Chapter 7 - One Year Later

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Miguel x Jaqu:

   Miguel woke up in a daze. He sat up and was super dizzy as if he hadn't slept well. He muttered under his breathe as he stood up. He walked over to his mirror and looked at himself. He stared at himself until his eyes focused. And then he could see the little note on the side of the mirror which said "Home!" Miguel's eyes shot open and he gasped.
"SHIT!" Miguel screamed, rushing to find his clothes. Lucious walked into the doorway and leaned on it as he sucked on a sucker. He pulled the sucker out of his mouth.
"Look who forgot to wake up on the most important day of their life." Lucious teased.
"Shut the fuck up." Miguel said. Lucious smiled.
"The whole reason I do this is to peeve you." Lucious said nicely before he left. Miguel got dressed, put his shoes on, and rushed out of the house. He ran as fast as he could to the kingdom. When he got to the kingdom, he went to a house that was located near Phillip and Ezra's home. And Jaqu was waiting in front of it. Miguel ran right up to Jaqu and instead of stopped, he fell. Jaqu looked at Miguel and watched him fall.
"Good morning baby-" Jaqu started. Miguel stood up quickly.
"Am I late?!" Miguel question as he dusted himself off. Jaqu smiled and looked at Miguel.
"Actually, you are just on time. Did you sleep in?" Jaqu questioned as he mixed Miguel's hair and cleaned his face up. Miguel frowned.
"I did. I think I was too excited that I didn't get much sleep. I'm sorry." Miguel said. Jaqu kissed Miguel's cheek.
"Just say it's payback for the number of times I've been late to our dates or meetups." Jaqu said. Miguel smiled. And then a realtor walked up to Jaqu and Miguel.
"You two I assume are Miguel and Jaqu Haven?" The realtor questioned. Jaqu lived to hear that his soon to be last name was Haven like Miguel's. He smiled.
"Yes ma'am." Jaqu answered.
"Awesome! You two are adorable and I'm glad this home will find its new owners." The realtor said. Jaqu and Miguel smiled.
"Alright, so here are the papers." The realtor said, handing Miguel the papers to the house.
"They need to be signed up and read and then sent back to me and then the house will officially be yours after your first installment on the 21st." The realtor said. Miguel smiled and thought about the date.
"Alright! Thank you so much, Mrs Candy." Jaqu cheered. The realtor nodded and left. Miguel and Jaqu waited till the realtor had walked awhile away to celebrate. Miguel and Jaqu turned to each other. Miguel quickly jumped up and hugged Jaqu and Jaqu spun around.
"The 21st!! That's only in two weeks! It'll be our!" Miguel said so happily. Jaqu smiled and came to a stop in his spin. He hugged Miguel.
"I love you so much, Miguel." Jaqu said. Miguel smiled and kissed Jaqu.
"I love you so much as well!" Miguel cried. Jaqu smiled.
   And just like that, the house was theirs. Jaqu and Miguel went over the papers together with Arlo and Logan. When they finished, Miguel and Jaqu sent the papers back and then they officially made their first installment. And the house was theirs. They had already had furniture put away for the house so the first day, they furnished the house and they made their bed. It was a small house only meant for three people technically a two bedroom one bathroom home. One living room, dining room, and kitchen. Once it was all furnished, Miguel and Jaqu stepped back and looked at the home from the inside.
"It's so..." Jaqu started, trying to think of a word. Miguel took Jaqu's hand.
"Perfect." Miguel said. Jaqu looked at Miguel and then he grinned.
"You know, this is our first home. We must christen our home~" Jaqu said, walked around Miguel and hugging him from behind. Miguel blushed and he looked at Jaqu.
"A great idea." Miguel said softly. Jaqu smiled and walked around Miguel to his front. He put his arms around Miguel and kissed him. Miguel returned the kiss. As they kissed, Jaqu lifted Miguel off the ground a little and slowly went to their new bedroom. He got to the bedroom and set Miguel down on the bed. Miguel crawled backwards and Jaqu crawled towards him. Miguel blushed when he felt Jaqu kiss his neck. Jaqu sucked to make a hicky.
"Mm..." Miguel mumbled as he started to undo Jaqu's pants. Jaqu pulled away and kissed Miguel. Miguel returned the kiss. After a lot of making out, Miguel undid Jaqu's pants and he slid his hand down to touch Jaqu's dick. And when he did, Jaqu groaned to the jerk that Miguel did. Jaqu pulled Miguel's shirt off and he kissed Miguel's whole body until he pulled his pants down. Now Miguel was completely naked. Miguel quickly pushed Jaqu to the side and he tugged his pants off. Now, Jaqu only had his shirt on which Miguel pulled off. Miguel kissed Jaqu's top half and then he slowly went down to his dick. Jaqu blushed and he tensed up when Miguel started to suck him off.
"Ngh..." Jaqu mumbled. He set his head back quickly and he gasped.
"Ahh..." Jaqu cried. Miguel slowly pulled away and looked at Jaqu. Jaqu sighed at his sensitive he was now. Miguel slowly leaned up and lined his hole with Jaqu's dick. Jaqu held Miguel's thighs as Miguel lifted up and slowly sat down. Jaqu's dick went inside. Jaqu shivered. Miguel gasped and leaned forward with his eyes closed.
"Hah!" Miguel let out a moan. Jaqu touched Miguel's cheek.
"You are beautiful. Just think of me." Jaqu whispered. Miguel nodded and he started to go up and down slowly. Jaqu moaned and so did Miguel. They definitely christened the house.

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