Chapter 34 - Mizura x Winter

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Two months later... Mizura came home for a bit. He wasin the living room sitting on the couch. He was thinking with his eyes closed. He could talk to Daniel now but he didn't very often. He felt like it was be mean to Irumi. Mizura and Elias went very close but they were closed then they were to Irumi. The month before, they all went on a family trip together to the wolf real where they spent a week with their cousins but it wasn't very brotherly bonding for them. So Mizura and Elias were still stuck far away from Irumi mentally.
"Mizura." Lane said. Mizura flinched and opened his eyes.
"Eh-?" Mizura questioned.
"Are you getting tired? Go to your room." Lane questioned caringly.
"Ah... I am a bit tired. But i was just thinking." Mizura said.
"Thinking? What about?" Lane asked as he ushered Mizura up. Mizura stood up and left the room with Lane and then Lane shut the lights out.
"Well, I was thinking about my living requirements." Mizura said. Lane glanced at Mizura and stopped.
"Elaborate?" Lane questioned. Mizura sighed.
"Well, Irumi is with Daniel now and he's moving into his own home with Daniel near where the school will be built. And I am getting a job soon for the royalty. If I was to get my own home, it would just be me." Mizura exclaimed.
"Then don't get your own home." Ash spoke. Lane and Mizura looked over at Ash. Ash was shutting out the kitchen lights.
"You will always be welcome in this home, Mizura. No matter how old." Lane said.
"Yeah... but I just feel like that would be the responsible thing to do, Y'know?" Mizura shrugged it off.
"Well, then maybe talk to Lucious. He works for that housing agency company." Lane said as he took Ash's hand.
"But hey, you might find someone to love soon." Ash said. Mizura sighed.
"Yeah, sure." Mizura said.

    The next day... autumn ended and now it's winter. And the snow was deep. Mizura got up that morning and got changed and everything. But when he went downstairs, Elias, Lane, and Ash stood at the doorway.
"It's Monday and now I'm gonna be late to school." Elias said.
"What's wrong?" Mizura asked.
"Ah... it snowed." Ash said. Mizura blinked.
"Oh?" Mizura questioned. Lane opened the door. But there was nothing. It was snow. Mizura flinched.
"Luckily the windows haven't gave out yet. Gotta go get some shovels and shovel out way out." Lane said. Mizura immediately grinned, as well as Ash. They looked at each other.
"The shovels are downstairs. Let's just not goof off. And don't go jumping off the r-" Lane started to declare as he turned to Ash. But Ash and Mizura were gone.
"Where'd they-" Lane started.
"Roof." Elias said. Lane sighed.
   Ash and Mizura pushed open the roof compartment and stepped onto the deep snow covered roof. They looked around. In the middle of the village, there were already homes shoveled out but there was also a big ass snow flat that the kids and young adults made to plan on. Lane and Elias walked up and saw it.
"It'll be hours before the snow loosens enough." Lane said on defeat.
"Let's just pay kids to shovel the snow out from around the house." Mizura said as he walked to the edge of the roof.
"How are you gonna get them over here?" Elias asked curiously.
"By going to them, duh. Just stay there and they come rushing." Mizura said as he jumped off the roof. He took a while but he got to the middle of town where people were helping others who've lost their homes or their homes collapsed. Mizura walked over to the flat and held out money.
"How many of you have shovels?" Mizura called out. A dozen kids stopped and looked at Mizura. They rose their hands. Mizura smiled.
"I'll pay you all to shovel out that house over there." Mizura said nicely, pointing over at the house which Eias was still on top of. The kids screamed and laughed as they rushed to their shovels. And they ran over to the house as fast as they could. Mizura snickered and turned to the house. He meant to go back but he was stopped by a glance. A boy with pale white hair and skin... and even his eyes was being thrown out of a house and then a bag was tossed at his head. The boy dodged the bag and stood up quickly. His stance all should what kind of manner he had.
