Chapter 49 - Bayz x Zachary

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A couple months later... Bayz was laying on the roof looking up at the stars with Drew and Lincoln. Gwen was gonna stay up to help Bayz down. Lynn and Gwen treated Bayz as the child of the three. They were mostly protective of him because he was somewhat naive. He's smart, no lie. And he loves to learn. And he knows when it's necessary to protect himself. Just, he's too trusting.
"And that one is the belt right?" Bayz asked.
"Mhm, you remembered." Lincoln said. Drew smiled.
"Hey Bayz, what are you wanting to do for your 19th birthday?" Drew asked. Bayz shrugged.
"Dunno. Maybe go see the stars." Bayz said. Drew looked at Bayz.
"You are doing that right now, Weirdo." Drew said.
"Well, I wanna do it again." Bayz said. Drew chuckled and laid his head back. Lincoln smiled. Bayz sat up quickly.
"Oh! I gotta sleep! It's Saturn's 9 Month Anniversary tomorrow!" Bayz cheered before he stood up and rushed to the edge. Gwen was sitting on the balcony reading a book. He quickly hopped down.
"Night Night Gwen!" Bayz cheered before he rushed into the house. Gwen blinked and looked up at the roof. Drew and Lincoln were looking down.
"He's excited for tomorrow is what he said." Drew said. Gwen chuckled and stood up.
"Night." Gwen said before he went into the home.

