Chapter 28 - Aster x Jace (Part 1)

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   The next day...
Wolfe was up early and this was because it wasn't his work day. He had the day off. He was in the kitchen. Niko walked out of the bedroom and go to Wolfe. He kissed his cheek.
"Good morning, early bird." Niko teased.
"Ima enjoy this day while I got no work." Wolfe cheered. Everyone was scrambling to get ready for work. Carmen and Aster were dressed. Wolfe, Niko, Cyper, and Zaden were at the dining table. Carmen pulled Aster over to the dining table.
"Hey Wolfe!" Carmen said nicely. Wolfe looked at Carmen and Aster as he took a drink of coffee.
"Yeah?" Wolfe asked. Carmen smiled.
"Do you have anyone looking for an employee that isn't... against indifference?" Carmen asked. Wolfe blinked.
"Not against indifference?" Zaden questioned. Carmen nodded.
"Don't we all have jobs?" Cyper asked.
"Nah. Aster's tried but his eyes make everyone laugh or run away." Carmen said. Aster looked down slowly.  Lix was at the door getting his coat on. And Brayden was just waking up. Everyone stopped when they heard Carmen though. Wolfe looked at Aster and he tried to think. He looked at the table for a moment.
"I might—" Wolfe mumbled. Aster looked up quickly.
"Yeah??" Aster asked excitedly, bringing his hopes back to life. Wolfe thought about it then looked at Aster.
"What's your age?" Wolfe asked. Aster flinched and looked around.
"20..." Aster muttered.
"Real age." Zaden said. Aster looked away.
"I'm almost 18..." Aster mumbled. Carmen rolled his eyes.
"He just turned 17 about a month ago." Carmen said. Wolfe thought about it.
"They might let you work at the castle then..." Wolfe mumbled to himself. He looked at Niko. Aster's face immediately flopped. Everyone's did.
"There are teen servants all over the castle. And there are some teen working as helpers around the castle or do certain things at the castle." Wolfe explained as he turned back to Aster. Then he flinched. He saw their faces.
"You want this boy... to work in the castle?" Zaden questioned, pointing at Aster.
"He is a nobody— not in the bad way... just... he has no last name, Wolfe." Carmen said quickly.
"Plus, he worked in a gang!" Lix called out.
"If anything, they'll probably arrest him on the spot." Niko said. Lix and Brayden walked into the room. Wolfe looked at everyone in the room then to Cyper. Cyper chuckled nervously.
"I guess I did t really catch them up in the kingdom aspects yet." Cyper chuckled.
"I thought I did already." Wolfe said.
"Ok, ok. We get it. We aren't exactly kingdomers like you two." Lix complained. Wolfe crossed his arms and sat back.
"You think commoners with no last names don't matter here? Well you must be wrong." Wolfe snickered.
"How?" Carmen said as he sat down. Aster sat down beside him.
"Easy answer. My fathers are commoners with no last names. And same for my Aunt. And now, my Aunt is married to Queen Avery." Wolfe explained calmly. They all froze. Besides for Niko, Lix, and Cyper. They knew that much.
"YOU ARE RELATED TO THE QUEEN?!" Brayden asked quickly as he leaned over the table in shock.
"Yeahh. I mean, look at your wittle boss there. That boy was raised by the queen's brother for four years." Wolfe said, pointing at Cyper. Cyper frowned. Niko pointed at Lix.
"And he's working for a prince too." Niko said.
"And Niko is working with a Princess." Lix said. Zaden, Carmen, Brayden, and Aster's jaws dropped.
"My brother is marrying the son of the Twin Princes." Wolfe said.
"Really? He's the son of the Twin Princes? Jadah is really mean though." Niko asked.
"Yeah." Wolfe snickered. Cyper frowned when he heard Jadah's name. Lix saw Cyper's reaction and he grew concerned.
"Ok— I'm confused." Zaden muttered.
"Look, my point is, anyone can work in the kingdom. It just goes off whether you are qualified or not. They can assign you to anything. And they aren't off actions, looks, shit like that." Wolfe cheered.
"Even if I've killed people before?" Aster asked. Wolfe looked at Aster and he grinned.
"Aster, let me give you three examples real quickly." Wolfe said calmly. Everyone went to listen. Wolfe held up in finger.
"Queen Avery was almost killed by a man named Anjoserio Rodriguez. But he killed hundred of guards before then. And now he's part of the royal family after marrying Queen Avery's biological brother, Prince River." Wolfe explained. Aster flinched. Wolfe held up a second finger.
