chap. twelve

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lorena gibbens


i glared daggers into beyonce's back as she walked off with marielle. despite how often beyonce and i fucked, she was like that annoying little best friend.

i walked back into the area to socialize some more before my social battery died and i started snapping at everyone. i smiled at someone who waved at me and walked towards the poker table.

i pulled a chair out and sat down, cracking my knuckles.

i am ready to rob some motherfuckers.


a few days have passed and it was the usual— marielle coming and going from my room, cleaning, eating, repeating.

i have taken a liking to the girl, i won't deny it.

she's very neat and quiet. she's always on time and always notifies me if she's gonna be late or if something comes up. i admired a lot of things about her, like for one, her black, wavy hair. the way how she always leaves it messy was something that drew me in. she didn't have to try to look pretty. effortlessly, she took my breath away.

"holy fucking hell!" she screamed out and i rushed towards her aid as she hopped back and forth on the spot.

my eyes furrowed when i saw the huge gash on the top of her foot.

i got closer to her and sat her down.

the blood oozed out of the wound rapidly and i got the first aid kit. i sat her down on the couch and cleansed the blood from the wound that was seeping out fastly. even whilst cleaning it, it still kept bleeding. i made one last wipe and then placed one of the huge gauze pads on it and she whined in pain.

"it hurts," she pouted.

"how'd that happen?" i asked her after minutes of dressing the wound.

she pointed towards the knife that was on the floor.

"while cleaning up someone's mess, the knife slipped and chipped my foot."

"clearly that was more than a chip." i said and sat down on the floor in front of the couch.

marielle looked at her foot.

"work is done for the day," i added, "i can't have you working on that." i said.

"im fine, miss—"

i glared at her and she shut up.

"don't make me repeat myself."

she nodded and looked down at her foot.

"try standing on it." i told her and she placed her good foot on the ground and then the bad one. her leg wobbled a bit and i put her foot, silently telling her to sit.

"i'll get you to your chambers. for now, rest up." i said and got up from the ground. i cleaned up the space and put the first aid kit where it was previously and looked at marielle.

"do you want anything to eat?"

she shook her head.

must i remind her that i like verbal answers?

"no, ma'am." good girl.

i hummed and went to my office and saved my work and then closed down the laptop and headed back to the room.

marielle looked at me with her innocent brown eyes and i could find myself getting lost in them. they're like a chocolate brown, the type that'd get lighter underneath light rays.

i grabbed the mop from the bathroom and wiped up the blood and took up the knife and put everything back in place. i finished doing the cleaning whilst she sat upright on the couch, watching me.

i can clean up after myself. it's just that sometimes i don't find the time to do it so i have workers to do it for me.

"will i ever get paid working for you?" she asked out of the blue and i looked at her.

her eyes lowered when mine met hers.

"if you need the money then yes, you'll get it and i know you're not in any debts or anything of such." i answered her.

"im not but," she paused, "my grandmother," she finished, "she's all alone and i'd normally work a job that i would use to pay for her groceries, light bills, water bills, etcetera. i wouldn't want to leave her stranded, you know, miss gibbens. she's all i have and im all she has."

i nodded in understanding.

i knew of her grandmother.

"how much monthly for the bills?"

"$250 in total, miss."


"because it was the both of us, $323 but because it's only her im not sure."

"and your work would pay for all of that?"
she nodded.

"i had three jobs. one as a worker in walmart where i pack bags and stuff, id get tips and you know. another where i would do side jobs like work for people, tutor their child in school work, cleanup for them and the other would be a baker. i baked pastries and i would sell them from home."

i nodded my head.

shes hardworking and she'll do anything to help her grandmother.

makes her even more attractive.

"i'll get $1000 to your grandmother monthly and i'll have one of my men pay the bills and stuff for her." i told marielle.

marielle smiled.

"thank you, miss gibbens."

"lorena is fine."

"lorena," she kept the smile on her face.

that innocent smile and those brown eyes.

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