Chapter 8 - Jacob x Charlie + Family

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   In the wolf realm...
The castle was wild. Eleven children ranging from 13 to 18 WHOM were royalty lived in the castle. The kings of the realm, Caleb and Melio, both adopted one child of each species of wolf. One, to care for them. And two, to show the realm that every wolf is safe in the realm as well as accepted by royalty. This also included a Snow wolf and Alphian wolf. And then there is Caleb's little brothers Carson and Carter. Carson and his lover Joshua adopted two boys, Wayd whom is 16 and Jacob whom is 18. Carter and his husband Xian adopted a young girl named Carol whom is 15 now. And then of the castle residents now being royalty through marriage, Joshua's sister Leah and her lover Cherry have a daughter of their own named Kara and she is 13. Now, the introduction to Caleb and Melio's seven children. Their oldest child is Micah, a Feya Wolf, and he is 16 now. Then it's Austin, a Snow Wolf, and he is 15. Also 15, their son Henry and he is a Grey Wolf. Next is Bailey, a Black Wolf, and she is 14. Also 14 is Nathan and he is a Tree Wolf. Then there is Crystal, an Alphian Wolf, and she is 13. And finally, the youngest by only two months, also 13 is Elizabeth and she is a Maroon Wolf. But this is Jacob's story because he came of age first.

   "Jacob!! Jacob!" Wayd screamed as he pounded on his bedroom door. Jacob groaned and he covered his head with his pillow. Wayd stopped and stood there. He turned to his left. Micah and Henry were standing there. Wayd turned to his right. Joshua and Melio stood there.
"Is he that upset?" Henry asked. Micah looked at Henry.
"Henry, there's a test we all take once we come of age 18. If we pass the test, we can be princes or princesses. But if you fail, you are known as the fallen prince or princess." Micah explained casually.
"So— Jacob is a fallen prince because he failed?" Henry questioned. Joshua frowned and he quickly moved Wayd out of the way.
"Jacob, come on! Open up!" Joshua said demandingly but understandingly. Jacob sighed as he sat up. He looked upset. He looked at his door and stared at it. Joshua knocked again.
"Jacob. Come one." Joshua spoke calmly. Jacob stood up and wobbled over to the door. He had been in bed the whole time yet he looked like he was cleaned up already, besides for the pajamas. He unlocked the door and opened it, immediately glaring his his family. Joshua frowned.
"Jacob, let's go get lunch. You've been in your room for the last week and you barely have gone out." Joshua said worriedly.
"I want to kill myself." Jacob said. Joshua flinched.
"I-" Joshua went to speak.
"If I walk out of my room, EVERYONE will look at me like I need pity. The staff are info spreaders, so if I step one foot outside the castle, everyone will look at me like I'm a failure. And I chose neither." Jacob said angrily. Joshua looked down.
"I know. I'm sorry." Joshua said softly. Jacob then shut his door. Joshua looked up and he looked worried. He turned to Wayd quickly though. All of them did.
"Don't tell your father." Joshua said strictly. Wayd blinked a couple times and then he snickered. Joshua glared at Wayd and quickly went to grab him but then Wayd rushed off.
"Fuck." Joshua said. Melio frowned.
"Carter and Carson both spoke to Caleb about letting him retake it. Caleb said he could but it wouldn't change anything even if he passed." Melio spoke. Joshua stared at the ground.
"We both know Jacob is strong. The realm is more accepting now. I mean— history says that King Trevor and Prince Ace failed that test yet they we both very respected." Joshua explained. Melio nodded.
"He'll figure it out." Melio said. Joshua nodded. Melio smiled and looked at his. Two sons.
"Micah, Henry. Let's go to lunch." Melio said. Micah and Henry both went to the dining room with Melio. Joshua looked at Jacob's door and he sighed. He knocked twice. Jacob was just on the other side of the door. He'd listened to all of it.
"Jacob, your family loves you. You do t need to feel afraid of how they see you. They'll always see you as family." Joshua spoke out. Jacob frowned. And then Joshua left.

   Everyone sat at the dining table. The amount of people at the table is a large amount now, compared to how it was when Caleb, Carter, and Carson grew up. Melio stood waiting for Caleb to come down. Cherry walked down with Leah and they stood at their chairs. They heard feel walk down and they all assumed it was Caleb until they saw Jacob walk down.
"Jacob!" Bailey and Nathan yelled happily. Joshua smiled and looked at Carson. Carson was looking at Jacob worriedly. Jacob walked over and stood next to Carson. Carson and Joshua looked at Jacob.
"How are you?" Carson asked. Jacob looked at Carson.
"Just great." Jacob said sarcastically. And then there were steps. Caleb walked down the stairs. He saw his family and smiled.
"Good afternoon." Caleb said. And everyone sat down. Caleb walked over and Melio kissed his forehead. And then they sat down together.
"How are we all?" Caleb asked as he grabbed his fork to eat. He looked at his family.
"We are fine, Caleb. How about you?" Carter spoke out. Caleb smiled.
"Very fine." Caleb said, looking at Melio. Melio smiled. Caleb turned back and he went to look at Carson. But he saw Jacob. Everyone started to converse with other people.
"How are you, Jacob?" Caleb spoke. And then everyone went silent again. They all looked at Caleb then to Jacob. Jacob was picking at his food. He glanced up at Caleb.
"Great." Jacob said. Caleb frowned.
"Don't be so sarcastic." Carson said. Jacob looked down. Caleb sighed.
"Me, your father, and your other uncle all took that test. As well as your other uncles out in the world. As well as Arthur. And so did your grandparents. We all know the stress. And some of us know how it feels to fail. But they were perfectly fine." Caleb explained. Jacob looked up at Caleb.
"Just study your ass off and retake it." Carter snickered. Xian hit Carter's arm. Jacob nodded.
"If you are feeling up to it, me, Henry, and Micah are going to the village to see Charlie. You should come. He misses you." Wayd said kindly. Carson smiled and looked at Jacob.
"That sounds like fun." Carson said.
"And see his face when he knows I've failed? No thanks." Jacob said. Wayd frowned and then he looked at Joshua. Joshua winked his eye. Wayd smiled.
"I guess I'll just have to bring him here." Wayd teased.
"Yay!! We get to see Charlie!" Bailey cheered.
"Yup, ima kill myself now." Jacob said.
"Why hang out with Charlie in the first place? He only hangs out with us is Jacob is around." Kara exclaimed. Jacob glanced up at Kara.
"That's because he likes~ you!" Elizabeth teased. Jacob looked down.
"Please, Jacob. It'll be good for you!" Wayd pleaded, leaning over the table. Joshua went to wack Wayd on the head with his spoon.
"Fine." Jacob muttered. Joshua and Carson smiled. Wayd squealed in success as he slide down the his chair.

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