Chapter 47 - The Triplets

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Gwen, Bayz, and Lynn are all 18 now. In fact, today is their birthday. And they are the siblings of Zokijiro and Kelly. And at the time, Nate and Leo adopted Kelly, Gwen, Bayz, and Lynn. Zoki was already of age so they could adopt him. And soon after, they adopted another son named Zion. Gwen and Bayz were boys. Lynn is a girl. And they were related to Tate by blood before he was murdered by Alpha and Ace for Taylor and Reo. They are the children of Tate's son. That was until they left them for dead in a fire. And Jade had already met them. And now Jade and Zoki are married. Kelly is in her mid 20s. And the triplets are now 18.
That morning... Gwen yawned and slowly sat up straight. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He looked across the room. There were two other beds with Lynn and Bayz were asleep in. They all shared a room to help save room. Gwen groaned and he slid off his bed. He wobbled to the light switch and flicked it. Themis woke Lynn and Bayz.
"Ugh! Turn them lights off." Lynn said angrily. Bayz yawned and sat up. He looked over at Gwen. Gwen was half asleep too but he was still standing. He was leaning on the doorway practically asleep.
"What time is it?" Bayz muttered.
"It's 1 am." Gwen muttered as he looked over at the window.
"1?!" Lynn squealed. Bayz's eyes opened immediately and he quickly stood up.
"The stars!" Bayz cried. Gwen nodded. Bayz Hm quickly jumped to his shoes.
"Lynn! It's 1! We are 18!" Bayz cheered. Lynn smiled and she crossed her arms.
"Alright..." Lynn said. Bayz smiled and rushed to his coat. He put it on. Gwen and Lynn grabbed their coats, shoes, pillows, and blankets. Then they made their way to the roof of their treehouse. They put down a couple blankets to lay on and then the pillows, and then all three snuggled up under a couple blankets as they looked up at the stars.
"Happy birthday." Gwen said.
"Happy birthday!" Bayz cheered.
"Happy birthday." Lynn said. They all watch the stars till they fell asleep. They'd wake up to Nate calling for them. Gwen woke up and yawned. He sat up and he heard his name and his siblings names being called. He looked down. Nate smiled.
"Morning birthday boy! Your sister and brother up there?" Nate called out. Gwen rubbed his eyes and yawned.
"Yeah." Gwen spoke. Nate smiled.
"Wake your siblings and come down here. Breakfast is ready and we have gifts." Nate said. Gwen nodded.
The triplets made their way to their room, changed their clothings, and came down. Zion quickly jumped onto Bayz's back.
"Happy birthdays!" Zion cheered. Bayz snickered.
"How were the stars?" Nate asked as he touched Bayz's cheek, lift Gwen's chin, and kiss Lynn's forehead.
"Oh they were beautiful! We got up at 1 just like we said we would!" Bayz cheered. Gwen smiled and Lynn crossed her arms. Nate smiled. Kelly rushed down and up to her brothers and sister.
"EEK! MY BABY BROTHERS AND SISTER ARE GROWN UP!" Kelly screamed as she hugged all three of them. They all laughed and returned her hug weirdly as they were all squished.
"Where's Zoki?" Gwen asked.
"Ah! Him and Jade went to get a gift for you three. They've been waiting for awhile. They'll be back soon." Kelly said nicely.
"But we are here and we are the only ones who really matter." Drew snickered. Bayz laughed. Lincoln and Drew held three gifts in total. Lincoln handed one to Bayz, Drew handed one to Lynn, and one to Gwen.
"Happy birthdays!" Drew and Lincoln cheered. Bayz quickly opened his gift and when he sat what was inside the box, his smile grew soft.
"I thought we couldn't afford this." Bayz said as he lifted out an astronomical windchime.
"Well, me and Linc made some arrangements. We knew how much you wanted it." Drew said nicely. Bayz smiled and set the windchime back in the box. He carefully handed the box to Gwen and hugged Drew. Then he hugged Lincoln.
"Thank you so much! Ima go hand it now!" Bayz cheered.
"Ah, wait till me or Lynn get up there to help you so you don't drop it." Gwen said. Bayz nodded and took his box. At that time, Lynn had opened her gift. Inside was a pearly necklace. Lynn had always been interested in pearls so to have them were like a dream come true.
"Ah! Pearls!" Lynn cheered as she jumped up and down excitedly. She put the pearls on herself and smiled.
"Ah I feel beautiful. Where'd you guys find pearls?" Lynn asked.
"Luckily, there was a trades traveller holding onto pearls." Lincoln said. Lynn smiled and hugged both of them. And now, Gwen's turn. Gwen had made sure Lynn and Bayz opened their gifts first before opening his. He slowly opened his gift and looked inside. It was a key. He looked up at Drew and Lincoln.
"No." Gwen quickly said. Drew snickered.
"Told you he'd figure it out right away." Drew said. Gwen grabbed the key.
"This better not be what I fucking think it is." Gwen said strictly as he was in shock. Lincoln chuckled.
"And you were also right about him being pissed off."Lincoln said.
"Is that the key to the shop?" Bayz asked nicely.
"Oh yes it is. We bought it for you, Gwen. With a little help from everyone here." Drew said. Gwen's ears dropped and he glared at Drew.
"The fuck... I was saving up." Gwen muttered in more embarrassment than anger. Drew smiled.
"Well, now you can use your money to get it running." Lincoln said. Nate smiled.
"That's where your father is at right now actually. He's got your guys's gifts there." Nate said nicely. Gwen covered his face.
"Fuck you, Drew." Gwen mumbled. Drew laughed and quickly hugged Gwen. Gwen then returned the hug. Then he softly hugged Lincoln.
"Thank you two so much." Gwen said.
"Aww no crying now, G!" Bayz spoke as he hugged Gwen. Lynn snickered.
"I'm just glad you are happy." Lynn said. Gwen smiled.

