Chapter 37 - Carol x Skye

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   About two months later... it was the warm season now. To people born or raised in the kingdom, this was the season to go swim or play around. It was also Carol's birthday. Carol is the only daughter of Xian and Carter. She turned 18. She's not previewed very often because she's quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. Unless she's with Kara or Bailey of course.
   The morning of Carol's birthday... Bailey and Kara snuck up on Carol's door and opened the door. But Carol wasn't there. They stopped for a moment then looked around.
"Carol?" Bailey questioned. No response. Kara crossed here arms.
"No fun." Kara muttered. Bailey snickered.
"Let's go find her then!" Bailey squealed as she left. Kara grinned and followed Bailey. Both of them made their way down to the first floor. That's where they saw Carol. Caroo was a pretty girl. She's a grey wolf but she always put her hair up in such beautiful ways. As of right now, her hair has a bunch of braid in it and they are pinned up against her head to look like a seashell. Her hair is a light brown and her skin is light tan. She has a normal length of hair that falls about to her chest when it's down. She has a pretty round face with pretty light brown eyes. She wore a dress as most princesses do. She isn't really a princess but more a secondary. But society still requires dresses out of them. Anyways, Bailey and Kara found Carol with her fathers. She was talking to them. Xian handed Carol a gift.
"Happy Birthday, love." Xian said softly. Carol smiled and took the gift.
"Thank you papa." Carol said nicely. Xian smiled and looked at Carter. Carter was happy. Carol opened the present and then saw what was inside. It was a key. Carol stared at the key. She slowly looked up at Xian and Carter.
"Is this—" Carol mumbled.
"The key to the castle workshop, yes." Carter said. Carol's eyes gleamed.
"Really?!" Carol cheered. Bailey and Kara's jaws dropped in shock.
"Yes. You are 18 and it took us a while but we got the key for you." Xian said as he scratched his head.
"Now I can actually do something with my life." Carol snickered. Xian and Carter stared at Carol.
"Really?" Carter muttered. Carol laughed.
"You are mean. I feel awful now." Xian complained as he covered his face.
"Carol!" Bailey called out. Carol turned to her right. Bailey and Kara walked over to Carol.
"What did you get?" Kara asked. Carol grinned and held the key up.
"I got happiness." Carol snickered. Kara and Bailey looked at the key. Bailey grinned.
"Ah! It's the key to the workshop!" Bailey cheered.
"Yes!" Carol smiled excitedly. Bailey smiled. Kara smiled too.
"Our little maker has to start somewhere." Carter chuckled.
"Of course I do. Even if I never got the key, I would've tried something else." Carol said as she turned around.
"Stuck up brat." Xian teased before he hugged Carol. Carol smiled.
"Thank you, papa, dad. I love it." Carol said. Xian pulled away and smiled. So did Carter.
"Now, please excuse me. Ima go explore my new workplace." Carol said before she rushed off. Bailey and Kara followed. Xian smiled.
"So... do you think she'll get along with Skye now?" Carter asked. Xian flinched. He didn't respond. Carter looked at Xian.
"You... did tell her about Skye, right?" Carter asked. Xian sulked.
"Err..." Xian mumbled. Carter blinked.
"Oh man..." Carter said awkwardly. Xian rushed after his daughter.

Carol walked down the stairs to the lower level with Bailey and Kara. Kara watched Carol walk excitedly. She took Bailey's arm.
"She does know that Skye works in the workshop right?" Kara whispered to Bailey. Bailey chuckled nervously.
"Not at all." Bailey said. Carol walked up to the door and stopped. It was unlocked. Carol tilted her head.
"Why's it open?" Carol questioned. Bailey and Kara stopped at the bottom step. Carol went to open the door but the door opened instead. Carol stopped. Then a young woman stepped forward, crossed her arms, and leaned on the doorway.
"Because I'm inside." The woman snickered. Carol stared at the woman in anger. Bailey and Kara quickly left because Carol was definitely about to explode.
"Skye..." Carol muttered. The woman stuck her tongue out to the side.
"That's me." The woman, Skye, said. Carol glared at Skye.
Skye is a 20 year old woman whom has fought with Carol verbally for years. They were friends before but then they had a falling out when they grew older. But they were friends because they had the same life goals. And because of that, they tend to... run into each other a bunch. Anyways, Skye is pretty much a tomboy. She has short raggy hair that's normally put up in a high ponytail as it is right now. She has messy bangs too. She's a grey wolf so she has the tanish skin but she has dark blue eyes. Her hair is dark brown but at the tips of her raggy hair was dark blue just like her eyes. She was wearing welding goggles that were place on the top of her head and she had black soot on her forehead and chin. And below, she was wearing jeans, an apron over top of her shoulder strap shirt, and her black work boots. But she did have a pretty face. And she could dress nice when it was appropriate to do so.
   Carol glared as long as she could until Xian rushed down the stairs.
"Ah! Darling!" Xian called out. Carol slowly turned to Xian with an angered glare. Xian chuckled nervously.
"Wasn't there a said point on our conversation that you would tell her that I was part of the matter?" Skye asked curiously before she turned around and walked into the workshop. Carol handed the key to Xian.
"I haven't done this kind of stuff because Skye works at the public workshop in the castle. And now, she works in the castle workshop too? The hell?!" Carol complained, as she left. Xian watched his daughter go up the stairs angrily. He frowned and then turned to the door. He walked into the workshop and looked for Skye. Skye had gotten back to work. She was trying to fix up a boat motor.
"Skye." Xian said. Skye stopped tampering with the motor and looked at Xian.
"Yes?" Skye asked. Xian sighed and held out the key.
"Go give it to Carol." Xian said. Skye rose an eyebrow.
"If I give it to her, she'll just decline it." Skye said as she turned away. She started tampering again.
"You know Carol has the brains here, Skye. She'd understand much better if she heard it from you that you are willing to compromise this little rivalry forever so you can work as a team." Xian explained. Skye sighed and stopped tampering. She took her gloves off and tossed them to the side.
"Then wait a little. I need to dress well enough to be seen in the castle. And I'm done for the day. I'm upset about this damn motor." Skye explained as she pulled her boots off and walked over to her other shoes. She put the shoes on and took the apron off. Then she pulled the welding goggles off. Xian smiled.
"Alright." Xian said before he left. Skye left the castle through a back exit from the workshop.

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