Chapter 6 - Rohz x Dakota

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One week later:
Rohz sat at the dining table with the dozens of other people staying in the villa. His head was flopped down on the table in defeat. Tulio nudged Rohz from behind.
"What?" Rohz muttered.
"Rohz, your father wants you and Viaan." Tulio said. Everyone went quiet and they looked at Tulio and Rohz.
"Has your father made an escape plan yet?" One person asked.
"Is everything gonna be ok?" Another asked.
"Rohz?" Tulio mumbled. Rohz stood up and he turned around. He walked off to the stairs. He went up and to his bedroom which his entire family stayed in. He walked in and looked at the bed. Darian was fixing his shirt. Kiyoshi was sitting on the bed, Viaan was sitting on the sofa, and along side the sofa was Carlos and Kid. Mason stood in the doorway with anyone who wanted to listen, along with Tulio. Rohz walked over and sat next to Viaan.
"There is another tunnel connected to this villa. It was dug up, as what my father told me." Darian said, pointing at Kid.
"We can use it to escape. It flows out into the foreseen cliffs a mile behind the villa. Me, nor my dad can generate enough magic in this state to get everyone up out of the cliff. I need ideas." Darian explained. Rohz turned to Lid and Carlos quickly.
"You think escaping is our only way to do things?!" Rohz questioned. Viaan nudged Rohz.
"Rohz-" Kiyoshi started. Rohz stood up.
"Don't you understand Rohz? They want to kill ALL of us!" Viaan said strictly.
"Yeah but— if you give up on the village, then everyone else will just go after us anyways because we abandoned our own village. And my first ever home is in this village. I don't want to leave it." Rohz explained slowly. Viaan frowned. Kiyoshi stood up and looked at Darian.
"So we just stay here until they eventually find out we are all here?" Mason asked.
"That won't work forever. Ever since they saw that third extra plate on the table by accident, they've stopped coming here. That means they are planning something and it's already been a week." Carlos explained. Rohz slowly sat down.
"Every angel of this village has taken refuge here and we are still opening the doors. At this rate, every person of the village is in here because of that group out there." Viaan explained. Everyone in the room looked at Viaan.
"I get it, we are scared. But all of us together is stronger then all of them." Viaan said.
"No." Darian said. Viaan looked at Darian.
"What?!" Viaan questioned. Darian gulped.
"I don't want to risk anyone getting injured, let alone killed. And fighting back does just that." Darian explained strictly. Viaan sat down again. Everyone was silent. Darian sighed.
"The task is to protect people." Darian said.
"From going insane?" Rohz asked. Kid heard that and he quickly left.
"Insane?" Kiyoshi questioned.
"Whenever your name is spoken, everyone starts to question or speak and it doesn't stop. Everyone's going mad because they are stuck here!" Rohz complained. Carlos looked down and he sighed.
"I think we might need the queen and kings help." Carlos said.
"Then send for help." Viaan said.
"You can't. You know that if we do that, they'll just send their people out." Kiyoshi said. Darian looked at Kiyoshi.
"What choice do we have?" Darian asked. Kiyoshi frowned.
"Then it's settled. Someone here can sneak out and go alert the royals." Carlos said.
"Who?" Viaan asked. Darian, Carlos, and Kiyoshi turned to Mason. Mason sighed.
"I'm on it." Mason said.

Rintvi sat in the camp that him and his group created just outside the village. He was thinking.
"Sir." One man said. Rintvi looked up at the man. The man went to speak.
"They are all in the villa. I just don't know where at. We've searched that place at least a dozen times and nothing." Rintvi said in complaint. The man crossed his arms.
"Sir, we have an idea." The man said. Rintvi's attention fell on the man.
"Speak." Rintvi said. The man sat down across from Rintvi.
"Look, the villa is open to travelers... so if we get a someone to act as a traveler and go stay there for awhile, they could figure out where the people inside hide. And then we can take them all." The man explained. Rintvi stared at the man. He thought about it.
"I don't know... we'd have to figure out whether they are letting people stay there or not." Rintvi said.
"That's what the traveler would be for." The man said. Rintvi stood up.
"Do we have anyone willing to do this... that is not in our group already?" Rintvi asked. The man frowned.
"No sir. Everyone is still fond of angels. Got nothing against them." The man explained harshly. Rintvi crossed his arms and he thought about it. Inside the tent with them was two others. One man who was sitting at the side of the wall. He was just writing everything down for the men. But on the other side of the tent was a woman. And she was beautiful, and young.
"Why not Dakota?" The woman asked. The three men in the room looked at the woman. Rintvi groaned.
"Dakota likes angels, Mel." Rintvi said.
"He's your son though. Don't you think he's so you a favor?" The woman, Mel asked.
"No. He doesn't want anything to do with me after I kicked him out." Rintvi said.
"Well... he's 18 correct? Just offer him moment. Young men don't last long with money so enough cash will bribe him. Plus, he's a good actor." Mel explained. Rintvi smiled and turned to the man he was talking too.
"Find my son. Bring him here." Rintvi demanded. The man nodded and left. Mel smiled.
"Once all the angels are pushed back into their realm, we shall be happy again." Mel said softly.
"Yes." Rintvi said.

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