Chapter 56 - Elizabeth x Rixalyn

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Two weeks later... they were allowed to leave the castle, the royals that is, of the wolf kingdom. So Elizabeth used it to her advantage. She went with Crystal each time she went to see Bella. Crystal had been trying to convince Bella to move in with her to the castle, even by willing to hand over a lot of Zenos for her father and her family if it meant she could move with her. Crystal and Elizabeth were walking down to Bella's home. Two guards followed them from far behind, watching around for any suspicious activity or danger. They walked up to Bella's house and Crystal knocked. Then the door opened. Bella stood there and saw the two princesses.
"Hey, babe." Bella said as she grabbed her coat and walked out of the house. She shut the door and put her coat on. Crystal smiled and kissed Bella's cheek. Bella looked at Crystal and smiled.
"So... I have some news." Bella said. Elizabeth looked at Bella and then she nudged Crystal.
"Ima go to Thomas and Wayd's. The two guards are yours." Elizabeth said.
"Ok." Crystal said as she turned to Bella. Elizabeth walked away. As she was walking, from the background, she could hear Crystal scream out "yes". Bella had told her that she could move in with her because her father found a job to provide for himself and her siblings. It made Crystal very happy so she screamed out yes and hugged Bella, kissing her too. Elizabeth smiled and walked to the restaurant. She stopped and looked up. It changed. The title. It said "Brunex" and that was the last name of Joshua, Wayd's father. And when Wayd married Thomas, Thomas took Wayd's last name. And they made that the restaurant name. Elizabeth smiled. She went to move to go towards the doors when at the same time, she bumped into a young woman her age. The young woman tumbled to the side but caught her balance before falling to the ground.
"Oh shit- sorry!" Elizabeth spoke out quickly. The woman ruined to Elizabeth and smiled.
"It's alright. I should've been aware of my surroundings as well." The young woman said. Elizabeth smiled, realizing the woman didn't recognize her.
"Well, I think I'll take the blame for this one. You do look awfully tired and that's hard to control." Elizabeth explained. The woman looked at Elizabeth and sighed. She slowly pulled his sleeves down to hide her wrists and hands.
"Well, I'm thankful for you to be nice to me." The woman said. Elizabeth smiled.
"By the way, you look important. You must not be from here." Elizabeth said as she pointed at the woman's dress. The woman smiled.
"Hah... you noticed. I am Lady Rixalyn from the House of Bordeaux. I came here to speak to the kings about refuge and help." The woman explained.
"Hm? House of Bordeaux? That's a very powerful name. Ain't the head of the household an archduke?" Elizabeth asked. Rixalyn smiled nervously.
"He... was. He was my father. We came under siege about two months ago by a rampaging group of angering strikers. I'm assuming the same ones who attacked King Caleb a few weeks ago. I came for help." Rixalyn explained. Elizabeth flinched. She quickly turned to the castle.
"I... I see." Elizabeth said. Rixalyn tilted her head.
"I... didn't get your name." Rixalyn said as she studied Elizabeth.
"Yeah... I don't think you need my name. I'm not important. So go on ahead. Have a good day." Elizabeth said. Rixalyn crossed her arms awkwardly and started walking to the castle. Elizabeth had an off feeling about her. She was pretty attractive. She's obviously from the south east making her a Tree Wolf. Her hair gave that away too though. It was very long but thin and she had a darker tan hint to her skin color. Her hair was dark red and her eyes were tree lief green. Elizabeth was gonna go into the restaurant but she was curious now. Plus, as said before, she had a bad feeling about her. But she went in anyways because she told Crystal she would be there. She shook it off her mind for the time being.

Rixalyn was stopped at the drawbridge. Because the guards were on high alert, they weren't gonna let anyone in. Rixalyn already explained her predicament several times but they refused.
"Please! You have to let me talk to the kings!" Rixalyn pleaded. The guards didn't budge. Rixalyn started to panic. Then there was walking on the bridge.
"Ok, what's going on?" Devin asked irritatedly. Rixalyn looked at Devin with confusion.
"Who are you?" Rixalyn asked. Devin stopped on the bridge.
"Im a servant? And I do t get off work until I deal with crackheads like you." Devin lied. Rixalyn frowned. She looked down at her wrists nervously.
"I need to speak to the kings. It's urgent." Rixalyn said softly. Devin squinted at Rixalyn and he smiled.
"Well, why ain't we letting her in guys? I thought there was nothing else to worry about since we already arrested those guys who hurt the King." Devin lied. Rixalyn stared at Devin. Devin was waiting to see what kind of reaction she would have. If she had a confused face, she was just a person who has no idea what's going on. If she had a shocked face, it means she's part of the scheme of what happened with Caleb and the other royals of the Human and Vampire realms. If she had a excited face, it meant she was a reporter. And if she kept the face she has now, then she's telling the truth. Rixalyn decided her face. She didn't change her mind.
