Chapter 35 - Winter Vs. Micheal

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At the same moment... Gem, Micheal, and Arlo went into Avery's office concerned.
"Avery." Gem said. Avery glanced up from her papers and looked at Gem.
"Yes?" Avery asked.
"Who's been here?" Arlo asked. Avery blinked and looked up.
"Huh?" Avery questioned.
"We've felt a large disturbance in the barrier. Did someone of... magical abilities enter the castle?" Gem asked worriedly.
"Mm... I wouldn't know. Lane's son Mizura wanted to let his lover stay here. Maybe it's him? He isn't a dragon or anything. He looked human." Avery explained calmly.
"My queen, this disturbance was very powerful one. I... felt weak towards this power." Micheal said quickly. Avery flinched. She stood up and looked at Micheal.
"He's a human?" Gem asked.
"That's what he looked like. But he was white. So maybe he's an angel pretending as a human." Megan assumed.
"He was white?" Micheal asked.
"Yeah. White hair, white skin, white eyes, white lips. Everything." Avery explained. Micheal stared at Avery then he glanced at Megan.
"Aren't you well enough to feel the aura?" Micheal asked
"I thought I was. But this guy had no aura so I just thought I lost that sense." Megan shrugged. Micheal blinked.
"I want to meet this man." Micheal declared. Royal and River stared at Micheal nervously. Royal looked at the map of the castle next to the door. He stared at it for a moment and then he poked a room. He then rung a bell.
"They'll be here in a moment then." Royal said. Micheal had his suspicions. He snapped his fingers and a book appeared. He quickly sat down and skimmed. Gem and Arlo looked at Micheal. A couple minutes later, Mizura led the way back to the office holding Winter's hand. They knocked and Royal opened the door. That's when Micheal felt it. His eyes widened and he stood up quickly, making the book drop. Arlo and Gem felt it too. They looked over at the door. Mizura and Winter walked in and stopped. Arlo, Gem, and Micheal stepped away nervously.
"You rang?" Mizura questioned.
"Ah... Sir Micheal wanted to meet your lover." Avery said. Mizura looked at Micheal nervously.
"Sir Micheal, this is my lover Winter Frost. Winter, this is the castle guardian and wizard Micheal Mel." Mizura introduced. Winter held his hand out.
"Nice to meet you, Sir Micheal." Winter said with a calm voice. But when Winter did that with his hand, Micheal stepped away immediately. He felt a threat, an uncanny threat. Then Winter put his hand down. Micheal tried to read Winter's mind but it was as if Winter locked his head out so no one could read it.
"What are you?" Micheal asked immediately. Winter tilted his head down and he glanced at Mizura. Mizura didn't want to lie but he didn't want Winter to be uncomfortable.
"Ah... he's human." Mizura answered.
"He most certainly is not." Micheal said immediately. Mizura flinched. He looked at Winter. Winter stared at Micheal. And then Micheal froze. He watched the rainbow go across his eyes. Micheal started to shake and he fell to the ground to grab his book. He went to reach for it but then Winter wiggled his fingers. The book closed and slid right out the office door. Micheal flinched. Avery and Megan stood up quickly and nervously.
"Is this how it'll always be?" Winter asked softly as he looked at Mizura. Mizura had a frown on his face.
"I don't know." Mizura mumbled.
"It doesn't have too. We are accepting to anyone. We just want to make sure you have only good intentions towards the kingdom and the royals and civilians inside." Avery explained quickly. Winter glanced at Avery and then he sighed.
"I assure you, he has no bad intentions at all. He just wants a bedroom." Mizura said. Avery blinked.
"A bedroom?" Avery questioned.
"No one likes me. They all want to sacrifice me to the gods so that it'll stop snowing. I ain't ever had a bedroom before." Winter explained. Avery flinched.
"What?..." Avery mumbled.
"I don't see how that's wrong? I mean, you give off an aura like that, it's bound to make people scared." Arlo blurted. Gem slapped him silent. Arlo flinched.
"What aura...?" Mizura questioned. Winter frowned and looked at Micheal.
"All three of you are wizards?" Winter questioned. Micheal frowned and he nodded slowly as he stood up.
"Odd... I thought you three were just normal humans." Winter said awkwardly.
"Can't feel our aura or something?" Arlo questioned
"No, I just don't have a reason to feel such small and weak auras." Winter answered. Arlo, Gem, and Micheal grew scared again.
"I want to speak with you privately." Micheal pleaded. Winter frowned and held Mizura's hand.

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