chap fo. one

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beyonce and i headed towards lorena's room. on the way, we fell in a peaceful silence.

what was i supposed to expect from lorena when i see her?

an apology?

rejection in her eyes?

sydney in her room?

i knew she was still here because i've been seeing her around. she was supposed to leave a few days ago. i wonder why she hasn't departed as yet.

is lorena accommodating her?

what if-

shut up.

"we're here." beyonce said in a sing-song voice.

i gave her a small smile.

i was nervous.

i cracked my knuckles as we headed towards her room door.

"hey, it's okay."

"is it though?"

beyonce shrugged.

"she misses you. i know it."

i didn't respond and beyonce opened her room door. she walked in and i stood outside, not wanting to entire as yet. i didn't glance into the room or look up, nothing. i just kept my head down.

it was silent for a short period of time and i was getting even more nervous.

deciding to look up and enter the room, i collided with beyonce's back and i muttered an 'ouch' and looked around her.


my heart stopped beating for a moment and i could swear i feel my heart drop to my vagina.

my eyes made contact with sydney's as she looked at the both of us with a pickachu face. she was wearing a dark blue laced bra and her breasts spilled out.

ha, i wish i had such big boobs.

i looked at lorena and what i saw made my blood boil. her eyes were closed, as if she was sleeping, she was fully clothed, her chest moving gently which confirmed that she is sleeping.

"what were you doing?" i asked sydney in a low voice.

"uhh, t-tucking her in. as you can s-see, we just engaged in an intimate moment." i saw her visibly gulp.

i examined her and our surroundings. on the bedside table stood a wine glass with red wine, a single glass, Lorena's phone and wallet and pills in a ziplock bag.

"when i entered, she was all up on lorena while she was... unconscious." beyonce said as she stared at sydney with a disgusted look.

i stepped towards sydney and she got out of the bed and we stood face to face.

she didn't utter a word to me but i made the first move in starting a conversation.

my palm met her cheek harshly and her head snapped to the left. i grabbed her cheeks roughly singlehanded and punched her in the nose, breaking it. sydney cried out and i released her cheeks and punched her in her face again.

"you're fucking disgusting." i hissed at her. "the fact that she's sleeping and you're engaging in sexual acts with her is fucking inhumane." (don't include somnophilia in this case. this is different)

"gbh. she was drugged." (gbh is gamme hydroxybutyrate. it is a sex drug, aka rape drug, date-rape or smth and ykw they use those to do- take advantage of peopleeee)

that made me punch her again and upon impact, she fell to the ground and clutched her face, sobbing.

"i'm sorry. i-i-" i didn't let her finish her sentence as i kicked her in her stomach.

"what kind of person do that?" i yelled at her. "are you fucking sick, bitch? you couldn't just take the rejection and back off?"

i stepped in her head a few times, her head smashing harshly on the ground each time i did.

there was a lot of blood surrounding her head and i could hardly see her face. she was alive though- barely.

"i'm going to fucking kill you." i was about to lower my foot again but i was lifted away from her.

i yelled at beyonce to put me down.

"shh." she shushed me and angry tears started to fall from my eyes. "look after lorena, i'll deal with sydney."

i breathed harshly as i glared down at it on the ground.

"I'm going to put you down. don't do anything stupid." beverly said slowly and slowly rested me on the ground.

i spat at it and headed around the bed towards Lorena.

"what should i do?"

"wake her up, give her some milk and then make sure you have something at hand for her to puke in. the milk is gonna make her vomit. she'll have cloudy memories but just give her some time and some water." beyonce informed me. "if she doesn't wakes up then just slap her hard or that just means she's dead."

i glared at beyonce and she grinned.

"i'll come back in a few minutes." i hummed and went to her fridge as beyonce dragged sydney out of the room by her arms.

oh, god.

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