"Though I'm thrilled the culprits were caught, I need help for my own village people. Please let me get help from our Kings." Rixalyn explained. Devin blinked and then looked at the guards. The guards looked to Devin and Devin sighed.
"Search her and I'll escort her to the office. Someone go give a heads up before we go up." Devin demanded. The guards searched Rixalyn and a guard did leave to go to the kings. Afterwards, Devin escorted Rixalyn into the castle. They went through the front doors where Rixalyn was immediately taken away by the silence and emptiness of the ballroom itself.
"Doesn't anyone work here?" Rixalyn questioned.
"Yeah, me." Devin said. Rixalyn looked at Devin with concern then she sighed.
"Alright... it's none of my business anyways. I just want help." Rixalyn said. Devin listened to Rixalyn. They walked up to the stairs when they passed Austin and Roger. As they walked, Austin flinched and stopped walking. He turned to Rixalyn and Devin. Roger looked at Austin.
"What's wrong?" Roger asked. Austin was a snow wolf with magical abilities. He could sense specific things...
"Devin." Austin spoke. Devin stopped and that made Rixalyn stop. They turned to Austin. Devin bowed his head.
"Yes, my prince." Devin asked. Rixalyn's expression changed immediately.
"Prince?" Rixalyn asked. Austin stared at Rixalyn for a moment. Rixalyn was eying Austin. She grew nervous out of nowhere because she knew what Austin was capable of. Austin grew frustrated and he turned away.
"Nevermind." Austin muttered. Rixalyn sighed softly in relief. Devin turned to Rixalyn then back to Austin.
"Prince Austin, if there is something wrong, I want to know... sooner than later." Devin explained. Rixalyn flinched. Then Austin turned right Rixalyn. He smiled.
"I was just curious... you don't normally escort visitors to my fathers. It's normally Miz since he works here now." Austin explained.
"This young woman has herself stuck in a big predicament." Devin said.
"Uh huh." Austin spoke strictly. That made Roger freeze up. Devin frowned.
"I—" Devon tried to speak. Austin stepped forward.
"I'm Prince Austin. And you are?" Austin introduced. Rixalyn slowly relaxed herself and she bowed her head.
"My Prince, it's an honor to meet just a talented and handsome young man. I am Lady Rixalyn from the House of Bordeaux." Rixalyn said happily. Austin rose an eyebrow.
"You are not trustworthy. And stop flirting, I'm married. Good day." Austin said as he turned away. Roger took Austin's hand and they continued to where the were gonna head off too. Rixalyn frowned. Devin scoffed and turned to Rixalyn.
"And that's how I know to turn this meeting around and kick you out." Devin said strictly. Rixalyn shook her head no.
"Please, I need help. I don't have to meet the kings then. Please just tell them I need help." Rixalyn pleaded. Devin frowned and he didn't know what to do. He started to overthink. But he didn't show it. And then Miz walked in.
"Dev, when is your break?" Miz complained then he saw Rixalyn. He looked at her then to Devin. Devin looked at Miz and he rubbed his head.
"When I clean all the rooms upstairs on the 2nd floor." Devin answered. Rixalyn turned to Devin. Miz squinted at Devin in confusion for a moment then he understood. He shifted his attention to Rixalyn.
"Should I... take our guest here elsewhere so you can get those rooms done?" Miz asked nicely. Devin looked at Rixalyn.
"It's alright. Can you go start it for me? It'll only take a moment. I'm taking her up to the Kings." Devin said. Miz nodded and went upstairs after he saw Devin holding up the number 5 with his hand behind his back. Miz walked upstairs slowly until he was out of sight. He rushed upstairs and to the office. He barged in.
"Ey, sorry to bust in." Miz said quickly. They were in a meeting. They all looked at Miz.
"What are you doing?" Caleb asked strictly.
"Alright, Devin was super nervous and he looked like he was ready to break down there. Anyways, he's bringing a woman up and she must be sketch or something. He showed me the number 5 which means it's an emergency." Miz explained strictly. Melio looked at Miz then he stood up. He looked at the person they were having a meeting with.
"Sorry, sir. But we need you to leave in case it's life threatening." Caleb explained. The man there nodded and left. Miz quickly went to open the door then he saw Devin walk up the stairs. Miz gasped and shut the door.
"Yikes." Miz muttered. Caleb pointed at Cherry. Cherry quickly went to the window and lifted an exit.
"Let's go." Cherry said. Miz quickly went down the hatch and to the exit. Cherry shut the exit and went to the door. Then there was a knock. Cherry turned to Caleb. Caleb stood there in silence. Melio pulled his knife out. But the Caleb took his hand.
