chap. four

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it has been four days since ive gotten here and i haven't gotten a permanent task. i've just been the little help if someone needs an extra hand. i haven't seen miss gibbens ever since i got here. 

victoria and i have gotten closer and turns out, she's really nice, along with holiday, 

iris was a druggie. she does drugs a lot. smokes on her breaks, sniffs cocaine, meth and some other substances i couldn't catch the name of. she's not supposed to be doing it but those of who works in the maid quarters knows and doesn't says anything. i think if she got caught it wouldn't be a bad thing but she should've asked for permission.

"monica is coming," one of the maids who stayed in the quarters announced as she ran into the kitchen.

everyone started being more energetic and the chatting was put to a hold. a minute later, monica entered the kitchen. her eyes landed on me and she narrowed them.

"come with me, hollis."

i did as told, walking behind her, making sure that i was not too close. the girls have involved me on the rules that monica had for them and i had to follow, too, even though they were very stupid and controlling.

"miss gibbens wants to see you." she said, "she's on the fourth floor, currently, and she doesn't likes waiting." 

i nodded.

"thank you, miss." i said and headed down to the elevator.

i wonder why she'd want me.

is it to finally give me that job that i should've gotten a long time ago?

i was a tad bit excited because monica doesn't stops picking on me and now that i would be assigned to something, she would maybe stop. right?

the elevator tinged and i looked at the hall.

"where am i even supposed to find her?" i muttered.

i sighed and started walking. i listened for chattering and didn't hear anything. 

i pouted in defeat.

just then, i saw a man exit a room and i hollered after him. he looked at me in confusion and i ran towards him.

"hi. i'm a... maid here and im looking for miss gibbens. she requested my presence a few minutes ago and i wasn't really given much information as to where she was." i told the man.

he looked at me.

"you don't look like a maid. where's your apron? you don't even smell like cleaning agents."

i scoffed and folded my arms.

"im sorry, i wasn't aware that maids were supposed to smell and look a certain way."

the man frowned.

"my apologies, miss. i was just confused."

"richard, why isn't my door closed as yet?" i heard  a voice from inside the room asked.

richard pushed his head through the half opened door and said, "i have someone out here saying you requested them, ma'am?"

"a female?"

"yes, donna." 

"let her in."

richard opened the door wider and stepped aside as i entered the room.

"close the door."

richard did so and miss gibbens looked at me.

holy fu-

she looks sexy as hell.

she's wearing a dark red v-neck top, with long sleeves that almost seemed bodycon. it clung onto her skin, her breasts spilling out of her top with her elbows perched on the table. she rested her face in the middle of her palms and looked at me.

"come, sit." 

i'm sat.

i sat down in the soft, comfortable chair that sat in front of the brown sprayed desk. i averted my eyes from her chest and looked in her eyes. 

shit, they were pretty.

her eyes i mean-

"i have a task for you." miss gibbens said and i nodded, trying not to look at her chest. she leaned up and opened her drawer and took out a paper and handed it to me.

i took it and looked at it.

"you'll be the one who cleans my room, office and my floor."  

her floor? 

her floor?

that must have a thousand rooms, oh my god.

"i mostly use just my office and my room so you wont have a lot to do. the other rooms are unused and you'll be notified if they're in use so you wont have to check everyday if they've been tainted." miss gibbens inform me, "are you fine with what you've been assigned with?"

"yes, ma'am."

miss gibbens smiles in satisfaction and leaned back in her chair.

"now, miss hollis. i haven't quite introduced myself to you since we've met." she said and gives me a beautiful smile, "my name is lorena gibbens and im the head of the gibbens family and mafia. nice to meet you."

lorena gibbens.


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