"Prince Royal married a trained hitman. He's killed bad guys only but he was trained to be a hitman, an assassin. But now he's part of the royal family." Wolfe said. Aster found his point unneeded. Wolfe held up his third finger.
"Queen Avery married and murderer and thief." Wolfe finished. Niko looked at Wolfe.
"Your aunt is a murderer and thief?" Niko asked.
"Yeah. She's scary. Wanna meet her?" Wolfe asked excitedly.
"No!" All of them said. Wolfe blinked.
"Alright, it's 10 till 8! We got work." Cyper called out.
"I got the keys!" Lix called out.
"No going home till 7 tonight!" Zaden called out. Niko kissed Wolfe's cheek.
"I'll see you tonight." Niko said.
"Mhm." Wolfe said, touching Niko's cheek. They kissed each other and then Niko left. It was just Wolf, Aster, and Brayden. Brayden didn't work till 8:30 so now he just went to go get dressed and ready.
"So you can get me a job?" Aster asked nervously. Wolfe looked at Aster.
"Lemme see your eyes." Wolfe said. Aster slowly frowned and he looked down. He lifted his arms and took his glasses off. Then he looked at Wolfe directly in the eyes.
Aster's eyes scared some people or made others laugh to humiliate him. The reason was because his eyes were spotty with three different colors. And he had to pupils even though he was still able to see. The three colors were neon green, silverish blue, and a bright pink. They weren't gradiently dispersed but instead it look as though the colors in his eyes went through a hurricane. It was scary to look at. And sometimes people found it funny. But in all, it made everyone hes ever met uncomfortable. Wolfe stared at Aster.
"Well, I don't see anything weird. Wanna go now? The earlier we go, the less people." Wolfe cheered nicely. Aster slowly smiled and he put his glasses back on.
"Yeah." Aster said. Wolfe smiled and got up. And then Brayden left. Aster and Wolfe left soon after and they started for the castle.
"Oh right, when we get there, if we are in the presents of any guards, you say sir or ma'am. If you see any royalty, you call them by my Prince, my Princess, my Queen, or your highness if you don't know." Wolfe explained as they walked up to the bridge. But they stopped because the bridge was up for cleaning. There were others waiting. And among those waiting were Haru, Elijah, Dominic, Nalina, and Iza. Aster looked at Wolfe.
"How will I know who is who?" Aster asked nervously.
"Oh, you'll know. They might be nice and equal with rights and shit, but their legal heritage forces them to wear very nice and fancy clothing." Wolfe explained. Aster smiled. Haru saw Wolfe.
"Wolfy?" Haru called out in confusion. Wolfe and Aster looked at Haru. Wolfe smiled.
"Come." Wolfe said and he walked up to Haru. Aster followed nervously.
"Hi der!" Wolfe cheered. Haru smiled.
"What are you going to the castle for?" Haru asked. Dominic and Elijah were beside him.
"I was gonna try and get my good friend Aster a job. Everyone in the kingdom has declined him." Wolfe said, moving over to reveal Aster. Aster flinched. Haru, Elijah, and Dominic blushed.
"Are you joking?" Elijah mumbled.
"No? Are you three literally fawning for him?" Wolfe question quickly.
"There is no way you were just declined of any job." Haru said. Aster frowned and he looked down. Wolfe looked at Aster. Then he yanked the glasses off of Aster. Aster flinched and he looked up. The three immediately frowned. Aster trembled and grabbed his glasses. He put them on and looked away.
"I see..." Haru mumbled. Wolfe smiled.
"This place isn't judgmental. So this place might just be perfect for him." Wolfe said nicely. Haru smiled and held his hand out.
"Nice to meet you, Aster. I am Haru." Haru said nicely. Aster looked at Haru and he took his hand.
"Nice to meet you." Aster said. Haru smiled and pointed at Elijah.
"This is my fiancé Elijah. And this is our good friend Dominic." Haru introduced. Aster smiled.
"It's nice to meet you all." Aster said. Wolfe took Aster's arm.
"Haru works here at the castle as a task helper and a servant. He helps the shadow guards get what they need and then afterwards, he helps clean the castle. And then Dominic and Elijah are both shadow guards." Wolfe explained.
"Well, I'm sure you'll like the castle. If you need anything, we are around." Haru said nicely. Aster smiled. Wolfe turned around and looked around for anyone else he was close too. And he saw Nalina and Iza.