"I JUST WANTED A PLACE TO SLEEP!" The boy screamed. A man rushed out of the house and grabbed the boys shirt.
"You caused the snow for sure you damn cursed omen! Leave my life alone and go!" The man screamed as he tossed the boy to the ground. The boy sat there was no coat and a short sleeved shirt yet he didn't look fazed to the cold. He stood up.
"Fuck you!" The boy yelled.
"Fuck you!" The man yelled back, slamming the door shut. The boy scoffed and knelt down. He grabbed his bag and he worked his way to the short opened markets. But every single person ignored him. Mizura stared at the boy. He knew who he was and he knew why everyone was ignoring him. Everyone knew who he was. His name is Winter Frost. Literally. He lived in a foster home which he was kicked out of a couple months back. He lived in this town for his entire life and no one knows where he came from. But he's not any species known to anyone. Everyone is set on believing he is the son prodigy of witches and mages because he can see the future. For example... two days ago, he literally said there was gonna be a snow fall of a dozen feet. And two days later, bam. Some might even say he's a long lost god species which were thought to be extinct over 400 years ago. So to speak, no one wanted anything to do with him because people that he might even bring bad luck or misfortune. Mizura watched Winter scramble his way from person to person but no one answered him.
"Please Miss Kettle! We've known each other for a long time! I cut your hedges!" Winter said happily but nervously as he tried to win the ladies attention. And it worked. The lady, Miss Kettle turned to Winter but she slapped his hand. Winter stepped away.
"You may have helped me but you bring misfortune. Now my hedges are gone because of you, Winter." Miss Kettle said strictly. Winter's eyes widened.
"I didn't make the snow come! I just-" Winter started.
"You foreseen it." One man said, grabbing Winter's bag. Winter turned around quickly. People started to circle Winter. Winter looked at them all and started to get nervous.
"You said this would all happen." A woman said.
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I controlled it!" Winter cried quickly. People whom circled Winter started to push him back and forth to others. Winter started to worry.
"Maybe we must sacrifice him or take his life to make our gods happy. And then our misfortune will be gone." A person suggested. Winter's eyes widened and he turned around.
"WHAT?!" Winter screamed.
"That's a reasonable idea, let's sacrifice him!" Another person cheered.
"IM JUST A KID!" Winter cried worriedly. People started grabbing him and pulling at him.
"17 is not a child's age." One person said. Winter scoffed.
"Fine, you guys want a bad guy? This town is gonna get erased off the face of the map." Winter said strictly. And that's what made everyone stop. They all backed off quickly.
"You wish death on us, you creed?!" One person cried. Winter looked at his arms. They were scratched up and bleeding now. Winter trembled.
"Of course not. I was just telling the future." Winter said quickly.
"Villain!" One person cried.
"Evil!" Another said.
"Bastard!" Someone else said. Winter looked down with a saddened face as he listened to the horrible insults he's given. Winter grabbed his bag.
"Just leave me then." Winter said strictly.
"Sacrifice." They all said. Winter flinched and looked up quickly. The people went to grab him. Winter's eyes widened.
"W-Wait—" Winter trembled.
"Yeah, hold on." Mizura called out. Winter heard the voice and flinched. He glanced up. Everyone turned to Mizura. They all smiled.
"Ah! Mizura! What do we do?!" People started crying out as they rushed to Mizura. Mizura looked at Winter.
"You can't sacrifice a person. That'll just send you all to treason since none of you have proof that lil Winter did this." Mizura explained, gesturing to the snow. Winter stared at Mizura. Everyone turned to Winter immediately. Winter squinted at Mizura.
"Then what do we do?" Someone asked. Mizura looked at that someone.
"Uhm, did you really just ask me that? You all should be going around helping people who are stuck in their homes under the snow instead of wasting your time blaming a person who probably didn't even do it." Mizura said calmly but strictly. Everyone understood and quickly left to do just that, leaving only Mizura and Winter. Winter was still squinting at Mizura.
"What do you want?" Winter asked strictly. Mizura grinned.
