Chapter 22 - Neyou x Damien

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   Neyou ran into the house quickly, crying his ass off. Arlo and Jackson were home at the time. So was Jaqu. They were all waiting for Neyou to get home so they could talk to him about his birthday coming up. But they freaked out when Neyou came running into the house crying. He ran right to his room and slammed the door shut. Arlo and Jackson stood up quickly. Jaqu slowly frowned.
"That piece of shit." Jaqu muttered. Arlo and Jackson looked at Jaqu.
"What was that?" Arlo asked strictly. Jaqu looked at Arlo.
"He went to confess his feelings to Damien today. I'm assuming he was rejected." Jaqu said. Arlo frowned and quickly went to Neyou's door. He went to open it and it was locked.
"Neyou! Open your door!" Arlo pleaded. No response. Jackson frowned.
"Just give him a little bit babe." Jackson said. Arlo frowned and looked down. Jaqu sighed and walked out of the house. He walked up to Neyou's bedroom window and opened it. He slid into the room and shut the window. He looked over at Neyou who was crying in his pillow.
"Ney-" Jaqu started.
"He said I was like a brother to him!" Neyou cried. Jaqu frowned.
"I'm sorry Neyou." Jaqu said. Neyou looked up at Jaqu.
"What did I do wrong?" Neyou questioned. Jaqu stared at Neyou.
"I don't think you did anything wrong." Jaqu said. Neyou flinched. Jaqu was suspicious of the situation. He went to the door, unlocked it, and walked out. Arlo and Jackson watched Jaqu walk out and then they went in. Jaqu went out of the house and towards Ian's cafe. But he didn't go in. Instead, he went to find Haru. Haru was with Elijah, Pluto, and Evelyn. Wolfe was drunk so he wasn't really there even though he was. Jadah and Peter were at the table next to them sitting with Dillon and Jordan.
"Haru." Jaqu spoke out. Evelyn stopped speaking and everyone sitting at those two tables looked at Jaqu.
"Yes?" Haru questioned. Jaqu walked up to the table and sat down next to Pluto.
"Damien. Is he an idiot?" Jaqu questioned strictly. Jadah flinched and he turned to Jaqu fully.
"What—" Haru questioned.
"You are friends with that shithead, aren't you?" Jaqu asked.
"The real question is why you are being an asshole right now." Jadah said. Jaqu looked at Jadah.
"Neyou's confessed to Damien and Damien said that he only saw Neyou as a brother. I thought he liked Neyou too? He lead him on?! That's a dick move." Jaqu said strictly. Jadah froze.
"He did that?! The fuck." Jadah said.
"So? What's up?!" Jaqu questioned. Haru frowned.
"I wouldn't know... he's always talking about Neyou. How much he likes him and how he's so cute and stuff like that." Haru said.
"So he does like Neyou?" Jaqu questioned.
"Of course he does. He's liked him since he was 14." Jadah said.
"Why would Damien say that then?" Jaqu asked. No one answered. They were just as confused as Jaqu was. Jadah was pissed.
"I'll just find out." Jadah said.
"Bad idea. You are a monster when you are pissed." Pluto said.
"Am not!" Jadah said strictly. No one spoke. Jadah turned to Peter. Peter flinched and turned away. Jadah's jaw dropped.
"Who do you expect to go talk to him then?" Jadah asked.
"I will." Haru said.
"You better. It's Neyou's 18th birthday in a week." Jaqu said before he stood up. Then he nudged Pluto's shoulder.
"Happy birthday, Pluto." Jaqu said before he left. Pluto looked at Haru. Elijah stared at Haru too.
"No, but really... what's up?" Elijah questioned. Haru shrugged.
"Did he seem off to you, Jadah?" Haru asked.
"Not at all. He even started off the day with, "I can't wait to see Neyou today!" and he was pretty chipper." Jadah answered. Haru frowned and looked at Elijah.
   Later... Haru walked into Ian's, holding hands with Elijah. Damien was wiping down a couple tables. He saw Haru and Elijah walk in.
"Heya der Haru! You two want the normals?" Damien asked as he walked towards the counter. Ian was counting the register but Matthew went home.
"No. Jaqu is made at you. I guess to reassure you.. we are all mad at you." Haru said. Damien stopped in his place. Ian glanced up at Haru.
"You told Neyou that he's only a brother to you? The fuck?" Haru questioned strictly. Damien slowly frowned and turned to Haru.
"I... I didn't... I mean— I just..." Damien couldn't find an excuse.
"Why? You are crazy about him." Haru questioned. Damien looked down.
"I know it's a stupid excuse... I wanted to protect our friendship." Damien said. Haru immediately turned angered.
"You fucking dipshit." Haru said strictly before he left. Elijah frowned and followed Haru. Damien and Ian stood in silence. Damien slowly turned to his father. Ian looked at Damien with confusion.
"You like Neyou don't you?" Ian asked.
"If course I like him. I love him. I just... if we ended up not together anymore, our friendship would be ruined... I don't want that." Damien said.
"Damien... your father and I were best friends. And then we got together. Everything is fine now. And Neyou is pretty consistent." Ian explained. Damien frowned.
"Fuck, I'm an asshole, aren't I...?" Damien said. Ian nodded. Damien frowned.

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