Chapter 53 - Elias x Blaze

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Back to the dragon realm... If you all remember Elias, yeah, this is his love story now. Weird right? Elias, the little stuck up snob whom was always rude to his brothers? Yeah, that little shit.

   That year, Elias turned 19. He was to graduate that year. He always was stuck up to cope with his disappointment to himself. His brothers graduated at 16 from the same school because they had great ideas and learned quickly and were smarter then their own class. Probably because they had two very intelligent fathers. That wasn't the case for Elias though. He always saw himself as a disappointment because he was not graduating at 16 like his brothers whom were already very successful and very happy at the age 20 and 21. He was jealous. He didn't hate his brothers, just jealous. So he acted as if he hated them and always hated on their lives.

    It was April. He graduates in June. And afterwards, he has no idea what he'll do afterwards. That was another thing he hated. His brothers knew what they'd do after they were to graduate before they even entered school. Irumi went to school at the same university as Mizura and Elias. He had wanted to be an engineer and was very successful in classes. So he graduated at 16 and was sent to schooling in the castle with Daniel, Aster, Hira, and Jace. He was definitely put under pressure at the time by Mizura whom was also jealous of Irumi. But he would get over it. And Irumi would successfully create his first engineering project, a school building. He would also start dating Prince Daniel and lived at the castle with Daniel. He was happy. Mizura went to school until he was 16 where he graduated for being a straight A student with not even a sliver of moving off that track. He also had his life set to be a political leader. And that was a help to graduate early at 16 too. He lived an entrepreneur life till he turned 18 where he was eligible to work for the castle as the council assistant. Until a half year later where he became a secretary for the queens, becoming a council member and having big political influence. Around the same time, he met his boyfriend Winter whom was a very powerful man who no one knew. He works at the castle with Micheal as a protector. And he basically teaches magical abilities to those with magical properties. Mizura and Winter were very happy together and also lived in the castle. Mizura and Irumi were still not very close even though they were brothers. They ignored each other for the most part and for holidays or days off, they would go visit their fathers with their loved ones.

   Elias was asleep when he felt light hit his eyes. He opened his eyes and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked out the window. He groaned and stood up. He changed his clothes, fixed his hair and face, and grabbed his bag. He dragged his bag out his bedroom and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He walked up to the bar and sat down. There was a plate of food there in front of him. Lane rushed down the stairs quickly. Elias watched his father rush down the stairs. Ash was making more food in the kitchen. But when Elias sat down, he looked at him nervously. Elias slowly turned to Ash then grabbed his fork to eat.
"Do you have any plans today?" Ash asked nervously with a smile. Elias looked at Ash for a moment.
"School?" Elias answered. He lifted his fork to eat then he saw the three other plates made, sitting at the bar. He looked at the plates of food then slowly looked up. Ash had a nervous smile. Elias immediately frowned and dropped his fork.
"Hell no!" Elias said as he grabbed his bag. He quickly rushed for the front door.
"HES COMING!" Ash yelled. Lane quickly locked the door and stood in front of it. Elias stopped.
"Everytime they visit, you somehow disappear, Eli. They are your brothers!" Lane said worriedly. Elias glared at Lane.
"I'll just off the roof then." Elias said as he rushed for the stairs.
"STAIRS!" Lane yelled. Ash quickly stood at the stairs and Elias stopped.
"Elias-" Ash started.
"Fuck no." Elias said before he quickly rushed to the kitchen where the back door was.
"Elias!" Lane and Ash yelled. And Elias left in a rush. Lane and Ash slumped in defeat.

   Elias rushed to his university, located in the next village over. It is a university which mostly rich kids attend. But that also means there are dormitories. Elias didn't need to have one because his home is only a couple miles away. But some student, actually most students do need them because their homes are located elsewhere. He began his walk as he reached the woods. He walked till he got to the next village. By that time, Elias was fixing himself up because that village he just entered... it was the definition of judgement. Men and woman of all species lived there, as long as they had first class specialties. Elias tied his hair back and made it to the university. It was a very large building that reached five stories tall. And it was formed in a round circle. The outsides of the circle were all the dormitories. There were four entrances kinda like small archways on all sides of the circle. They were gates and only opened to students whom had identification cards. You got through and you were let with a large area that was part of the circle on the other sides of the dormitories. It was basically a yard but very well kept. There were paths all over which lead to the school area and to each stairwell to get to the dorms. The school was in the very middle of the circle which was also very large. Elias walked up to the gate and held up his card. The employees guarding the gates let him in. He walked in and towards the school. Not before he was met by a group of friends of his. Whom think Elias see them as friends anyways.
"Eli! You shoulda seen it! There was this guy who works at the castle! He came here today!" One of them said cheerfully. Elias froze in midstep and he looked at the guy. This group of friends consisted of very rich people with famous last names. But the castle was something else to them. It seems easy but it is not. Anyways, the group consists of four students. Two male and two female. One of the males were a wolf, one of the females were an elf, and the other two were dragons like Elias. The male who spoke first was named Kasper, the male dragon. The male wolf is named Husk, the female elf is Eleskia, and the female dragon is named Frona. They were a good friend group which loved Elias for the little shit he is. Elias looked at Kasper.
"A worker from the castle?" Elias questioned.
"See, told ya he'd be interested." Eleskia said happily.
"Well, not a worker worker. He's from the council!" Frona cheered excitedly. Elias slowly turned to Frona.
"That's... very interesting. What's his name?" Elias asked.
"Ah, that's a cool part. He went to this school too. He graduated here four years ago." Eleskia said. Elias immediately grew angered.
"Yeah, his name is Mizura. I didn't catch his last name though." Kasper said. Elias closed his eyes in defeat.
"And why is he here?" Elias asked.
"Ah, he's here to talk to all seniors whom are graduating this June with us. He's going to be talking to us about surviving in reality. It'll be useful I think." Eleskia explained. Elias had a headache. He then turned to Kasper.
"Kasper... my dearest friend. Can I stay in your dorm today... and for the next two-ish days?" Elias asked with a warm, yet freaky smile. Kasper blinked.
"Er... you sure? My brother is my dorm mate remember? And he's a real disappointment." Kasper questioned awkwardly.
"I don't give a fuck about Blaze. Just let me sleep in your bed the next few days. I know you are sleeping with Husk." Elias pleaded. Kasper and Husk blushed.
"Alright... but what for? Don't you live nearby?" Kasper asked confusedly.
"Because my brothers came home today for the week and I don't wanna see them." Elias explained.
"Alright, goodluck with Blaze then." Kasper said.
"Nah, it's Blaze who'll need to get that goodluck. Staying in a room with Eli? Scary." A girl said as she walked up to Elias. She took his arm.
"You can just stay in my room, my dear Elias~" the girl said nicely. Elias pulled his arm away from the girl.
"I'm good, Liz. I'm fine with Kasper's room." Elias said awkwardly, grossed out for sure. The girl, Liz, frowned.
"Fine, I'll see you in class then." Liz said before she left for class. Elias watched Liz leave and then turned to Eleskia.
"What class is Mizura going to be in?" Elias asked. Eleskia was fixing her hair.
"All classes today. We are just supposed to go to the auditorium today to listen to him speak." Eleskia explained. Elias groaned and looked at his four friends.
"Cover for me and tell them I'm sick." Elias said before he started for the dorms afterwards. The four of his friends watched Elias head to Kasper's dorm.
"He seemed interested about Mizura though." Frona said.
"Who knows." Eleskia said before she started for the school building.
"Whatever. Come on." Kasper said as he took Husk's arm. Husk and Frona followed Eleskia and Kasper.

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