   Bayz loves astronomy. He's been fascinated with the stars for who knows how long and when he got to meet Kaden and Lincoln, he got to learn some stuff from him. He had no clue what astronomy was called until Lincoln had enlightened him. And now, he always marches over to collect or return books of astronomy at the new library built a couple years ago.
   Lynn wasn't a girly girl but she wasn't a tomboy either. She didn't have an exact ego and she was always doing something different, hobby wise. She worked at a small restaurant in the village which only got customers whom live nearby before. But often she'd get bored and go find a new job. Since she was young, and a woman, she could basically get any job she desired.
   Gwen is basically the older brother of the three even though they are all the exact same age. He definitely is over protective and caring towards his brother and sister. For awhile now, actually, for about 4 years now, Gwen had been saving up to buy this small building which he would plan to turn it into a shop of flowers. And he planned to hire ibis own sister to make part of the shop a coffee shop. It would give a nice comfortable place to chill too. And one particular thing about the building was that the roof was all glass and right above it was a cherry blossom tree. So during the day, people could look up at the beautiful scenery. And during the night, he could see Bayz here all night. It had always been a dream of Gwen's to work under the same roof as his brother and sister. And this is how he would configure that dream.

   A week later: Gwen, Bayz, and Lynn were in the building together. So was Zion, Kelly, Zokijiro, Nate, and Leo. For Gwen's gift, Leo, Nate, Zoki, and Kelly used parts of their own money to buy matching chair and table sets, cleaners for the windows and roof, mostly the essentials, including the cash register, bar stools and the bar itself which looks out at the village, and the cafe items were all bought and set up behind the main counter where the register is at. Then on the other side of the shop, all the flowers would go there. That's what they left for Gwen. Gwen could use his saved up money to buy into a flower shipment for one day a month. He did just that.
   His family was there to held him decorate, set up, and learn how to use items. When they finished, the only thing they had to do was wait for the flowers, and put up the sign of which to label the shop.

That night:
"So what should it be named?" Gwen asked as he turned the lights out.
"Mm... easy! Lynn. Because my name is perfect." Lynn snickered.
"He can't name the shop over you. It's his own shop." Bayz complained and he got under his blankets. Gwen sat on his bed and thought about it. Then he glanced to his brother and sister.
"Lynn, you have a favorite clothing brand and Bayz, you have a favorite planet— say the names outloud at the same time." Gwen said.
Lynn and Bayz looked at each other.
"Saturn." They both said. And they both flinched. They looked at each other.
"You like the Saturn clothing brand?!" Bayz questioned.
"Your favorite planet is Saturn?!" Lynn asked confusedly.
"My shop is named Saturn." Gwen said before he got under the blankets. Bayz and Lynn smiled.
"One day you want be a great brother." Lynn said.
"The day I die?" Gwen questioned. Lynn and Bayz smiled.
"Goodnight brother." Lynn and Bayz said. Gwen smiled and slowly closed his eyes.
"Goodnight." Gwen said.

    About a month later... Gwen, Bayz, and Lynn's stood in front of the new shop. It was perfect. The sign said "Saturn" in bold and right below it, it said "Coffee and Flowers" in a smaller font all on a wood board that was hung up. Gwen felt relieved. He sighed.
"I'm tired." Gwen chuckled.
"Uh no you ain't! You are about to open your shop! Go flip that sign!" Bayz cheered.
"We were just about to go swarm other people about your coffee shop! Let's go!" Lynn also cheered. Gwen smiled.
"Alright alright." Gwen said and then he walked up to the door. He walked in, flipped the closed sign to say open, and he grabbed his custom made apron which had his favorite kind of flowers at the corner and the name Saturn right below it. The rest was black. He put it on and waited. He assumed it was gonna be awhile. He actually believed there would be no customers for the first week at most. But in the end, customers became regulars in no time and new people came and showed up almost all the time.

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