when Rory noticed that this wasn't what Mitchell wanted. Tema smiled and looked at Mitchell.
"I would love nothing more." Mitchell said. Ashley closed her eyes and looked away. Tema smiled happily.
"They'll be staying fore the rest of the month so you'll have plenty of time to get to know him, Rory. Enjoy your walk." Avery said kindly. Rory nodded and held her hand out. Mitchell walked forward, took Rory's hand, and they left together. And when they reached the end of the hall was when Luna and Jax started following them. Royal shut the door and everyone sat down. River and Royal set two chairs down for Tema and Ashley. Ashley sat in devastation but she didn't show it. She just looked down the entire time.
"As for your other comment, with what money you have left, you can afford a couple villas in the area. That is if Rory doesn't chose to marry into the family." Avery explained. Tema smiled.
"But for now, you'll be staying in the castle correct?" Royal asked. Tema nodded.
"River, can you get Skipp to arrange three bedrooms for our guests. Three weeks stay." Avery explained. River nodded and stood up. But before he left... he stopped and looked at Ashley.
"Ms Ashley, would you like to join me?" River asked. Ashley flinched. Avery, Megan, Royal, Gem, and Tema looked at River. Ashley turned to River.
"They will only be talking business and you are young. I can introduce you to some of the other royals around the castle." River said politely. Ashley smiled and turned to Tema. Tema was hesitant.
"That's fine, go ahead." Tema said. Ashley smiled and stood up. She bowed her head to Avery and Megan and then she left with River.

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