"Do I have to want something to help someone out?" Mizura asked.
"Uhm, yes when it comes to helping me out, Mr. Strategist." Winter said strictly. Mizura smiled.
"Oh, so you've heard of me." Mizura said.
"Oh, of course I've heard about you. People talk about you and your academic family all the time." Winter said strictly as he turned away.
"Hmm, likewise. I've heard about you quite a bit too." Mizura snickered. Winter slowly frowned and he glared at Mizura.
"Go to hell." Winter said.
"Is that foreseen?" Mizura asked. Winter grinned.
"Very much so." Winter said. Mizura snickered.
"Haha, I probably deserve so." Mizura said before he turned to his house. Winter frowned.
"You are no fun." Winter muttered.
"I could say the same for you." Mizura teased as he started to walk.
"Dick." Winter muttered. Mizura stopped for a moment after feeling curious. He turned to Winter.
"Say, how do you see the future?" Mizura asked. Winter turned to Mizura.
"Why you ask?" Winter asked. Mizura turned to Winter.
"I'm from an academic family. Curiosity runs around us." Mizura answered as he walked over to Winter. Winter stared at Mizura.
"Just your curiosity?" Winter asked. Mizura shook his head no.
"I also wanted to compare you to the castle wizards. They can see the future too through dreams during their sleep but they don't get that until they turn 18." Mizura explained. Winter looked at Mizura quickly.
"They see the future on schedule?" Winter ask quickly. Mizura nodded. Winter turned away quickly.
"So? How do you see the future?" Mizura asked. Winter looked at Mizura.
"I only see my future. I can see what will happen so I have time to prepare my ownself. It doesn't give me any future on others. Just myself. And it's just random." Winter explained. Mizura squinted at Winter.
"How'd the snow have to do with your future then?" Mizura asked for clarification. Winter stared at Mizura.
"Two days ago, I was sleeping on the streets right over there." Winter said calmly, pointing over to what used to be a street. But it was now a bunch of large debris such as large socks, trees, and ice. Mizura glanced over at it all.
"Then I saw the future of a large overnight snowstorm in two days so I left to find shelter and I did. So, it saved my life, as it has for the last 17 years." Winter exclaimed. Mizura smiled.
"So you ain't no monster. You are just a survivor." Mizura said. Winter stared at Mizura with his blank white eyes. Mizura glanced at Winter's eyes and then he saw a rainbow of colors glide over Winter's pale white eyes and disappear right afterwards. Winter then flinched and turned away. Mizura understood. Winter just saw the future. And that's what Mizura understood.
"Alright... well, im-" Mizura held out his hand as he started to introduce himself.
"Mizura. I know." Winter said as he glanced at Mizura. Mizura smiled.
"Ok, ok Mr Seer. What am I gonna say next?" Mizura asked. Winter shrugged.
"I don't know?" Winter questioned. Mizura smiled and finished holding his hand out.
"Let's be friends." Mizura said. Winter stared at Mizura.
"No." Winter said. Mizura flinched and he felt embarrassed.
"What? Come one, why?" Mizura complained. Winter crossed his arms.
"Because the last friend I ever had used me for my abilities. And you seem awfully interested in my abilities so who says you won't do that same." Winter answered. Mizura scoffed.
"Oh no! You got me! I was sooo gonna use you for your abilities that even you can't control." Mizura said sarcastically. Winter glared at Mizura. Mizura sighed.
"What am I gonna do with seeing your future?" Mizura asked like a smartass. Winter blinked.
"You— what abilities do you think I have exactly?" Winter asked. Mizura shrugged.
"I've only ever heard about your future seeing." Mizura said. Winter stared at Mizura and saw an opportunity. He looked down.
"Fine... we can be friends." Winter mumbled. Mizura smiled.
"Yes!" Mizura cheered. Winter stared at Mizura.
"Weirdo." Winter said. Mizura snickered and nudged Winter.
"And I'm now your friend." Mizura snickered. Winter rolled his eyes.

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