The next day, the shop was packed. It was a cute day. Everyone was buying flowers just to give them back to Gwen. Basically a donation. And everyone was getting drinks and being talkative. They were all pretty happy for the shop. Sakura was also there. She started working there after Lynn introduced her to Gwen and Bayz. Lynn and Bayz work for free but Sakura gets paid. A while later, it was about halfway through the day, three men in all black, they were black wolves but from a different clan then them. And from their eyes- they were black wolves of the Moon Clan. The clan that Taylor was from was the black wolves of the Night Clan. The Moon Clan was different in only strength and weaknesses. No weaknesses actually, and they are stronger. Bailey at the kingdom, she's from the Moon Clan which is why she's free to do mostly whatever. But here, in small villages, it was different. Jade was also a Moon Clan black wolf. Which is why he was so strong.
"So... where are those grandchildren of motherfucking Tate Marsh?" One of the men screamed out. This shut everyone up but no one snitched either. Gwen, Bayz, and Lynn looked at the three men. They were confident. Then Gwen noticed their clan. He flinched. Lynn and Bayz saw him do that and they frowned. Gwen took a breathe in and opened the cash register. This made the three wolves turn to Gwen. Gwen pulled out money and handed it to a man whom paid for some flowers before hand.
"Thank you for coming. Be sure to stick around for some drinks." Gwen said nicely. Then the shop began to be loud again. Bayz and Lynn got back to work. The leader of the three men quickly walked up to the counter and grabbed the entire register. And then he threw it to the ground harshly. This made everyone go silent once again. Bayz's ears dropped. Lynn quickly took Sakura's hand and whispered something to her. Then the other men grabbed Gwen. Gwen quickly went to pull away but instead, they slammed his head to the counter. Everyone began to either scream, cry for help, or run out. This included Sakura. Then the three men watched the shop empty out... all except for the, Gwen, Lynn, and Bayz.
"Aww, don't leave a brother behind?" One man asked with a laugh. Bayz and Lynn's eyes were glued to Gwen. Gwen's head was bleeding and he was dizzy. He slowly went to move and when he did so, the men quickly slammed his head on the counter again. Bayz trembled. Lynn gasped. Gwen blacked out. Then the men tossed Gwen to Lynn and Bayz. They quickly caught him but fell to the floor with him.
"Gwen?!" Bayz cried. No response. Bayz started to cry. Lynn quickly went to grab a napkin but then a man slapped her. She froze. Bayz looked at Lynn worriedly.
"Aren't there 5 of you?" One man asked.
"The other two are stronger. These are the weaklings." Another man said.
"Who cares, these three are gonna suffer for being related to Tate. He did us wrong. Now they'll take the blame." The leader spoke.
"We don't even know Tate! Or our own birth parents! They all died or left. We aren't associated with them at all!" Lynn cried.
"Oh please. Like we care." The leader laughed. Lynn quickly got to the ground and used her own shirt to stop the bleeding from continuing out of Gwen's head. And then the door opened. Leo and Nate walked in with Zokijiro, Jade, and Kelly. Sakura stood behind them. The three men looked at the six people who had just walked in. Kelly and Zokijiro, as well at Nate, rushed to Gwen's aid.
"Ah, so there are 5 of Tate's relatives here today." One man laughed. Leo gored at the three men. Jade stepped forward and in a blink of an eye, one of the men were already down and aching.
"Just to let you know, they are adopted and have nothing to do with their real parents, or blood relatives. They are under our families protection. So the fact that you just hurt my son, really... REALLY pisses me off." Leo said strictly. The other two men looked at the man down and then to Jade.
"You are a Moon Caln Black Wolf?" The leader asked. Jade rose an eyebrow.
"Yes. And I'm married to one who's blood related to Tate. He doesn't even know the man. So do us all a favor and leave because you three have no business being here." Jade said strictly. The two men looked at each other then back to Jade. Jade wasn't there. Then there was a thump. The leader turned to his right. The second man was down. The leader froze and turned to where Jade was supposedly at. No Jade.
"And you made Gwen bleed, Lynn hurt, and Bayz cry. Now I must beat your ass." Jade said. The leader quickly turned around only to be knocked out immediately. All three of the strangers laid in pain or passed out. Leo and Jade then dragged the three strangers to the river and dropped them in it while Nate, Zokijiro, and Kelly helped Lynn and Bayz get Gwen out of the shop. Sakura left to get a first aid. And she rushed back with a couple. And a doctor. Then Leo and Jade came back quickly. Kelly was hugging Bayz and holding him. Lynn was staring at Gwen while holding Sakura's hand and arm. Nate was stopping the bleeding while Zokijiro cleaned it. And then Zion ran to them.
"IS HE OK?!" Zion cried. He was in his work uniform.
"He is." Nate said softly. Zion's ears dropped and he rushed to Bayz. He hugged him.
"Just make sure the bleeding stops. So mostly monitor it now and then, ice it... keep it clean. But he should be fine. Make him comfortable for now." The doctor said. Then Leo picked him up. He carried Gwen home. Sakura closed the shop up and went home with the family.
   The next day... Gwen opened his eyes and he was a little blurry. Then he remembered everything. He then gasped and sat up. Bayz, Lynn, and Zion were sitting next to Gwen's bed. They heard Gwen and turned to him.
"Gwen!" They all yelled loudly. Gwen looked at his three siblings.
"Stay laid down!" Bayz said quickly, pushing Gwen back down to the bed.
"And stay warm." Zion said as he pulled the blankets over Gwen.
"And keep your head down so blood doesn't pour." Lynn said as she put a cold wet rag to Gwen's injury.
"What happened?" Gwen asked.
"Those mad men hurt you bad but father and Jade came and took down them men." Bayz said.
"And dad, Zoki, and Kelly helped get you out." Zion said.
"Luckily Sakura got out to get help." Lynn said. Gwen's head started to throb.
"So that's why everything hurts." Gwen muttered as he held his head in pain. And then Nate, Leo, and Kelly ran in.
"Gwen, how are you feeling?!" Kelly asked worriedly. Gwen didn't respond right away.
"It hurts to think." Gwen muttered. Leo grabbed and ice bag and set it on Gwen's head gently.
"Gwen, we should get a bodyguard for the shop." Bayz blurted. Everyone looked at Bayz.
"A bodyguard, hired in one of the most hostile villages in the realm?" Zion questioned.
"What? Isn't it worth a shot?" Bayz asked.
"Bayz, love... probably not. Nate said. Bayz frowned.
"I just— I don't want Gwen or Lynn to get hurt again. They slapped Lynn like she was nothing and they beat the shit out of Gwen." Bayz explained worriedly. Gwen set his hand on Bayz.
"Alright... just wait till I get back to the shop and we'll ask around for a bodyguard." Gwen said. Bayz smiled and he held Gwen's hand. Lynn smiled.
   A week later... Gwen returned. He walked towards the shop with Lynn and Bayz only to see a whole bunch of people whom always came to the shop, outside the shop at that moment. Sakura was with them. They were there for the triplets. Gwen smiled and his ears dropped. Bayz and Lynn smiled. The people had fixed up the shop after the shop had been trashed a bit. And they also cleaned it up. They were there to support, love, and protect the comfortable place they had.

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