"Gotcha. Come on Aster, let's get you some more castle buddies." Wolfe cheered. Aster bowed his head a goodbye and then followed Wolfe. He made a couple more aquaninstences before the drawbridge came back down. Everyone started going ahead over the bridge. Wolfe and Aster included. They went into the castle and Aster was amazed. In his entire life, he's never been inside of anything extravagant. It was beautiful. Wolfe looked around for service and then he saw Anjoserio and Zhenya.
"Come on." Wolfe said. Aster followed Wolfe. Wolfe walked up to River and Zhenya.
"Prince River." Wolfe called out. River and Zhenya looked over at Wolfe and Aster. Wolfe and Aster bowed their heads and then looked at River and Zhenya.
"Hey Wolfe." Zhenya said nicely. Wolfe smiled. River looked at Wolfe but his glance was on Aster.
"What can I help you with, Wolfe? You don't come to the castle often." River questioned. Wolfe smiled.
"I want my friend Aster to work here." Wolfe said, pointing at Aster. River's glance went back to Aster.
"Why?" River asked.
"Because no one outside the kingdom will hire him." Wolfe said calmly. River and Zhenya stared at Aster. River looked at Wolfe.
"Ok, go home Wolfe. You gotta stop these pranks." River said.
"It's not a prank." Wolfe said. River crossed his arms.
"Ugh, take the glasses off, Aster. And don't put them back on." Wolfe demanded. Aster frowned and he looked at Wolfe. He looked at River and slowly took them off. River flinched. Zhenya smiled.
"Oh! What beautiful eyes! I've never seen such ones!" Zhenya said excitedly. River frowned.
"I see. I'm sorry for assuming. To acquire a job here, you must speak to the queens so I'll escort you there." River said. Aster slowly frowned and he looked down. He nodded. He wanted to put his glasses back on. He put his glasses in his pockets and then followed River down the hall. Wolfe stayed with Zhenya. He was gonna wait to see what Aster's job would be.
   River and Aster made there way down the hall.
"Where are you from? I've never seen someone with eyes like those. It's very unique." River questioned curiously. Aster looked at River.
"I am from everywhere. I traveled my entire life. It's kind of hard to live in one place all the time. I'm just a mixed child." Aster explained calmly. River looked at Aster.
"Mixed?" River questioned. Aster nodded.
"I had three parents. A mother and two fathers. My mother was a Ore dragon, one of my fathers were a vampire, and my other father was an angel." Aster explained.
"That explains your beau." River said. Aster nodded.
"And my eyes." Aster mumbled. River frowned.
"You'll be fine here." River said. Aster frowned. River walked up to the door. Yizen and Jackson were standing guard. Jose, Rory, and Penny were at the door waiting. River walked up to Jose.
"Do they have a meeting?" River asked. Jose looked at River.
"They do." Jose said as he put his arm around River. Penny walked up to Jose.
"I'm impatient." Penny complained.
"Oh, stop it Penny." Rory said, as she turned to Penny. And then her attention fell on Aster. She saw his eyes and her face grew amazed.
"Your eyes!" Rory cheered as she walked up to Aster. Aster flinched.
"Ah, there beautiful! You must be a mix! So lucky!" Rory cheered happily. Penny looked at Aster and she blushed.
"And handsome too." Penny said.
"Aster, this is the Queen's daughter Princess Rory. And this is our youngest child Penny." River introduced.
"Aster? Aster is your name?" Penny asked. Jose hit the back of Penny's head.
"Be nice." Jose said.
"Are you here with your parents? I wanna meet them!" Rory said excitedly. River looked at Aster. Aster went to speak then nothing came out. He bowed his head to Rory. Rory flinched. The door opened and Reo walked out with Jace. Reo looked confused. Jace looked fine. Rory looked at the door.
"Rory. Penny." Royal called out as he stepped out. Rory and Penny grabbed their books and went in.
"How'd it go?" Jose asked. Royal looked at Jose.
"Oh, you know Avery will do anything for our family. She declined Reo's request." Royal said.
"But why— I asked for a job and she just insisted on paying me straight instead." Reo said confusedly. Jace rolled his eyes.
"It's because dad already has a job here. She's just gonna double his pay. Do the math, father." Jace said.
"Shithead." Reo complained.
"You know math is too much for a lot of us, Jace." Royal said. Jace shrugged.
"Ima go to work now." Jace said as he walked. He walked passed Aster. And Aster's eyes followed Jace the entire time. He watched Jace walk off. Royal sighed and kissed Reo's cheek.
