Chapter 41 - Berry x Jordan (Wedding)

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   One week later: The sunset came up and the shining hit Jordan's face. Jordan squeezed his eyes shut and he opened them. He set up and slowly got up as he was half asleep. He walked over to the window and shut the curtains. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at Berry. Berry was still sound asleep, or maybe? Jordan walked over to the bed and leaned over Berry. He kissed his cheek.
"I know you are awake." Jordan whispered. Berry's eyes opened and he turned to Jordan.
"I was enjoying my rest." Berry said.
"Looking at me?" Jordan asked.
"Possibly." Berry said. Jordan grinned and he touched Berry's chin. He leaned over and kissed him. Berry returned the kiss and then Jordan pulled away. He held up two fingers
"Two more days." Jordan said. Berry smiled.
"Finally." Berry snickered. Jordan chuckled.
"I gotta go to the clinic. I'll come see you at the castle later." Jordan said as he stood up straight and walked to the closet.
"I am shadowing today." Berry said as he sat up. Jordan thought about it then turned to Berry.
"Then I'll see you tonight." Jordan questioned. Berry nodded. Jordan sighed.
"Alright." Jordan said with a long pouting voice. Berry smiled.
"You act like a baby." Berry said. Jordan grabbed his clothes and turned to Berry.
"Today is our last work day for the next three weeks. I've got an idea." Jordan grinned. Berry squinted at Jordan.
"Mhm..." Berry mumbled. Jordan smiled and changed his clothes into his work clothes. As he did that, Berry made their bed and got dressed. Jordan grabbed his glasses and put them on as he checked his watch.
"Shit." Jordan said before he rushed to the nightstand. Berry was changed and was fixing his hair.
"Babe! I gotta run." Jordan called out as he grabbed his books and his jacket. He rushed to the room where Berry was. Berry finished his hair and looked at Jordan. Jordan put his books and a notepad into a carry bag quickly. Berry walked over to him.
"Teddy is gonna beat my ass." Jordan said. Berry crossed his arms and looked at Jordan. Jordan turned to Berry. And then Berry kissed Jordan. Jordan blushed and returned the kiss. He took Berry's waist and held him gently. Then they pulled away.
"Have a good day." Berry said. Jordan smiled.
"You have a good day, too." Jordan said. Berry smiled and nodded. And then Jordan left with his carry bag.

The next day was a blur. Jordan and Berry didn't get to see each other for practically the whole day because it was the set up for the wedding. It was only that morning they really got to see or speak to each other. Otherwise... they weren't gonna see each other until they met at the beginning of the isle. Jordan helped bring in a couple bunches of flowers and put them out on tables in vases. Berry was dragged in at the same time finally, after several hours. It was 5 that evening now.
"You get to look over everything." Xin cheered, looking around the building which the after party would commence. Berry rubbed his head in annoyance.
"I'd rather be working then doing this shit." Berry complained. Jordan glanced over at Berry and he grinned. He took on single flower from the bunches he had carried in and he went around. He grabbed a microphone from the front.
"Ehem! May I have my future husbands attention!" Jordan cheered out. Everyone in the building looked at Jordan, including Berry. Berry smiled and waved to Jordan slowly. Jordan smiled.
"Now now, we are all tired but we should all have smiles on our faces. Including you, darling. You'll be marrying this smiling face tomorrow." Jordan laughed as he pointed at himself. Berry looked down and laughed. Jordan smiled and put the mic down. Then he rushed over to Berry with the singular flower before he held it out.
"For you." Jordan said. Berry blushed and took the flower.
"You are stupid." Berry said. Jordan smiled and took Berry's waist.
"If I wasn't, we would've never met." Jordan said. Berry put his arms around Jordan's neck.
"True to that." Berry said. They both laughed before they kissed each other. When they pulled away, they pressed foreheads together.
"Feels like I haven't seen you for a century." Jordan said.
"Exactly, and to help burst your bubble, this is the last time you'll see him until tomorrows isle." Xin snickered. Jordan and Berry looked at Xin.
"So long." Jordan said.
"Makes it suspenseful." Cwen said as he walked in with a box of several wines.
"It's bachelors night. And we are stealing Berry away. We gonna go fuck with some kids, kill some people, and taste some wine." Aster said with a grin as he walked in after Cwen.
"We aren't fucking with any kids and we are not killing anyone." Ming said as he walked in after Aster. Jordan looked at Berry.
"Then ima sleep in our bed alone." Jordan pouted.
"Nah, we've got our own party to commit too." Haru said as he stood up from a chair.
"And you are gonna love it." Jadah said. Jordan sighed. Berry shrugged.
"Alright, we checked it out. We are gonna go now so do your final kissing thing and we'll be off." Xin said as he started for the door. Jordan smiled and leaned forward.
"I'll see you later." Jordan whispered. Berry rose an eyebrow and then they kissed. And then they parted ways.

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