chap. tw. six

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victoria smirked when she saw me and folded her arms. i looked at her weirdly. 

"someone had a good time?"

"what are you on about?" she's on the second floor, there's no way she could've heard from down there. 

"i was coming up to check on you and then guess what i heard?" victoria winked and i rolled my eyes.

"sex is normal. you're acting like it's something you're not used to." i giggled.

"trust me, im not used to it."

i grinned.

"so how was it?"

"mind blowing," i did an expression with my hand and she raised her eyebrows.

"who topped?"

"i did." i said, "well we both did but i had control."


"yesss. i went down on her first and dude, hear me out." i moved closer to her, "her moans are so sexy and she just sounds so—" i groaned, just remembering how she sounded.

victoria grinned widely.

"someone's in love with the pussy."

"i might as well be in love with her, jesus." we sat down around the island. the workers who were on duty this morning made us breakfast and slipped a dish of food in front of us.


"girl, hush. its never too soon to fall in love with someone." i said and she shrugged.

"depends on what you call soon, mar."

"whatever." i munched on the bacon. the others joined in soon with us and we all ate breakfast like a big group of sisters before all of us had to part ways.

"so, marielle," i hummed and looked up at iris. she looked away nervously, "have you asked miss gibbens about letting us have a day out in town?"

"no." i responded, "and i don't plan on doing so."

"why not?" she whined.

i didn't answer to her as i finished up my breakfast. i handed the plate to simone and she smiled and washed it up. i waited for victoria and she was soon finished. we both had today off so we were planning on spending it together.

victoria and i headed outside, the warm sun hitting our skin. we walked towards the orange orchard and headed inside the area. we sat down on one of the many benches that was in the orchard and i leaned my head back against the bench, taking a deep breath.

orange trees surrounded us, some blossoming and some already ripe with fruit. the wind blew softly against our skin and i took another deep breath, inhaling my surroundings. oranges.

i love oranges.

after a while of silence, victoria spoke up.

"there's someone that ive been eyeing for the longest while."

"ooh," i turned to her in interest and she blushed.

"its aiden. he's a guard that i do duties for. id bring him lunch, water and any little thing that he needs " victoria spoke, "he's so fineeee. he has an undercut and really tall hair, there are slits in his left eyebrow and oh my god. it just makes him 100× hotter." reminds me of lorena. "i just want him to lay on my chest while i play with his hair." she sighed dreamily and i laughed.

"how long have you been working for him?"

"four months."

"and when did the crush develop?"

"three months ago."

i nodded slowly.

"what is your bond like with him?"

"its really good. we can crack jokes and he doesn't treat me like a maid, you know? he treats me like a friend, a good friend and he makes me feel... happy."

i smiled and victoria blushed.

"what are you waiting for to make your move?"

"what if he doesn't like me?"

"if he doesn't, then give him time."

"what if he doesn't want time and just removes me as his personal server?" she pouted and i giggled a bit.

"i mean it is possible—"

"not helping, marielle " victoria rolled her eyes and i laughed.

"just follow your heart."


so about the smut—

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