"You can hang out with Haru still. He's with the shadow guards now." Royal said. Reo nodded and he left. And Royal looked at Jose, River, and Aster. His eyes landed on Aster. But it was as if he didn't see a difference in his eyes. He just looked at River.
"Are you two here for something?" Royal asked.
"Yeah, work." River complained. Royal blinked. River went to lift his middle finger but Jose stopped him.
"He's just here to get to work like always." Jose said quickly.
"Mhm." Royal said as he moved to the side. River scoffed. Jose kissed River's hand.
"Hey, I'll see you tonight." Jose said softly. River blushed and he looked at Jose. He nodded. Jose smiled and left. River went into the office. And then Royal looked at Aster.
"Hello." Royal said. Aster blinked.
"Hi-" Aster mumbled.
"How can I help you?" Royal asked as he treated Aster as a completely normal young adult. Aster trembled and he bowed his head.
"I was brought here by Wolfe to get a job... I've tried to get a job all over the kingdom and they've all declined me." Aster explained before he lifted his head back up. But he stared down to keep his eyes hidden the best he could. Royal smiled.
"They declined you? Why?" Royal asked. Aster felt like Royal was teasing him. He frowned and glanced up at Royal.
"My eyes are a frightening laughing stalk." Aster answered. Royal slowly frowned and he crossed his arms.
"Assholes." Royal muttered. Aster flinched.
"Alright, what's your name and age?" Royal asked nicely as he grabbed a clipboard. Aster looked at the clipboard.
"Uhm... Aster. And I'm 17." Aster said. Royal wrote down on the clipboard.
"Your surname?" Royal asked. Aster gulped.
"I don't remember." Aster said. Royal stopped writing and he glanced up at Aster. Jackson and Yizen looked at Aster. Aster looked at Royal nervously. Royal set his clipboard to his waist and he walked to the office door. He opened it and walked in. He had gone in and asked how long the lesson was gonna be. Then he came back out.
"Come on Aster." Royal said as he started down the hall. Aster flinched and he followed.
"The office is occupied till after lunch so you can come with me." Royal said. Aster frowned.
"So, where are you from, Aster?" Royal asked. Aster sighed.
"Everywhere? I traveled." Aster said.
"With your parents?" Royal asked. Aster rubbed his arm.
"No." Aster said.
"Where were you born then?" Royal asked. Aster trembled.
"I don't remember." Aster said. Royal started down the stair. Aster followed. They got to the dining room where Jace was talking to Wolfe, Zhenya, and Teddy.
"Do you know your parents?" Royal asked. Aster stopped and he looked down. He trembled and he pulled his glasses out of his pockets.
"Are you just gonna ask me questions of answers I have no clue of? Because did so, then I don't want this." Aster said calmly. Royal stopped walking and looked at Aster.
"When someone comes to ask about a job, you don't question his history or life. You ask him about qualifications or skills. And now, you still do t know what I'm good at, or what I am capable of doing." Aster explained calmly as he put his glasses on. Royal looked at Aster and he smiled. He tapped his chin with his pencil. Wolfe saw Aster and he smiled. The friends he was talking too saw Wolfe and turned to Aster. Jace as well.
"Questions are questions, Aster. I'm just asking simple questions to give my queens an idea of who you are." Royal said nicely. Aster looked at Royal and he bowed his head.
"Goodbye." Aster said. Wolfe's smiled turned to a frown quickly.
"What-" Wolfe questioned. He rushed to Aster.
"Ay! What do you mean, goodbye?" Wolfe asked quickly. Aster looked at Wolfe.
"Well, they are willing to give me a chance here. But not till afternoon. So I'll come back later. But it's not much different from outside the castle. They all look at me differently still. But now, it's not judging, they are just treating me like a science experiment." Aster explained. He started out while speaking calmly until he ended with a strict tone. Royal flinched. Aster turned away and he left. Wolfe's jaw dropped and he looked at Royal. Then he looked over at Jace, Zhenya, and Teddy.
"Uhh... I'll get him to apologize." Wolfe said quickly as he bowed his head before he ran off to catch up with Aster.
"The hell?" Wolfe questioned.
"Already told you." Aster said.
"They wouldn't treat you like a science experiment, Aster. They are my family." Wolfe said nicely. They walked out the front and over the bridge.
"They all looked at me differently still. They admired me and assumed me. If you don't like science experiment then I'll say they are factoring me." Aster said. Wolfe frowned.