"No no." Caleb spoke. Cherry frowned. Melio set the knife on the desk and stayed standing. Caleb sat down and Melio walked to the door. He stayed behind the door as it was gonna open. Cherry opened the door and looked at Devin.
"Ah... Devin." Cherry spoke. Then she saw Rixalyn.
"Cherry, this is Lady Rixalyn. She has urgent needs for the kings." Devin spoke as he held a two to his side. Cherry nodded with a smile.
"Well, the kings just finished a meeting. Please come on in." Cherry said as she opened the door. Devin and Rixalyn walked in and Cherry made Kain and Damon come in too. Rixalyn stood to the desk which only had Caleb there. Then Cherry shut the door. She stood to the side and Kain and Damon stood in front of the door. Rixalyn bowed her head.
"My king." Rixalyn spoke. Caleb looked at Rixalyn then to Devin. Devin looked awkward. Rixalyn lifted her head then she saw the knife. Then Melio walked around the desk. He grabbed his knife and sat down. Rixalyn frowned.
"Hello." Caleb said. Rixalyn smiled nervously.
"Ah... I am Lady Rixalyn from the House of Bordeaux. I am in need of help." Rixalyn said.
"Well, Lady Rixalyn... if Devin doesn't trust you, we can't either." Caleb said. Rixalyn flinched.
"But he's merely just a servant." Rixalyn said.
"Ever heard of Dragon Shadow Guards? This is our shadow guard." Melio said. Rixalyn gulped. Devin saw it just then.
"Alright, drop the shit." Devin said. And then Rixalyn's innocent demeanor grew to arrogance.
"Alright, I'll cut the crap then." Rixalyn said.
"What's the original story?" Caleb asked.
"Lady Rixalyn needed help for her village. That's all she told me." Devin said.
"Now your turn. The real story." Melio said. Devin waited. Rixalyn grabbed a chair and sat down. It was obvious that she was still of class by the way she sat in the chair.
"Well, my story was true. I am Lady Rixalyn from the House of Bordeaux and I do need help. You see, I'm lucky to be alive. And my parents aren't." Rixalyn explained.
"Elaborate." Caleb said.
"Alright then, two months ago, we were happy when a large group... of thousands popped up. It's very full of different species, clans, classes. And they have a hate for the upperclass... including the kings and queens of realms. They split into the seven realms, take advantage of one very high class household, and force that household to help kill the royal families. I assume you are caught up now." Rixalyn explained as she grew angered.
"Your assumption is correct. But now explain yourself before I have to arrest you." Caleb explained. Rixalyn sighed.
"As I said, two months ago, a large group of 500 showed up on the Bordeaux property and land, took my mother, father, and several young siblings as hostages. They tied me to a chair for three weeks and brainwashed me into coming here to seduce on of your children to get closer to you two and make an opening for a riot. And I was handing strong until I heard about you getting attacked singularly. I believed I was gonna be safe so I loosened up. And now here I am... here to fuck one of your children just for your trust. The people also said that I officially have a month to successfully make an opening. And doing the math... I have one week until a group of 500 crazy killers storm the castle." Rixalyn explained calmly. Melio heard the explanation and immediately grew angered.
"Do you know who attacked Caleb?!" Melio asked strictly.
"I do not. But they are of the 500 who will kill you all later." Rixalyn explained. Caleb stared at Rixalyn and then he slowly stood up. He felt a pain in his side as he stood.
"Lady Rixalyn, do I need to have you arrested?" Caleb asked. Melio frowned. Rixalyn looked at Caleb.
"I don't want that... but yes. I don't know if I'm actually brainwashed or not. But— I know their plan." Rixalyn explained as she stood up. She pulled her sleeve up and showed her arm. It had a map of the castle. Caleb froze. Melio quickly grabbed Caleb and pulled him back.
"Kain, Damon." Melio said. Kain and Damon looked at her arm.
"It's a map of the first floor castle. And there are several entrance gates." Damon explained.
"Why'd you carve that into your arm? It's still looks somewhat fresh." Kain asked worriedly.
"Because when they released me to go to you guys three weeks ago, I went back secretly and dug into their plans. But... they had no paper or pens and I had a small gap so I panicked." Rixalyn answered. Caleb frowned and he slowly sat down.
"What does the plan say?" Caleb asked worriedly.
"In a week, they'll charge in through each entrance/exit. Including the secret ones on the top and bottom of the castles. But they are gonna come in at midnight with guns, swords, and spears. Their first task is to kill the guards. Their next task, public killing. It's not just here. It's the same for all the other realms one they get the chance." Rixalyn explained calmly. Caleb's heart started to race.
"Get her medical attention and then please lock her up comfortably elsewhere. For our sake. And for her sake." Caleb explained. Damon and Kain nodded and escorted Rixalyn out. Caleb started to freak out.
"I'm terrified." Caleb said. Melio grew angered.
"Fuck." Melio muttered.

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