chap. two

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i didn't struggle or fight it because i already knew the procedure. 

stay put, don't fight and be obedient. 

that way, i'll avoid any trouble with these people.

the drive to the warehouse was really long and i fell asleep on the way. 

i couldn't help it. i always fall asleep on car drives.

i was shoved into a cage along with four other girls and two men. they looked scared. i sat down on the ground and looked at them.

"what's your name, newbie?" one of the boys asked. he was a black man and he looked to be in his early twenties.

"marielle," i responded, "what's yours?"

"desmond." he responded, "i was the first to get here and then marianna, lilith, pinky, hannah and jay followed suite," desmond said as he pointed to the corresponding persons as he said the names of them. 

i nodded and i looked at them. they were still in their day's clothes and i figured that i didn't look any better.

as hours went by, more and more people started to get thrown inside the cage and the other around us. it got louder and louder and louder and everything started to ring. i brought my knees to my chest and rested my head against my knees, hoping that this was all a dream.

i sighed and before i knew it, my eyes were closed and i fell asleep in the loud protesting.

a bucket of water was thrown on me and i gasped loudly as my eyes snapped open.

"what the fuck?" i snapped at the blonde who stood above me. she chewed the bubblegum as she stared down at me.

"get up, doll. it's your turn."

"my turn to wha-" i looked around and realized that everybody else was already gone. the blonde pulled me up and i let her lead me out of the cages and into a room where powder and make up products were scattered all over the room.

i was pushed into one of the chairs and the blonde clapped.

some members came in and immediately, they got to work.

they were cutting my hair!

my beautiful hair!

i tried to pull away but was failing as one of them tightened their grip on my face.

a blow dryer was shoved in my head as i got dried. 

my 'make-up' was done and then they left and two others came in the room, one bringing a brief case and the other, nothing. the brief case was opened and then a scissors was pulled out. my blouse was cut off of me and so was my bra. i tried to pull away but i couldn't. their grip was fucking tight. 

i sighed and sat as i let them do their thing.

there was no use in fighting anyways.

these people overpowered me.

it only took five minutes to get me ready and dressed. 

the blonde that brought me in licked her lips as she stared at me.

"i might have to keep you to myself." she said and ran her fingers through my hair. i glared at her and she smiled.

"marcella, lets go!" a man said as he poked his head through the curtains. 

'marcella' grinned and motioned for me to move in front of her. i did as told and the man took over where he grabbed harshly.

"up next, our final female! marielle hollis!" a man yelled and i was pushed onto the stage, "brunette, 5'6, brown eyes, cupid's bow lips and a fucking fine ass." he bit his lip as he smacked my ass. i felt disgusted. "let the bidding begin!"






the crowd was silent for a while as i stood on spot. 

i played with my fingers and held my head down. there was about one hundred people in the crowd, 150 max. i couldn't look up. too many eyes. 

the fact that this goes on every year is sickening and stomach-twisting. 

"200k?" the man with the mic said, "going once, going twice." he looked at me, "going thri-"


i looked at the person who spoke up and i saw that it was a female. she lit the cigar in her hand and took a puff. most people turned to look at her too. 

"oh, miss gibbens." the man with the mic said and my eyes widened.


no, no, no.

i heard how ruthless their mafia was.

"600k." someone else spat and i looked at the person and saw that it was a man, the same man who said 200k. he was glaring at miss gibbens with the nastiest look ever.

"700k." miss gibbens said as she took another puff from her cigar.

"900." the same male said.

"ooh, looks like we got some competition." 



miss gibbens clicked her tongue against her teeth and sighed in annoyance.

"2 million fucking dollars, robert." 

'robert's' eyes went wide and he lowered his head in defeat. 

"looks like we have a dealer!" the man with the mic said, "you can collect her at the back, at the pickup area, miss gibbens."

i was grabbed roughly by a buff man and lifted. i yelled at him to put me down but all he did was slapped my butt harshly. tears pooled in my eyes and was thrown over his shoulders and brought out of the place and towards the back. 

at the 'back', i saw miss gibbens waiting. when she saw us, she put out her cigar by stepping on it and gives the man a cold look. 

"leave her there." she nodded to the spot where the man sat and he placed me down. 

he nodded in respect to miss gibbens. 

the man left and i felt her eyes peered on me.

"you look like a whore who just got gangbanged by 7 men."

why thank you very much. you are so funny. 

and the funniest thing is, im not even interested in men. 

i wanted to give her a response so bad but for my sake, i didn't. 

she opened the car door and motioned for me to get in. i climbed in the car and wrapped my arms around my body. i was nervous. i was in the car of a killer. who knows what could happen to me? 

was this my new life?

what about my nan?

miss gibbens got in the car and started the engine. she reversed out of the parking lot and onto the main road. 

within 30 minutes of unbearable silence, miss gibbens spoke up.

"you know, you can relax, marielle." she said in that nice voice of hers, "i wont hurt you."

i still didn't look at her.

sure you won't. 

"i took you out of there for the better, marielle. you won't believe my word because of the history of the name gibbens but trust me." i could hear the sincerity in her voice and i almost believed her.


they're all liars. 

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