"They are just curious. Isn't it better than judgement?" Wolfe asked.
"It's the exact same, Wolfe!" Aster yelled as he stopped walking. Wolfe froze. Aster flinched.
"Ah... sorry." Aster mumbled and he looked down. He began to tremble.
"All I want, is to feel normal. And I won't ever feel that way because of my eyes. And when it's not my eyes, it's my looks. You think I want this, not at all. You think I want admiration, not at all." Aster explained calmly, as tears fell down his cheeks. Wolfe stared at Aster and then he looked at the kingdom. He thought for a moment and then he smiled.
"I want you to meet someone." Wolfe said. Aster blinked. Wolfe took Aster's arm and he pulled him towards the kingdom. They went down the street till they got to a small cafe. And outside the cafe was Berry. He was drinking a coffee.
"Berrajiino!" Wolfe called out. Berry heard his name and he looked around. Then he saw Wolfe dragging Aster along with him.
"Hello, Wolfe." Berry said. Wolfe smiled.
"Hey Berry!" Wolfe said. Aster grew nervous.
"What can I help you with?" Berry asked. Wolfe pulled to chairs to the table. He and Aster sat with him.
"Berry, this is my friend Aster. I met him through Cyper. But he doesn't like how the castle residents look at him." Wolfe said. Berry blinked and looked at Aster.
"Uh huh... do they stare at him with perversion?" Berry questioned.
"Not exactly..." Wolfe said awkwardly. Berry stared at Aster. Wolfe looked at Aster.
"You aren't gonna take them off are you." Wolfe said. Aster crossed his arms.
"Why should I?" Aster questioned.
"Ok, ok, look. Aster. This is Berry. And he's not exactly liked in the castle. And his situation is somewhat similar to yours." Wolfe explained. Berry looked at Wolfe in confusion.
"How so?" Aster questioned. Wolfe looked at Berry then to Aster.
"Everyone looks at Berry as if he's a monster." Wolfe answered. Berry scoffed.
"Rude." Berry said.
"But true." Wolfe said. Berry looked away.
"Ok, take 'em off now." Wolfe said. Aster frowned and then he took his glasses off. Berry looked at Aster and then to Wolfe.
"Oh, I understand now." Berry said.
"He's gonna get a job at the castle and I'm hoping you could help him out?" Wolfe questioned. Berry crossed his arms.
"Help him out?" Berry questioned. Then he leaned over the table. He stared at Aster.
"What am I helping with, Aster?" Berry asked. Aster flinched when he saw the gleam of evil in Berry's eyes. Wolfe went to speak for Aster.
"Shut the fuck up, Wolfe." Berry said strictly. Wolfe flinched. Aster trembled.
"Everyone either looks at me like a freak or a discovery. And it makes me feel..." Aster explained slowly.
"Different." Berry said. Aster nodded.
"You want to be looked at, as normal?" Berry questioned. Aster nodded again. Berry crossed his arms.
"In a world like this, you think that'll ever happen?" Berry asked. Aster and Wolfe frowned.
"You do what you do to get through life. Even if it means you won't be treated fairly or seen normally. Even today, I've been working at the castle for 6 years and I'm still seen as a monster. I've never been seen normally." Berry exclaimed, pointing g at Wolfe.
"Even from my friends or my husband. They don't see me as a mister, no. But they've never seen me as normal. And you know something, I'm glad they don't see me as normal. Because I'm not normal. I'm my own person." Berry explained calmly. Aster listened to Berry.
"I see." Aster mumbled.
"Aster, do your friends see you as normal?" Berry asked. Aster stared at Berry.
"No." Aster said.
"But do they see you as how everyone else sees you?" Berry asked. Aster thought about it and he looked down.
"No." Aster answered. Berry smiled.
"See my point here? Does it really matter if you are normal or not. Only that you are happy with how those, who matter to you, see you. Sure, I'll be in the castle and I'll help you when needed but I'm sure you don't need it." Berry explained a lesson to Aster. Aster looked at Wolfe. Wolfe smiled and looked at Aster. Aster sighed.
"Thank you." Aster said.
"Yup." Berry said. And then Aster and Wolfe left as Jordan came out of the cafe with two plates.
"Was that Wolfe?" Jordan asked as he set the plates down.
"Mhm." Berry said. Jordan smiled and kissed Berry's cheek. Berry blushed.
At noon, Aster came back by himself. With his glasses on. He walked up and to the office. He waited outside. After a bit, Royal opened the door to find out if Aster came back and when he saw him, he smiled. He opened the door. Aster walked in and stood in front of the desk. River was at the side doing paperwork half asleep. Royal sat down at the side of the desk with Gem. Avery looked at Aster.
"Good afternoon." Avery said. Aster bowed his head to Avery. Megan was in the room but she was sitting by the window. She was annoyed like always. Royal looked at everything he had on the clipboard and then handed it to Avery.
"Good afternoon, my queen." Aster said. Avery looked at the clipboard and she tilted her head curiously.
"No last name, Aster?" Avery asked. Megan glanced over at Aster. Aster smiled.
"I do not have a last name." Aster said. Megan squinted at Aster. Avery smiled.
"That's fine. It looks as though my second hand failed to get answers from you. May I get them?" Avery asked. Royal looked at Avery and frowned. Aster frowned.
"Ok." Aster said.
"Alright, first I'm gonna ask personal questions. I like to get to know who I'm hiring before I know why I'm hiring you." Avery said. Aster nodded.
"You are 17? Are you here with your parents?" Avery asked. Aster stared at Avery.
"No, ma'am. I don't know who my parents are. I just know I have three of them." Aster explained calmly. Avery smiled.
"Where are you from?" Avery asked. Aster put his hands behind his back.
"Nowhere. I traveled my entire life." Aster said. Avery wrote everything down.
"It says... you found it hard to stay in one place?" Avery questioned. River and Royal looked at Aster. Aster gulped and he looked down. He took his glasses off, put them in his coat pocket, and he looked up at Avery. Megan and Avery looked at Aster. Gem saw the eyes and she was amazed. Royal and River looked at Avery and Megan.
"I see." Avery said, setting her pen and ink down.
"Is this why you don't know your parents?" Avery asked out of curiosity.
"Unfortunately." Aster answered. Avery sighed.
"Any friends in the kingdom?" Avery asked nicely, lifting her pen. Aster nodded.
"Uhm... Wolfe said I should come here." Aster said. Megan rose an eyebrow.
"Wolfe did?" Megan asked. Aster nodded.
"I am staying at his home until I can earn enough money to get my own place or even afford a hallroom. But no one will hire me because of... well." Aster explained, as he put his glasses back on. Avery smiled.
"Well, it's a good thing Wolfe is becoming a better person." Avery said, looking at Megan. Megan fake laughed.
"Finally." Megan said. Avery chuckled and looked back to Aster.
"Ok, I'm sure we can move on. Now questions about why i should hire you?" Avery said nicely. Aster nodded.
"What are you good at?" Avery asked.
"I find myself good at a lot of things. I just don't exactly know what I am good at that can be an asset in the kingdom." Aster explained. Avery smiled and looked at Royal.
"Common jobs such as servant, cook, and waiting only require you to be organized, kitchen skills, patience, and taking notes." Royal explained. Avery looked at Aster.
"I do acquire all but kitchen skills." Aster said. Avery tilted her head and then she looked at Royal.
"Uncommon jobs." Avery said. Royal looked at Avery then down at his paper.
"Uncommon jobs such as assistants, accountants, librarian, and dealers require patience, listening skills, mathematical knowledge, communication skills, and social skills." Royal explained. Aster thought about them. He smiled.
"I have all of those skills too. I am not exactly the best in social skills or communication skills but I do squire them." Aster said nicely. Avery grew amazed.
"Mathematical knowledge as well? Amazing!" Avery said excitedly. Aster nodded. Avery smiled and crossed her arms.
"Hold on here... are you well educated?" Avery asked. Aster looked at Avery.
"I am. I attended four different school universities throughout my teenage years." Aster explained. Avery blinked and she was shocked. She slowly turned to Royal. Royal had a big smile.
"I love this!" Avery cheered, hopping out of her chair excitedly. Aster flinched. Avery took Megan's hand quickly.
"My missing piece!" Avery cheered. Royal and River smiled. Megan looked at her wife and she started to laugh.
"Oh goodness." Megan said. Avery turned to Aster quickly and leaned over the desk.
"Aster! I want you to take a test." Avery said quickly. Aster was confused.
"A test?" Aster questioned.
"Yes!" Avery squealed then she grabbed a paper.
"Can you write down the names of all the school universities you attended?" Avery asked quickly. Aster blinked.
"Ok...?" Aster questioned. He lifted the pen and ink and wrote down the name of the schools that he went too. Then he set the pen and ink down. Avery was super giddy. She looked at the university names and handed the paper to Gem.
"I want all his student credentials and all the classes he took and passed." Avery pleaded. Gem nodded and she snapped her fingers. She disappeared. Aster stared at Avery.
"I'm... confused." Aster said. Avery smiled.
"You are 17? Are you willing to go back to school for one more year to graduate?" Avery asked. Aster flinched.
"Back to school?" Aster questioned. Avery nodded and turned to River.
"I want Wolfe here!" Avery pleaded. River nodded and left. Avery turned to Royal.
"And I want your son! I want Jace here! OH! And Hira!! AH! AND DANIEL!" Avery was going wild. Megan quickly sat Avery down.
"Alright, you are officially screaming now Darling." Megan said quickly. Avery looked at Megan excitedly.
"I'll go get Daniel." Megan said.
"And I'll go get Jace." Royal said. Then they left. Avery looked at Aster. Aster looked at Avery in confusion.
"I'm.. confused." Aster mumbled. Avery smiled.
"For the last three years, I've had three children go to school for high education, on their own will of course. But, all university schools have teachers who aren't fully educated. I want to make a school with fully educated teachers to teach students for free. I have a student who excels in English, one who excels in history, and one who excels in science! But, I had no one who excelled in mathematics." Avery said excitedly. Aster blinked.
"You... want me to graduate so I can become a teacher?" Aster questioned. Avery nodded excitedly. Aster looked down.
"I can't afford school anymore. And— why'd you ask for Wolfe-" Aster started then he realized the first part. Avery smiled awkwardly now.
"Well, I need to know you are actually a mathematician. Sooo yeah." Avery snickered nervously. Aster nodded.
"I see." Aster said. Avery smiled. Megan came back with Daniel. Royal came back with Jace and Hira. Daniel, Jace, and Hira bowed to Avery.
"Alright! Daniel, Jace, Hira! Meet Aster!" Avery cheered. Daniel, Jace, and Hira lifted their heads and looked at Aster. Daniel, Jace, and Hira blushed to his looks. Jace remembered him from earlier though. They all looked at Avery.
"May I request as to why we are here?" Hira asked nicely as she fixed her hair nervously. Avery smiled.
"This is our math teacher." Avery said happily. Daniel's jaw dropped.
"Someone so beautiful being a teacher?!" Daniel questioned, looking at Aster. Aster frowned and looked down.
"Aster, this is my youngest child Daniel. He's excellent at History. Then this is Hira. She is the child of a well educated man and a shadow guard. She excels in science. And finally, this is Royal's youngest son Jace. He's exceptionally at English." Avery explained, pointing out who is who. Aster bowed his head nervously, realizing all three of them held a first class stature.
"Anyways, once Wolfe comes and gives me evidence that you are actually educated, then we'll start. You'll go back to school immediately and we'll pay you to do so. You'll learn under the guidance of my good friend Lane Smith. He's well educated and studied to be a teacher for a long time." Avery explained calmly. Afterwards, Wolfe came and he did prove that Aster was a mathematician. And when Gem came back, she only proved that more. And they found out that Aster took all four mandatory classes for the last four years and passed all of them at each university school. He was basically a walking genius of the century they were in. They were all in the library where there was more room. Hira looked at the scores on the science classes he took.
"YOU ARE BETTER THAN ME?!" Hira complained, looking at Aster. Avery and River looked at Aster's reactions. Aster just stared at his scores. Nothing else. Jace grabbed a score for English.
"Were you just... passing with no goal in mind?" Jace asked as he looked at Aster. Aster looked at Jace.
"I had money to spend and I was young and naive. I went to school to learn." Aster said calmly. Lane and Corey were in there. Lane was looking at the scores awkwardly. He looked at Avery.
"Avery, he's already... well— he knows more than me. And he's passed more classes then me at a younger age than me. But these could be cheated. I believe he should take a test on all the subjects before we conclude." Lane explained. Daniel, Hira, and Jace looked at Lane in shock. Lane looked at Aster.
"And you really had no goal?" Lane asked. They couldn't see because of the glasses, but Aster's eyes were shaking. He did have a goal. He shook his head no though.
"I just... learned." Aster said. Lane looked at Avery.
"Well then... I think we can get a test in. Uhm... Daniel, Hira, and Jace had that progress test coming up to see how much they know till this point. He can take that all well." Avery said.
"Alright!" Lane said. He looked at Avery and then he stood up.
"Let's head over to the classroom I'll be teaching you in, Aster. We have classes from 10 am to 2 pm everyday except for the two days at the end of the week." Lane said. Aster stood up slowly and followed Lane. Jace, Hira, and Daniel watched Aster leave. Then they looked at Avery.
"Who is he?" Daniel asked.
"Where'd you find him?" Jace asked.
"Someone that handsome can't be that smart!" Hira complained. Avery looked at the three 17 year olds. She smiled.
"I didn't find him. He found us. He came to us looking for an ordinary job in the castle because he couldn't get a job in the kingdom. And he's basically a nobody. He's got no family and he's here alone. So I don't exactly know who he is." Avery answered honestly and then she looked at Hira.
"And... I don't think he likes when you all moon over his looks. He won't show it but he's hiding something under his glasses." Avery said calmly before she stood up. River stood up and left. So did Avery. Jace, Daniel, and Hira looked at each other.
"What? He has shit colored eyes or something? How can something underneath his glasses change his appearance? He probably looks even more handsome. Fuckable." Hira snickered as she nudged Jace. Jace looked at Hira. Daniel blinked.
"Weirdo." Daniel said. Hira squinted at Daniel.
"Yeah? I'm the weirdo? Look at you." Hira said weakly. Daniel and Jace looked at Daniel then to Hira.
"He looks fine." Jace said. Hira groaned. Jace stood up.
"Well then, ima find out more about him. He definitely tells us less than he knows." Jace said before he left. Daniel and Hira looked at each other then they stood up. They rushed after Jace. Lane told Aster that their next class would be next week on Monday so he could go home. And he'd be allowed to stay in the castle during the week for studying purposes. But he would have to bunk with Daniel, Hira, and Jace. It's an odd combination, yes. Daniel has his own room, being the prince and all. But for studying, and floor getting closer, during the weekdays, he bunked with the others. It was the same for Hira. Hira had her own room too. And Jace had a house to live in with his fathers. But they stayed in a room with each other during the weekdays. Lane showed Jace to the room they shared. He went to open the door but it was locked. And then Daniel walked by.
"Need in?" Daniel asked. Lane and Aster looked at Daniel.
"Thank you." Lane said. Daniel unlocked the door and then Lane opened it.
"Here." Daniel said, holding out a key.
"We all got a key." Daniel said. Aster held his hand out. Daniel set the key down.
"Thank you." Aster mumbled.
"Mhm." Daniel said as he walked in. Aster followed.
"This will be your bed." Daniel said, pointing at a bed. There were four other beds in the room. It was a bigger room. Each bed had a desk at the end of it or under it. It was kind of cool. Each bed had a way of saving room.
"Why'd there a fifth bed?" Aster asked.
"Oh... that's Irumi's bed. My oldest sons bed. He's a year older then you all. But he will be in lessons with you all. He's not gonna be a teacher of anything. He wants to be an invent designer." Lane explained calmly.
"Did he design the room layout?" Aster asked. Lane smiled.
"He did." Lane said. Aster looked at the beds. In fact, the room was the same size as all the other bedrooms. It just looked bigger because of the layout. Afterwards, Daniel showed Aster out. But they walked together as they left.
"So... you really had no goal? That's impressive." Daniel said nicely.
"And you want to be a teacher. That's not funny at all." Aster said. Daniel looked at Aster.
"Harsh." Daniel said. Aster shrugged.
"You're the crowned prince aren't you? I'm sure you've heard worse." Aster said. Daniel smiled.
"Eh, so so." Daniel said. Then they got to the front. Daniel stopped.
"Well, I'll see you Monday. A little tip though, Lane likes it when we are early and already ready to go before he starts the lesson." Daniel said. Aster smiled.
"Alright." Aster said and then he left. Daniel smiled and he crossed his arms. He sighed and turned around. And he went back into the castle.
   Aster went back. It was late by the time he returned. He went inside. Carmen was home, as well as Wolfe, Zaden, and Lix. Aster went inside and he took his glasses off. Carmen looked at Aster.
"So?" Wolfe asked quickly. Carmen, Lix, and Zaden waited. Aster smiled.
"They want me to become a teacher." Aster said. Lix looked at Wolfe. Wolfe smiled.
"Aren't you qualified for that?" Wolfe cheered.
"Thanks to you." Aster said. Carmen smiled.
"EE!! THANK GOD!" Carmen cheered, quickly hugging Aster. Zaden smiled.

A Dragons Love Story 5 (Gay/BL)Where stories live. Discover now